mageddo / fabioesposito

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fabio ".README"

When working with me, please note:

  • I will try my best to make your life easier and support you on any matter.
  • I prefer precise, simple, direct, straight to the point communication. Discussions should be concrete, actionable and solution oriented.
  • Do not assume I will notice something, even if you think it's obvious. Don't get silently frustrated because of something I do or don't do. Also if you like to know or wonder about any topic, have a concern, opinion, question or idea - always just bring it up!
  • Involve me, use me, educate me, bother me, update me, challenge me, brainstorm with me - just don't try to "save my time because your topic might not be that important". Especially in the beginning let's rather over communicate.
  • I give immediate and regular feedback and hope for the same from you in the form and channel you prefer. Imo that's the only chance for us to help each other and our relationship to grow.
  • According to my experience nothing beats attitude in the long term - not even knowledge or skills. I hire with that in mind and also like to work with people who get stuff done by creativity, resilience, fearlessness, stamina - no matter what. For me, the opposite of that is ongoing negativity, blaming, and stubbornness. Don't blame, but think about what's next. Own the solution. There is always another approach or another escalation
  • I like using numbers to lead, to learn, to make decisions, to gauge progress - a shared reality rooted in measurable data creates alignment and reduces noise.
  • 1:1 meetings should be driven and well prepared by the subordinate, who should use this valuable time well to use me to drive his/her agenda.
  • If I text you or mail you after hours don’t feel obligated to answer me right away. I send messages to not forget about things but it is totally fine that we talk the next day.

Let’s have fun while we build amazing solutions together

Personality test

Technologies that I love

  • Linux / FreeBSD / OpenBSD
  • Go / PHP / Java / Typscript
  • Reactjs / Astro
  • MySQL / Postgresql / Elasticseach / Mongodb / Cassandra
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ / Kafka
  • AWS / Google Cloud / kubernetes / Docker
  • CI/CD
