madshensel / display-posts-shortcode

Display a listing of posts using the [display-posts] shortcode

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Display Posts Shortcode

Display a listing of posts using the [display-posts] shortcode


The Display Posts Shortcode was written to allow users to easily display listings of posts without knowing PHP or editing template files.

Add the shortcode in a post or page, and use the arguments to query based on tag, category, post type, and many other possibilities. You can also customize the output with parameters like: include_date, include_excerpt, and image_size.


  1. Upload display-posts-shortcode to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Add the shortcode to a post or page.


author Specify the post author. Default: empty Example: [display-posts author="bill"]

category Specify the category slug, or comma separated list of category slugs. Default: empty Example: [display-posts category="fishing,hiking"]

category_id Specify the category ID
Default: empty
Example: [display-posts category_id="123"]

category_display Specify 'true' to display the categories the current post is in. Specify a taxonomy slug (e.g., 'post_tag') to list a different taxonomy. Default: empty Example: [display-posts category_display="true"]

category_label If using category_display, specify the label that appears before the list of categories. Default: "Posted in: " Example: [display-posts category_display="true" category_label="Categorized as: "]

content_class Specify the class name used for the post content. Default: content Example: [display-posts include_content="true" content_class="dps-listing-content"]

date_format Specify the date format used when 'include_date' or 'include_date_modified' is true. See Formatting Date and Time on the Codex for more information. Default: '(n/j/Y)' Example: [display-posts include_date="true" date_format="F j, Y"]

date Specify a date to query for posts published that date. More info on Date Queries. Default: empty Example: [display-posts date="2014-09-07"]

date_column Specify which date column to use for all date queries. More info on Date Queries. Default: post_date Example: [display-posts date="Yesterday" date_column="post_modified_date"]

date_compare Specify the comparison operator used for all date queries. More info on Date Queries. Default: = Example: [display-posts date="-1 year" date_compare=">"]

date_query_before Specify the before argument for a date query. More info on Date Queries. Default: empty Example: [display-posts date_query_before="2015-12-31" date_query_after="2015-01-01"]

date_query_after Specify the after argument for a date query. More info on Date Queries. Default: empty Example: [display-posts date_query_before="2015-12-31" date_query_after="2015-01-01"]

date_query_column Specify the date column used for this query. More info on Date Queries. Default: post_date Example: [display-posts date="Yesterday" date_query_column="post_modified_date"]

date_query_compare Specify the comparison operator used for this query. More info on Date Queries. Default: = Example: [display-posts date="-1 year" date_query_compare=">"]

excerpt_length Specify the number of words used in an excerpt. More information. Default: empty (set by your theme) Example: [display-posts include_excerpt="true" excerpt_length="20"]

excerpt_more Specify the more text that appears after the excerpt. Default: empty (set by your theme) Example: [display-posts include_excerpt="true" excerpt_more="..."]

excerpt_more_link Specify whether or not to link the excerpt_more text to the post. Default: false Example: [display-posts include_excerpt="true" excerpt_more="Continue Reading" excerpt_more_link="true"]

exclude Specify one or more post IDs to exclude from query
Default: false
Example: [display-posts exclude="9, 11"]

exclude_current Specify whether or not to exclude the current post from the query
Default: false
Example: [display-posts exclude_current="true" taxonomy="category" tax_term="current"]

id Specify a specific post ID (or multiple post IDs) to display. Default: empty Example: [display-posts id="9, 10"]

ignore_sticky_posts Specify whether or not to ignore sticky posts. Default: false Example: [display-posts ignore_sticky_posts="true"]

image_size Specify an image size for displaying the featured image, if the post has one. The image_size can be set to thumbnail, medium, large (all controlled from Settings > Media), or a custom image size. See Image Alignment Default: empty Example: [display-posts image_size="thumbnail"]

include_author Specify whether or not to include the post's author name. Default: false Example: [display-posts include_author="true"]

include_content Specify whether or not to include the full post content. Note that [display-posts] will be stripped out of the content to prevent infinite loops Default: false Example:[display-posts include_content="true"]

include_date Include the post's date after the post title. The default format is (7/30/12), but this can be customized using the 'date_format' parameter. Default: empty Example [display-posts include_date="true"]

include_date_modified Include the post's last modified date after the post title. The default format is (7/30/12), but this can be customized using the 'date_format' parameter. Note that this can only be used if 'include_date' is not true. Default: empty Example [display-posts include_date_modified="true"]

include_excerpt Include the post's excerpt after the title (and date if provided). Default: empty Example: [display-posts include_excerpt="true"]

include_title Include the post's title. Default: true Example: [display-posts include_title="false" image_size="thumbnail"]

include_link Post's title is link to post page. Default: true Example: [display-posts include_title="true" include_link="false"]

meta_key Specify a meta key, for meta queries or ordering. Default: empty Example: [display-posts meta_key="price" orderby="meta_value_num" order="ASC"]

meta_value Specify a meta value, for meta queries. Default: empty Example: [display-posts meta_key="color" meta_value="blue"]

no_posts_message Specify a message to display if no posts are found. Default: empty Example: [display-posts category="on-sale" no_posts_message="Sorry, no items are currently on sale"]

offset The number of posts to pass over. Default: 0 Example: [display-posts offset="3"]

order Specify whether posts are ordered in descending order (DESC) or ascending order (ASC). Default: DESC Example: [display-posts order="ASC"]

orderby Specify what the posts are ordered by. See the available parameters here. Default: date Example: [display-posts orderby="title"]

post_parent Display the pages that are a child of a certain page. You can either specify an ID or 'current', which displays the children of the current page. Default: empty Example: [display-posts post_type="page" post_parent="8"]

post_status Show posts associated with a certain post status. Default: publish Example: [display-posts post_status="publish, future"]

post_type Specify which post type to use. You can use a default one (post or page), or a custom post type you've created. Default: post Example: [display-posts post_type="event"]

posts_per_page How many posts to display. Default: 10 Example: [display-posts posts_per_page="5"]

tag Display posts from a specific tag, or tags. You must use the tag slug(ex: example-tag), not the tag's name (ex: Example Tag). Default: empty Example: [display-posts tag="tag1, tag2"]

taxonomy, tax_term, and tax_operator Use these parameters to do advanced taxonomy queries. Use 'taxonomy' for the taxonomy you'd like to query, 'tax_term' for the term slug (or terms) you'd like to include, and 'operator' to change how the query uses those terms (most likely this field will not be needed). See Multiple Taxonomy Queries. Default: 'taxonomy' = empty , 'tax_term' = empty , 'tax_operator' = 'IN' Example: [display-posts taxonomy="color" tax_term="blue, green"]

time Specify the time, to be used in a date query. More info on Date Queries. Default: empty Example: [display-posts date="Yesterday" time="9:00am"]

title Give the list of posts a title heading. Default: empty Example: [display-posts title="Recent Posts"]

wrapper What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be an unordered list (ul), ordered list (ol), or divs (div) which you can then style yourself. Default: ul Example: [display-posts wrapper="ol"]

wrapper_class Class applied to the wrapper tag for custom css formatting for this instance. Default: display-posts-listing Example: [display-posts wrapper="div" wrapper_class="my-grid-layout"]

wrapper_id Specify an unique ID to be used on the wrapper of this listing. Default: empty Example: [display-posts category="cars" wrapper_id="cars-listing"]


Display a listing of posts using the [display-posts] shortcode

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 100.0%