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AI Engineer, Tech Geek, and a Passionate Programmer!

Hi, I'm MageshAI Engineer Focused on building real-time AI solutions.

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Current Role: Senior AI Consultant @AstraZeneca - AI/NLP/MLOps for research in Pharmaceutical Industry

Machine Learning Engineer - NLP, Data Infra for Tourism Metasearch

AI Engineer @Concord - NLP, Computer Vision for Document Intelligence

Computer Vision Engineer @WIPRO - ADAS L3

ML Engineer @WIPRO - Fullstack Datascience

AI Solutions:

Tourism Industry:

NLP: Multi-lingual Sentiment Analysis on Tourism Data

NLP: Semantic Similarity / Search on Tourism Data

NLP: Machine Translation

CV: User Demographics Analysis(Age, Gender)

Document Intelligence Solutions:

NLP: NER and Text Classification on Scanned Healthcare Documents

CV: Layout Analysis, OCR and Table Extraction from Scanned Documents

ADAS Solutions:

CV: Object Detection, Lane Segmentation, Traffic Sign Recognition


Deep Learning || NLP || MLOps || Computer Vision || Datascience

ETL || PySpark

Pytorch || Tensorflow || Transformers || spaCy || OpenCV

Serverless || Airflow || Docker || Microservices || Kubernetes

AWS || Azure || GCP

Familiar AI Tasks:

Natural Language Processing:

Named Entity Recognition

Semantic Search

Machine Translation

Text Classification

Computer Vision:

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)


Object Detection

Image Classification

Love To:

CODE, Read Books

Understand Human Brain, Psychology

Build Products

Open-source Tech Hacks

Read & write TECH BLOGS

AI Blogs:

Artificial Intelligence and the evolution of Homo Deus --Insights on How AI is impacting billions of Lives today

How businesses use AI to thrive in the digital economy --A Comprehensive survey on business use cases of AI and how AI is impacting lives of billions

How far are we from replicating the Human Brain into a Computer? --Introduction to astounding facts about the Human Brain and comparing them with recent advancements in AI

CV Blogs:

Everything You Need to Know About Image Segmentation --A Comprehensive survey on Image Segmentation

Semantic Segmentation using DeepLabV3


Scene Text Detection In Python with EAST and CRAFT

Improving OCR Accuracy with Image preprocessing

NLP Blogs:

Topic Modeling: Art of Storytelling in NLP --Survey on Topic Modeling LSA, pLSA, LDA with implementation in python

Multi-label text classification --Survey on Multi-label text classification, with detailed explanation and implementation of various Machine algorithms, problem transformation and evalution metrics
