magda-em / android-widget-fanmenu

Android fan menu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple widget that can be used to display menu's which can be animated in and out. The menu's can be animated in from behind a button like a FloatingActionButton to give an effect of a submenu or can be placed on the screen to work as menus.

Fan Menu with FAB Fan Menu without FAB


  • Show as many menu items as you like, with or without icons.
  • Icons can be changed when selected.
  • Colors, text and icons can be specified in the xml.
  • If a background color is set, this fades in/out when the menu opens/closes.
  • The menu can be movable or fixed.
  • Menu can reset if moved beyond a certain boundary.

Adding it to your project

compile ''


The menus needs to be configured in the XML.

    android:visibility="gone" />

Labels need to be defined as string-array resource.

<string name="menu_top_stories">Top Stories</string>
<string name="menu_sports">Sports News</string>
<string name="menu_tech">Technology News</string>
<string name="menu_local">Local News</string>
<string-array name="fan_labels">

Button colors need to be defined as an integer-array resource.

<color name="red_1">#C2185B</color>
<color name="red_2">#E91E63</color>
<color name="red_3">#F44336</color>
<color name="red_4">#FF5722</color>
<integer-array name="button_colors">

Icons need to be defined as an array resource.

<array name="button_icons">
  • android:background (Optional) the background drawable will fade in/out as the menu opens and closes. Can be null.
  • app:fanMenuLabels (Required) a string-array from the resources folder. See above or the sample app for more.
  • app:fanButtonColors (Required) a integer-array of colors for the buttons. Should be the same length as labels.
  • app:fanLeftDrawable (Optional) an array of drawables should be the same length as labels.
  • app:fanRememberMovedPosition (Optional) true|false if true, fan will not bounce back after being moved, unless a boundary angle is crossed. false by default.
  • app:fanMinBounceBackAngle (Optional) int lower angle boundary, if this boundary is crossed when moving the fan, the fan will reset to original position. This is measured from the lowest (horizontal) button, "Top Stories" in our example.
  • app:fanMaxBounceBackAngle (Optional) int upper angle boundary, if this boundary is crossed when moving the fan, the fan will reset to original position. This is measured from the lowest (horizontal) button, "Top Stories" in our example.
  • app:fanEnableTouchMovement (Optional) true|false should the fan move when dragged. true by default.
  • app:fanButtonHeight (Optional) dp the height of the buttons in DP. 32dp by default.
  • app:fanAngleBetweenButtons (Optional) int the angle between the buttons. 10 degrees by default.
  • app:fanAnimationDuration (Optional) int the time taken for the open and close animation. 200ms by default.


final FanMenuButtons sub = (FanMenuButtons) findViewById(;
if (sub != null) {
    sub.setOnFanButtonClickListener(new FanMenuButtons.OnFanClickListener() {
        public void onFanButtonClicked(int index) {

	sub.setOnFanAnimationListener(new FanMenuButtons.OnFanAnimationListener() {
		public void onAnimateInStarted() {

		public void onAnimateOutStarted() {

		public void onAnimateInFinished() {

		public void onAnimateOutFinished() {

Known Issues

  • RTL support is not great.
  • Motion may not be smooth when you release the fan and try to move it again.


Android fan menu


Language:Java 100.0%