madrilene / wp-excellent

Starter for classic PHP WordPress theme. Based on the workflow suggested by Andy Bell's

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Starter for classic PHP WordPress theme. Based on the workflow suggested by Andy Bell's


Using this

Edit CSS and JS in _resources. Fonts and images in assets. For production run production build and upload in your theme folder:

  • assets
  • core
  • css
  • js
  • template-parts
  • Wordpress PHP files
  • screenshot.jpg
  • style.css

Install dependencies

- npm install

Working locally

You can just work with LocalWP or using browser-sync. I work with browser-sync, because any changes result in a refresh.

Working with browser-sync

Creates a dev server (browser-sync) with hot reload on localhost:3000, pointing to the domain created by LocalWP. The domain (eg "wp-excellent.local") Must be edited in scripts section of package.json.

I might change that in the future, as LocalWP now offers hot reload out of the box. But for now it only watches wp-content/plugins and wp-content/themes for changes to .css files.

npm start

Creating a production build

npm run production


Andy Bell Andy recently came up an approach that incorporates Tailwind CSS into his methodology.

Heydon Pickering I really like Heydon's approaches and recommend reading his books.



Starter for classic PHP WordPress theme. Based on the workflow suggested by Andy Bell's


Language:PHP 70.9%Language:CSS 18.4%Language:JavaScript 10.6%Language:Hack 0.2%