macu / crowdspec

Crowdsourced Specifications - example custom architecture for Google App Engine project in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


© Matt Cudmore 2020

Mac setup

A postgres password must be set before the app can connect.

$ brew install postgresql go node jq
$ psql postgres
postgres=# ALTER USER matt WITH PASSWORD 'somepassword';
postgres=# \q
$ cd crowdspec
// Update crowdspec/env.json
$ npm install
$ sh

Create Postgres database

$ psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE crowdspec;

Access database from command line

$ psql crowdspec
postgres=# \dt
postgres=# \d+ spec

Set up env.json for local development

	"dbUser": "testuser",
	"dbPass": "testpass",
	"dbName": "crowdspec",
	"httpPort": "2020",
	"adminUserId": 1,
	"recaptchaSiteKey": "...",
	"recaptchaSecretKey": "...",
	"mailjetApiKey": "...",
	"mailjetSecretKey": "...",
	"versionStamp": ""

Version stamp is updated automatically when running

Build and run

On first use, or to re-initialize database:

$ sh

To rebuild client and server, and run:

$ sh


Make two separate deploys for database upgrades, setting MAINTENANCE_MODE to "true" in app.yaml for the first deploy to disable the site temporarily.

$ gcloud app deploy

Update cron jobs:

$ gcloud app deploy cron.yaml

Reindex postgres collations after version upgrade

To refresh a collation, run in postgres:

reindex table user_account;
reindex table user_signup_request;
reindex table spec;
reindex table spec_subspec;
reindex table spec_url;
ALTER COLLATION public.case_insensitive REFRESH VERSION;


postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('postgres'));
postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('crowdspec'));



  • Upgrade to Vue 3
  • Make public specs publicly accessible
  • Add PL/pgSQL functions to verify access permissions


  • Refactoring
  • Jump to subspec modal update
  • Edit block modal ref form updates


  • Add maintenance mode
  • Signup requests
  • Add unreadOnly community setting
  • Use YouTube API for fetching video previews
  • Add Markdown support
  • Add community review page
  • Initialize add block modal style type according to siblings
  • Add code highlighting


  • Add community space, comments, sub-comments, read records, and unread counts
  • Scroll viewport as needed after move or insert block
  • Multiselect bulk block move (within or across contexts)


  • Add user settings
  • Add forgot password form and email service
  • Freely move blocks between spec/subspec contexts
  • Change routes structure
  • Add loading messages when navigating specs
  • Case insensitive username login
  • Add username highlight
  • Allow moving blocks into empty contexts


  • spec/subspec last modified time displayed to visitors now reflects block updates
  • change password form
  • reCAPTCHA on login


  • toggle spec public
  • public specs on dashboard
  • remove editing features for visitors
  • show content unavailable when block refs have been deleted
  • record and display last modified times
  • change all timestamp columns to TIMESTAMPTZ


Crowdsourced Specifications - example custom architecture for Google App Engine project in Go


Language:Go 39.5%Language:Vue 37.8%Language:PLpgSQL 10.8%Language:JavaScript 7.2%Language:HTML 2.9%Language:SCSS 1.3%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:CSS 0.2%