macton / DDLParser

Insomniac DDL format parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. DDL Specification
    1.1. Selects
    1.1.1. Example
    1.2. Bitfields
    1.2.1. Example
    1.3. Structures
    1.3.1. Examples

  2. Expressions


  4. DDL API
    4.1. Common methods
    4.1.1. const char* GetName() const
    4.1.2. const char* GetAuthor() const
    4.1.3. const char* GetDescription() const
    4.1.4. const char* GetLabel() const
    4.1.5. const char* GetDisplayLabel() const
    4.1.6. uint32_t GetNameHash() const
    4.1.7. DDLParser::Tag* GetTags() const
    4.1.8. DDLParser::Tag* GetTag( uint32_t type ) const

  5. DDLParser::Compile
    5.1. Parameters
    5.2. Return value

  6. DDLParser::StringCrc32

  7. DDLParser::Definition
    7.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Definition::GetNumAggregates() const
    7.2. uint32_t DDLParser::Definition::GetTotalSize() const
    7.3. static DDLParser::Definition* DDLParser::Definition::FromBinRep( void* bin_rep )
    7.4. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::GetAggregate( unsigned int index )
    7.5. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::FindAggregate( const char* name )
    7.6. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::FindAggregate( uint32_t hash )

  8. DDLParser::Aggregate
    8.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Aggregate::GetType() const
    8.2. DDLParser::Select* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToSelect() const
    8.3. DDLParser::Bitfield* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToBitfield() const
    8.4. DDLParser::Struct* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToStruct() const

  9. DDLParser::Select
    9.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Select::GetNumItems() const
    9.2. int32_t DDLParser::Select::GetDefaultItem() const
    9.3. DDLParser::SelectItem* DDLParser::Select::FindItem( const char* name )
    9.4. DDLParser::SelectItem* DDLParser::Select::FindItem( uint32_t hash )

  10. DDLParser::SelectItem

  11. DDLParser::Bitfield
    11.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Bitfield::GetNumFlags() const
    11.2. int32_t DDLParser::Bitfield::GetDefaultFlag() const
    11.3. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* DDLParser::Bitfield::FindFlag( const char* name )
    11.4. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* DDLParser::Bitfield::FindFlag( uint32_t hash )

  12. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag
    12.1. DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue* DDLParser::BitfieldFlag::GetValue() const
    12.2. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlag::GetBit() const

  13. DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue
    13.1. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue::GetCount() const
    13.2. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue::GetFlagIndex( uint32_t index ) const
    13.3. Bitfield example

  14. DDLParser::Struct
    14.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Struct::GetNumFields() const
    14.2. DDLParser::Struct* DDLParser::Struct::GetParent() const
    14.3. DDLParser::Definition* DDLParser::Struct::GetDefinition() const
    14.4. DDLParser::StructField* DDLParser::Struct::FindField( const char* name )
    14.5. DDLParser::StructField* DDLParser::Struct::FindField( uint32_t hash )
    14.6. bool DDLParser::Struct::IsInherited( DDLParser::StructField* field )
    14.7. uint32_t DDLParser::Struct::GetSchemaCrc() const

  15. DDLParser::StructField
    15.1. DDLParser::StructValueInfo* DDLParser::StructField::GetValueInfo()

  16. DDLParser::StructValueInfo
    16.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetNameHash() const
    16.2. Type DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetType() const
    16.3. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetTypeNameHash() const
    16.4. const char* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetTypeName() const
    16.5. ArrayType DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetArrayType() const
    16.6. DDLParser::StructFieldValue* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetValue() const
    16.7. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetCount() const
    16.8. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetKeyType() const
    16.9. int DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetKeyBitSize() const
    16.10. bool DDLParser::StructValueInfo::AllowSubStruct() const
    16.11. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetSchemaCrc() const
    16.12. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetAggregate( Definition* ddl ) const'

  17. DDLParser::StructFieldValue

  18. DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue
    18.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue::GetCount() const
    18.2. uint32_t DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue::GetHash( uint32_t index ) const

  19. DDLParser::StructStructValue
    19.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructStructValue::GetCount() const
    19.2. DDLParser::StructValueInfo* DDLParser::StructStructValue::GetValueInfo( uint32_t index ) const
    19.3. Example

  20. DDLParser::Tag
    20.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Tag::GetType() const
    20.2. DDLParser::Tag* DDLParser::Tag::GetNext() const

