magalhas / httpd-mock

httpd-mock for Node.js runs a http static server. Supports mock API implementation

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httpd-mock for Node.js

This application creates a mock http server that supports static files and webservices implementation providing a simple configuration file to the application.

It also acts as a module that can run inside other applications.


httpd-mock [-c, --config <path>] [-O, --output] [-p <port>] [-r <rootpath>]

If you provide a configuration file and command line arguments that conflicts, those arguments will override.

Configuration file

A JSON file containing the following structure:

    "serverRootPath": "./public", // default value
    "servicesPrefix": "/api", // default value
    "output": false, // default value
    "serverPort": "8080", // default value is random, set output has true to see the generated port
    "entities": { // It'll create REST services (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) per each entity
        "myEntitiy": {
            "defaults": "pathToMyData.json", // the JSON file should contain an array with all the default entries of the entity
            "idAttribute": "_id" // default value

Module usage example

var HttpdMock = require('httpd-mock'),
    httpdMock = new HttpdMock();


When used as a module an instance of the module will create a object with the interface documented below.

new HttpdMock(options)

Creates the object. Set options. Object structure is the same as the config.


Registers the web services received as argument, fallbacks to config.


Returns the express instance of the mock server.


Returns the listener instance of the web server.


Returns the port that the server is listening to.


Path to the config file.


Set options. Object structure is the same as the config.


Sets the root path of the server. Remember the server is static. Any server side language won't be supported.

start(port || defaults to config || defaults to random)

Start the http server on the port received as argument, fallbacks to config, if null fallbacks to random.


httpd-mock for Node.js runs a http static server. Supports mock API implementation


Language:JavaScript 100.0%