mag37 / dockcheck

CLI tool to automate docker image updates. Selective, notifications, autoprune, no pre-pulling.

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CLI tool to automate docker image updates.
No pre-pull, selective, optional notifications and prune when done.

Now with simple notification integrations!

With features like excluding specific containers, custom container labels, auto-prune when done and more.

πŸ”” Changelog

  • v0.4.6: Compatibility changes to timeout, due to busybox.
  • v0.4.5: Bugfixes, compatibility changes to timeout and arrays.
  • v0.4.3: Added timeout option to skip container if registry check takes too long (10s default).
  • v0.4.1: Syntax and logic cleanups, bugfixes on multi compose and env-files.
  • v0.4.0: Reworked selfupdate (auto git/curl/wget), general syntax cleanup, added -v for version.
  • v0.3.8: Fixed --env-file logic to work with multiple env-files.
  • v0.3.7: Added support for labels, added the -f option (force restart stack).
  • v0.3.6: Added pushbullet template.
  • v0.3.5: Added a simple progress bar for the registry checkup.


$ ./ -h
Syntax: [OPTION] [part of name to filter]
Example: -y -d 10 -e nextcloud,heimdall

-a|y   Automatic updates, without interaction.
-d N   Only update to new images that are N+ days old. Lists too recent with +prefix and age. 2xSlower.
-e X   Exclude containers, separated by comma.
-f     Force stack restart after update. Caution: restarts once for every updated container within stack.
-h     Print this Help.
-i     Inform - send a preconfigured notification.
-l     Only update if label is set. See readme.
-m     Monochrome mode, no printf color codes.
-n     No updates, only checking availability.
-p     Auto-Prune dangling images after update.
-r     Allow updating images for docker run, wont update the container.
-s     Include stopped containers in the check. (Logic: docker ps -a).
-t     Set a timeout (in seconds) per container for registry checkups, 10 is default.
-v     Prints current version.

Basic example:

$ ./
. . .
Containers on latest version:

Containers with updates available:
1) adguardhome
2) syncthing
3) whoogle-search

Choose what containers to update:
Enter number(s) separated by comma, [a] for all - [q] to quit:

Then it proceedes to run pull and up -d on every container with updates.
After the updates are complete, you'll get prompted if you'd like to prune dangling images.

πŸ”© Dependencies

  • Running docker (duh) and compose, either standalone or plugin.
  • Bash shell or compatible shell of at least v4.3
  • regclient/regctl (Licensed under Apache-2.0 License)
    • User will be prompted to download regctl if not in PATH or PWD.
    • regctl requires amd64/arm64 - see workaround if other architecture is used.

β›Ί Install Instructions

Download the script to a directory in PATH, I'd suggest using ~/.local/bin as that's usually in PATH.

# basic example with curl:
curl -L -o ~/.local/bin/
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/

# or oneliner with wget:
wget -O ~/.local/bin/ "" && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/

Then call the script anywhere with just Add preferred to the same directory - this will not be touched by the scripts self-update function.

πŸ“’ Notifications

Trigger with the -i flag.
Run it scheduled with -ni to only get notified when there's updates available!

Use a template file, copy it to, modify it to your needs! ( is added to .gitignore)
Current templates:

Further additions are welcome - suggestions or PR!
Initiated and first contributed by yoyoma2.

πŸ”– Labels

Optionally add labels to compose-files. Currently these are the usable labels:

      mag37.dockcheck.restart-stack: true
      mag37.dockcheck.update: true
  • mag37.dockcheck.restart-stack: true works instead of the -f option, forcing stop+restart on the whole compose-stack (Caution: Will restart on every updated container within stack).
  • mag37.dockcheck.update: true will when used with the -l option only update containers with this label and skip the rest. Will still list updates as usual.

🎒 Workaround for non amd64 / arm64

regctl provides binaries for amd64/arm64, to use on other architecture you could try this workaround. Run regctl in a container wrapped in a shell script. Copied from regclient/docs/

cat >regctl <<EOF
case "\$*" in
  "registry login"*) opts="-t";;
docker container run \$opts -i --rm --net host \\
  -u "\$(id -u):\$(id -g)" -e HOME -v \$HOME:\$HOME \\
  -v /etc/docker/certs.d:/etc/docker/certs.d:ro \\ "\$@"
chmod 755 regctl

Test it with ./regctl --help and then either add the file to the same path as or in your path (eg. ~/.local/bin/regctl).

πŸ’‚β€β™‚οΈ Function to auth with docker hub before running

Example - Change names, paths, and remove cat+password flag if you rather get prompted:

function dchk {
  cat ~/pwd.txt | docker login --username YourUser --password-stdin
  ~/ "$@"

πŸ”¨ Known issues

  • No detailed error feedback (just skip + list what's skipped).
  • Not respecting --profile options when re-creating the container.
  • Not working well with containers created by Portainer.

⚠️ -r flag disclaimer and warning

Wont auto-update the containers, only their images. (compose is recommended)
docker run dont support using new images just by restarting a container.
Containers need to be manually stopped, removed and created again to run on the new image.

πŸ“œ License

dockcheck is created and released under the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

πŸ’Ύ The story behind it. 1 year in retrospect.

Special Thanks


CLI tool to automate docker image updates. Selective, notifications, autoprune, no pre-pulling.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%