madcid / elm-spa

Pure Elm library to easily build Single Page Applications

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool Elm-Spa

This package provides tools to easily build Single Page Applications.

It provides the same features as ryannhg/elm-spa but without any code generation.

The key idea to avoid code generation is taken from insurello/elm-ui-explorer (see the aknowlegments).


The easiest way to start using Elm-Spa is to copy the example application files and adapt them to your needs.

To better understand the example code, keep reading, we'll cover all the concepts.

Running your application

When developing, it is recommended to use elm-live to run the application:

elm-live --pushstate -- src/Main.elm


App construction

Setting up the application consists in a pipeline that initialise the application, then add pages to it, and finally build a record suitable for Browser.application

main =
        { init = Shared.init
        , subscriptions = Shared.subscriptions
        , update = Shared.update
        , defaultView = View.defaultView
        , toRoute = Route.toRoute
        , extractIdentity = Shared.identity
        , protectPage = Route.toUrl >> Just >> Route.SignIn >> Route.toUrl
        |> Spa.addPublicPage mappers Route.matchHome
        |> Spa.addPublicPage mappers Route.matchSignIn
        |> Spa.addProtectedPage mappers Route.matchCounter
        |> Spa.addPublicPage mappers Route.matchTime
        |> Spa.application { toDocument = toDocument }
        |> Browser.application

In the following sections we describe the different steps of this pipeline by explaining the concepts.

Shared state

The whole application will share a single TEA component that we generally call Shared. It can be anything you want, as long as you provide init, and update and subscriptions functions.

So, given a simple Shared module exposing the shared model and its init/update/subscriptions functions, this is how you plug your shared state in the application:

main =
        { init = Shared.init
        , subscriptions = Shared.subscriptions
        , update = Shared.update
        , defaultView = View.defaultView
        -- ...

If your application doesn't need a shared state, Elm-Spa provides an alternative constructor that will produce a no-op shared state for you (Spa.noSharedInit).

The defaultView property is the default view that will be used when no other page could be viewed, which should be never once your app is properly setup (more on that a little further).


A hand-written Elm SPA application generally have a central Route type. The urls are parsed into a Route (there is a good example of that in the documentation), which is in turn used for deciding which page should be currently displayed.

Orus Elm-Spa allows to use such a type, and the first thing for that is to give a toRoute function to Spa.init, so it is capable to parse an incoming URL into your own custom Route type.

main =
        { -- ...
        , toRoute = Route.toRoute
        -- ...

Because it doesn't generate any code, Orus Elm-Spa is not able to do a case ... of on the route, so you will need to provide a match function for each page, more on that a bit further but don't worry: it is dead easy and even provides a nice way to pass arguments of the route to your page.

Identity management

The pages of the application can be 'protected', which means they cannot be accessed unless the user is authenticated.

For that, Orus Elm-Spa needs two things:

  • a way to extract the current identity from the shared state: extractIdentity. It is a simple function that returns a Maybe identity from a Shared record. Note that the actual identity type can be anything you want.

  • a fallback URL if the user attempt to access a protected page when unauthenticated: protectPage. Its role is to return a new URL (as a string), and is given the current route that the user attempted to access. It allows to build a URL that contains the original route in a 'redirect' query parameters, which is very useful.

main =
        { -- ...
        , extractIdentity = Shared.identity
        , protectPage = Route.toUrl >> Just >> Route.SignIn >> Route.toUrl


We now have a inialised application, and we can add pages to it.

A page is a small TEA app on its own, it has Msg, Model, init, update, subscriptions and view. It differs from a normal application in a few different ways:

  • The page constructor is given the shared state, and optionnaly the identity if required.

  • The init and update functions return Effect Msg instead of Cmd Msg.

  • The init function takes a flags only argument that is the output of the page match function (see below).

  • The view function returns a View Msg, which can be whatever you define.

Adding pages

Adding a page to an application is done by calling the Spa.addPublicPage or the Spa.addProtectedPage function. It takes 3 arguments:

  • mappers is a Tuple of view mappers. For example, if the application view is a Html msg, the mappers will be: (, ). The duplication is for technical reasons (see the addPage function implementation).

  • match is a function that takes a route and returns the page flags if and only if the route matches the page. This is the place were information can be extracted from the route to be given to the page init function.

    A simple match function can be:

    matchHome : Route -> Maybe ()
    matchHome route =
        case route of
            Home ->
                Just ()
            _ ->

    A match function that extract information:

    matchSignIn : Route -> Maybe (Maybe String)
    matchSignIn route =
        case route of
            SignIn redirect ->
                Just redirect
            _ ->
  • page is a page constructor. A public page constructor is a function that takes the shared state:

    page : shared -> Page

    A protected page constructor takes the current identity in addition to the shared state:

    page : shared -> identity -> Page


A Effect works the same as a Cmd, but can also carry messages and commands of the Shared module when sent from a Page. It is the only way for a page to interract with the shared state.

Page constructor

A public page constructor takes the shared state and returns init, update, subscriptions and view functions.

A protected page constructor takes both the shared state and the current identity and returns the same thing as a public page constructor.

For pages that requires less (static pages, message-less pages), helpers provide simple ways to build pages.

Static page

A static page has no internal state, only a static view:

page shared =
    Spa.Page.static view

The view function could take 'shared' and its only argument:

page shared =
    Spa.Page.static (view shared)
Sandbox page

A sandbox page has an internal state but no effects:

-- this is a protected page constructor, it takes 'identity' as its second parameter
page shared identity =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
Element page

A element page has a state, effects and subscriptions:

page shared =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions


Each page returns a 'View msg', which can be anything you want as long as you can provide a map : (msg -> msg1) -> View msg -> View msg1 function, and a function to convert the View into a Document msg.

A typical view type based on elm-ui can be:

type alias View msg =
    { title : String
    , body : Element msg

-- we must have a map function for it
map : (msg -> msg1) -> View msg -> View msg1
map tomsg view =
    { title = view.title
    , body = tomsg view.body

-- change the view into a Document
toDocument : Shared -> View msg -> Document msg
toDocument _ view =
    { title = view.title
    , body = Element.layout [] view.body

Note that using elm-ui is not a requirement, you can totally use Html instead.


Once all the pages are added to the application, we can change it into a record suitable for the Browser.application function.

This operation is done by the Spa.application function, that takes the toDocument function:

-- ...
        |> Spa.application { toDocument = toDocument }
        |> Browser.application


This package borrows brilliant ideas and concepts from many packages, but most notably:


Pure Elm library to easily build Single Page Applications

License:MIT License


Language:Elm 100.0%