mafredri / asdev

ASUSTOR development tool, upload apps, etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


asdev is a tool to ease with the development of ASUSTOR apps.

Currently asdev is experimental and only supports uploading APKs to update existing apps (i.e. submitting updates to App Central). It has not been tested for the creation of new applications.

asdev uses Google Chrome (or Chromium) to log on to the ASUSTOR Developer Corner and perform the necessary actions to update apps.


  • List all apps (information and status)
  • Submit an updated APK to App Central
    • Reads changelog and description from APK and makes sure the fields are up-to-date
    • Re-applies all current app categories



$ go get -u


The asdev update command is used to deploy one or more .apk's to the ASUSTOR Developer Corner. For authentication, the username and password must be provided via environment variables or command line flags.

$ export ASDEV_USERNAME="my-user"
$ export ASDEV_PASSWORD="my-password"
$ asdev update ./path/to/my.apk ./path/to/my-other.apk


$ asdev --username my-user --password my-password update ./path/to/my.apk ./path/to/my-other.apk

By default Chrome is run in headless mode, if you wish to see what asdev is doing, you can disable headless mode with the --no-headless command line flag.

NOTE: If you're not using macOS or using Chromium or Chrome Canary, you should provide the path to the browsers executable via the --browser cli flag (the environment variable ASDEV_BROWSER can also be used).

For more information, see --help:

$ asdev --help-long
usage: asdev [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

  -h, --help               Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  -u, --username=USERNAME  Username (for login)
  -p, --password=PASSWORD  Password (for login)
      --browser="/Applications/Google Chrome"
                           Path to Chrome or Chromium executable
      --no-headless        Disable (Chrome) headless mode
      --timeout=10m        Command timeout
  -v, --verbose            Verbose mode

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  show categories
    Show all available categories

    List and show status of all apps and app updates

  update [<flags>] <APKs>...
    Update apps by uploading one or more APK(s)

    -c, --category=CATEGORY ...  (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Change categorie(s)
    -t, --tag=TAG ...            (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Change tag(s)
    -b, --beta                   (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Beta app
    -i, --icon=ICON              (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Change icon (256x256)

  create --category=CATEGORY --tag=TAG [<flags>] <APKs>...
    (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Submit a new application by uploading one or more APK(s)

    -c, --category=CATEGORY ...  Set categorie(s)
    -t, --tag=TAG ...            Set tag(s)
    -b, --beta                   Set app to beta status
    -i, --icon=ICON              Set icon (256x256)


$ asdev list
| PACKAGE     | NAME        | ARCH   | VERSION    | CATEGORIES           | LAST UPDATE         | STATUS         |
| deluge      | Deluge      | x86-64 | 1.3.15-r1  | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:18:26 | Ready for sale |
| deluge      | Deluge      | arm    | 1.3.15-r1  | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:18:06 | Ready for sale |
| deluge      | Deluge      | i386   | 1.3.15-r1  | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:18:15 | Ready for sale |
| go          | Go          | x86-64 | 1.8.3      | Utility, Framework & | 2017-08-06 16:10:11 | In Review      |
|             |             |        |            | Library              |                     |                |
| go          | Go          | arm    | 1.8.3      | Utility, Framework & | 2017-08-06 16:27:53 | In Review      |
|             |             |        |            | Library              |                     |                |
| go          | Go          | i386   | 1.8.3      | Utility, Framework & | 2017-08-06 16:14:23 | In Review      |
|             |             |        |            | Library              |                     |                |
| jackett     | Jackett     | any    | 0.7.411    | Download             | 2016-10-08 12:11:33 | Ready for sale |
|             | Jackett     | any    | 0.7.1609   | Download             | 2017-08-06 13:54:49 | In Review      |
| qbittorrent | qBittorrent | x86-64 | 3.3.14     | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:18:36 | Ready for sale |
| qbittorrent | qBittorrent | arm    | 3.3.14     | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:18:54 | Ready for sale |
| qbittorrent | qBittorrent | i386   | 3.3.14     | Download             | 2017-08-11 07:19:12 | Ready for sale |
| radarr      | Radarr      | x86-64 |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-03-13 21:02:51 | Ready for sale |
|             | Radarr      | x86-64 |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-06 13:01:45 | In Review      |
| radarr      | Radarr      | i386   |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-03-13 21:02:20 | Ready for sale |
|             | Radarr      | i386   |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-06 13:01:41 | In Review      |
| radarr      | Radarr      | arm    |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-03-13 17:59:53 | Ready for sale |
|             | Radarr      | arm    |  | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-06 12:45:39 | In Review      |
| sonarr      | Sonarr      | arm    | | Download             | 2017-03-13 21:11:54 | Ready for sale |
|             | Sonarr      | arm    | | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-06 13:51:06 | In Review      |
| sonarr      | Sonarr      | x86-64 | | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-18 08:44:44 | Ready for sale |
| sonarr      | Sonarr      | i386   | | Download, Multimedia | 2017-08-18 08:44:23 | Ready for sale |
| tmux        | tmux        | arm    | 2.5.0      | Utility              | 2017-08-07 01:03:32 | In Review      |
| tmux        | tmux        | x86-64 | 2.5.0      | Utility              | 2017-08-07 01:03:59 | In Review      |
| tmux        | tmux        | i386   | 2.5.0      | Utility              | 2017-08-07 01:03:48 | In Review      |


ASUSTOR development tool, upload apps, etc.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%