maevelander / arty-popup

Arty Popup plugin for WordPress

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=== Arty Popup ===
Contributors: EnigmaWeb
Donate link:
Tags: popup, pop up, pop-up, lightbox, thickbox, lightbox popup
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.8.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Introducing Arty Popup - a popup plugin for designers.

== Description ==

Use Arty Popup to create a designer popup with optional form integration. Upload any background image for the popup, so as a designer you have complete creative control. Optional forms can be integrated and styled using Contact Form 7. This popup plugin has been created for designers and users who want to implement an attractive popup design of their own, rather than using css to style a text based popup like many other popup plugins.

= Key Features =

*	Ability to darken background behind the popup
*   Select which areas of the site to show the popup (eg front page, posts, pages)
*	Select cookie lifetime 
*   Works in all major browsers - IE7, IE8, IE9, Safari, Firefox, Chrome
*   Free popup templates available for download

= Free Templates =

[Click here to browse templates](
Please check the readme file included in the template packages for instructions

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `arty-popup` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the Arty Popup plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Configure the plugin by going to the `Arty Popup` tab that appears in your admin menu

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why can't I add text to the popup? =

There are lots of popup plugins that are text based but this popup plugin was created with a different purpose - it deliberately uses a background image for the body of the popup so that you can make it look like whatever you want. If your popup requires text you need to render the text as part of the actual background image that you're uploading. If you're after a popup where you (or a client) can regularly change text then this is probably not the best popup plugin for you and you should search for a more conventional text based popup plugin in the plugin directory.

= How do I add a form to the popup? =

Install Contact Form 7 plugin, create the form, then paste the shortcode in the Arty Popup settings screen. Click 'enable form' option and save.

= I've added a form to the popup but it looks really bad. How can I make it pretty? =

You'll need to style the form in your theme style.css  It's pretty easy, but if you're not a coder you might like to [use one of our free templates]( and base your design/form styling on one of them.

= My form is sitting right at the top of the popup, how can I make it move down a bit? =

The easiest way is actually via Contact Form 7. In the form field, put your form code inside a div and add padding-top to the div using the style attribute.

= Does this work on all browsers? =

Yes. Its designed to work on all major browsers, both PC & Mac, and on mobile devices including iPhone/iPad. That said, it's not yet responsive so please be aware of that.

= Where can I get support for this plugin? =

If you've tried all the obvious stuff and it's still not working please request support via the forum.

== Screenshots ==

1. An example of Arty Popup in action
2. The settings screen in WP-Admin

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 =
* Bug fix for cookies - thank you to wayra91 for this fix.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.1 =
* Bug fix for cookies - thank you to wayra91 for this fix.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release


Arty Popup plugin for WordPress


Language:PHP 97.8%Language:JavaScript 2.2%