madhephaestus / Esp32SimplePacketComs

SimplePacketComs for the Esp32

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A framework for controlling one ESP from another using SimplePacketComs over UDP.

Library depenancies

These are the libraries availible through the Arduino library manager that are depenancies for this library.


Connect to Wifi Network

To connect to a network named "mine" with a password "pass" do the following:



and wait for this to print:

ssid: mineWifiManager.getState()=HaveSSIDSerial
New password: 



AP mode

When no network is present, the WiFiManager will fail over to AP mode where it will host its own AP. The AP ssid:pass is set via the serial port. To indicate AP SSID setting into the serial window then hit enter. Here is what setting the procedure looks like for an AP named "mine" with password "pass"



and wait for this to print:

AP Mode ssid: mineWifiManager.getState()=HaveSSIDSerial
New password: 



And in the terminal:

Send to /dev/ttyUSB0: "pass"

AP starting mine
ESP32 WiFi ready 
Mac Address: 24:0A:C4:1D:47:84
Writing new AP ssid mine
Starting AP With pass pass

Known Commands

All UDP devices

Get Name

ID bytes
downstream Bytes 4 60
Contents downstream 1776 String of Name or *
upstream Bytes 4 60
Contents upstream 1776 String of Name

This checks the device to see if the name of the device matched a given name. If the name matches a packet is returned with the device name in its contents. If the name does not match, no packet is returned.

If the name requests ends with a * charrecter then it wil be treated as a wildcard. Matches up to the * will be returned. Name requests with just * will always return the name of the device.

Game Controller

State exchange

ID byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte
downstream Bytes 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Contents downstream 1970 Controller ID JoyXLeft JoyYLeft JoyXRight JoyYRight TriggerLeft TriggerRight PadRight/PadLeft PadDown/PadUp --- --- ButtonX ButtonY ButtonA ButtonB ButtonMinus/getButtonPlus ButtonHome --- ButtonZLeft ButtonZRight
upstream Bytes 4 60
Contents upstream 1970 Byte data to be printed by the game controller server

This command exchanges data with a game controller. WHen accessed remotely the ID is seperated out from the data. Data for a given axis starts at index 0 with JoyXLeft and ending with index 18 for ButtonZRight.

Warehouse Robot

Get Status

ID byte
downstream Bytes 4 0
Contents downstream 2012 ---
upstream Bytes 4 1
Contents upstream 2012 status value

Request the status of the robot. The byte value represents the robot state.

State description value
Ready for new task 0
Heading to pickup 1
Picking up 2
Heading to Dropoff 3
Dropping off 4
Heading to safe zone 5
Fault: failed pickup 6
Fault: failed dropoff 7
Fault: excessive load 8
Fault: obstructed path 9
Fault: E Stop pressed 10

Clear Faults

ID byte
downstream Bytes 4 0
Contents downstream 1871 ---
upstream Bytes 4 0
Contents upstream 1871 ---

Clear all faults on the robot. No data is transmitted, but the state of the robot should be effected.

Pick Order

ID float float float float float float
downstream Bytes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Contents downstream 1936 pickup area pickup x pickup z drop off area drop off x drop off z
upstream Bytes 4 0
Contents upstream 1936 ---

An order is placed with the robot. The first 3 values are the pickup location, followed by the x and Z values in MM of the shelf where the pallet is located. The second 3 values are the drop off location, followed by the X and Z values in MM of the shelf where the pallet is to be deposited.

Get Location

ID float float float float float float float float
downstream Bytes 4 0
Contents downstream 1994 ---
upstream Bytes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Contents upstream 1994 X Location Y Location Z Location azimuth elevation tilt bounding cylinder radius bounding cylinder height

Request for the position and orentation of the robot. Location is in MM from the loading point in location 0 to the center bottom of the bounding cylinder of the robot. The size of the robot is reported in MM measured in positive values from center bottom of the bounding cylinder that envelops the robot. The center is defined as the turning center of the robot. The radius is the distance to the furthest point on the robot from the turning center. Maximum radius is 100mm. Direction of travil is +X in the robots coordinate frame.

Direct Drive

ID float float float float float float float float
downstream Bytes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Contents downstream 1786 delta X Location delta Y Location delta Z Location delta azimuth delta elevation delta tilt # Miliseconds this update should take Session ID
upstream Bytes 4 4
Contents upstream 1786 value from 0-1 to indicate progress on current session

This is a command to drive a robot directly. The values represent a relative motion from current location. +X is forward for the robot.Angle values are in degrees and translation values are in Milimeters. Azimuth values range from -180 to 180 with 0 along the robots X dimention. Elevation values are rotation values from -90 to 90 about the Y dimention with 0 being along the x dimenttion. Tilt values are rotations from -180 to 180 about the X dimention with 0 being aligned with the X-Y plane.

The session ID is a random integer from 0 - 100000 indicating the current drive command. It will change when the target is updateted. It is used to differentiate between new commands.

The command should return the current progress on the current command ID.


SimplePacketComs for the Esp32

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 100.0%