madelinben / games-development

Computer Games Development Project.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Computer Games Development

Starting Your Adventure!

  • Clone this repo into a directory on your computer. git clone

  • Navigate to the backend directory that is hosting the application through serve. cd ./server/

  • Run the application locally executing the script: npm run dev


Repository Setup

  • Install the necessary libraries to run the following scripts in the command line.

  • npm install -g typescript

  • npm install --save-dev eslint typescript @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

  • npm init @eslint/config

  • npm install -g create-react-app

  • npm install -g express-generator-typescript

  • If you are experiencing any issues with this, try clearing your npm cache, updating, and attempt again.

  • npm cache clean --force

  • npm install -g npm@latest --force


  • Run the npx command below to establish an organised and efficient application for React development. npx create-react-app client --template redux-typescript

  • Convert existing project to utilise typescript capabilities, altering jsx filenames to tsx. npm install --save typescript @types/node @types/react @types/react-dom @types/jest

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

  • npm start Runs the app in your browser under development mode at http://localhost:3000.

  • npm run build Builds and optimizes the app for production to the build folder.

Express Toolkit

  • Run the npx command to initialise an organised and secure api structure. npx express-generator-typescript server

  • Enable Cross Script Communications between client and server ports.

  • npm install --save cors

  • const cors = require('cors');

  • app.use(cors());

  • Configure Development script to run client and server concurrently.

  • "server": "nodemon index.ts",

  • "client": "npm run start --prefix ../client",

  • "dev": "concurrently --kill-others-on-fail \"npm run server\" \"npm run client\"",

This project was created with express-generator-typescript.

  • npm run dev Run the server in development mode.

  • npm run lint Check for linting errors.

  • npm test -- --testFile="name of test file" (i.e. --testFile=Users). Run a unit-test.

  • npm run build Build the project for production.

  • npm start Run the production build (Must be built first).

Canvas Environment

Animation Library

Graphical and Interactive experiences on the webpage are processed through the p5.js library.

  • Install the ported package for react to our client. npm i --save react-p5


Character Generation

Precedural Sprite Design

Sprites are randomly generated based on several constraints that dictate how pixels are filled in.

More detail about this topic can be found at Dave Gollinger's Article.

Weapons/Tools and some additional Accessories were collected using the Univeral LPC Spritesheet. Try it out here.

Terrain Generation

Map chunks are procedurally generated using perlin noise to visualise the various terrain boundaries from a random seed.

The terrain is broking into the following boundaries:

  • Deep Water
  • Shallow Water
  • Sand Beach
  • Grass Plains
  • Dense Forrest
  • Stone Cobbles
  • Steep Mountains
  • Snow Peaks

Perlin Noise Algorithm

Biome Diversity

Precedurally Generated Structures


According to the rules of the LPC all art submissions were dual licensed under both GNU GPL 3.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0. These art submissions are considered all images present in the directory spritesheets and it's subdirectories. Further work produced in this repository is licensed under the same terms.

CC-BY-SA 3.0:

GNU GPL 3.0:


Computer Games Development Project.


Language:JavaScript 97.5%Language:TypeScript 1.6%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:HTML 0.1%