  21. DDLParser::GenericTag
    21.1. const char* DDLParser::GenericTag::GetName() const
    21.2. uint32_t DDLParser::GenericTag::GetNameHash() const
    21.3. uint32_t DDLParser::GenericTag::GetNumValues() const
    21.4. DDLParser::GenericTagValue* DDLParser::GenericTag::operator[]( unsigned int index ) const

  22. DDLParser::GenericTagValue
    22.1. Validating Generic Tags

  23. DDLParser::Str

  24. DDLParser::TagSet

  25. DDL Grammar

  26. License

1. DDL Specification

DDL files can contain three constructs: selects, bitfields and structures. All constructs must have a name, and they can have an author, a description and a label assigned to them. These fields can be used by tools when rendering the constructs as UI elements.

There is a annotated DDL grammar at the end of this document for further reference.

1.1. Selects

A select is just a list of options much like an C enum. They represent exclusive values, like a drop-down where just one value can be selected. But unlike C enums, numeric values cannot be assigned to select fields; their values are just the hash of their names. This way new fields can be added without constraints while maintaining compatibility with cold that uses the select.

Each select item can have an author, a description and a label.

1.1.1. Example

select Weapon, author( "Andre de Leiradella" ), description( "Weapons available to the player" ), label( "Weapon" )
  kFist,           description( "Bare hands" ),               label( "Fist" );
  kChainsaw,       description( "A la Chainsaw Massacre" ),   label( "Chainsaw" );
  kPistol,         description( "Simple pistol" ),            label( "Pistol" ), default;
  kShotgun,        description( "A single-barrel shotgun" ),  label( "Shotgun" );
  kChaingun,       description( "A machine gun" ),            label( "Chaingun" );
  kRocketLauncher, description( "Portable rocket launcher" ), label( "Rocket launcher" );
  kPlasmaGun,      description( "Plasma gun" ),               label( "Plasma gun" );
  kBFG9000,        description( "*The* BFG 9000" ),           label( "BFG 9000" );

An item can be marked as default (see item kPistol) and it will be the item used in fields declared with the select type that don't have an explicit value to override the default.

1.2. Bitfields

Bitfields represent a set of related flags. Their flags can be or'ed to form the value of another flag. Bitfields should be used where more than one value can be selected, like a checkbox group.

As with select items, each bitfield flag can have an author, a description and a label.

1.2.1. Example

bitfield Powerup, author( "Andre de Leiradella" ), description( "Powerup pickups" ), label( "Powerup" )
  kNone,                description( "Help me!" ), empty;
  kRadiationSuit,       description( "Makes the player immune to radiation for a limited time" ),             label( "Radiation suit" );
  kPartialInvisibility, description( "Makes the player almost invisible to enemies for a limited time" ),     label( "Partial invisibility" );
  kInvulnerability,     description( "Makes the player invulnerable for a limited time" ),                    label( "Invulnerability" );
  kComputerMap,         description( "Gives the complete map of the level to the player" ),                   label( "Computer map" );
  kLightVisor,          description( "Allows the player to see in the dark for a limited time" ),             label( "Light visor" );
  kBerserk,             description( "Gives the player the ability to quickly kill enemies with his fists" ), label( "Berserk" );
  kAll,                 value( kRadiationSuit | kPartialInvisibility | kInvulnerability | kComputerMap | kLightVisor | kBerserk );

Flags without a value will get an unique bit index that can be queried at runtime. Flags can be marked as default. If there isn't a default flag in the bitfield the empty flag will be used, or the first declared flag will be used if there isn't an empty flag. To get a zeroed flag, tag it with empty like the kNone flag above.

1.3. Structures

While selects and bitfields only define custom types and take no memory, structures are aggregates of fields which actually take up memory to hold their fields' values.

Structure fields can be of the following types:

  • u8 (or uint8_t)
  • u16 (or uint16_t)
  • u32 (or uint32_t)
  • u64 (or uint64_t)
  • i8 (or int8_t)
  • i16 (or int16_t)
  • i32 (or int32_t)
  • i64 (or int64_t)
  • f32 (or float)
  • f64 (or double)
  • boolean
  • string
  • file
  • tuid
  • json
  • Any previously declared select, bitfield or structure

Fields can also be arrays of any of these types by just adding [] right after the type name. These arrays cannot take default values, and can grow as needed at runtime. Adding a [ x ], where x is an integer expression, makes the array fixed and up to x default values can be specified for the field. Just like select items and bitfield flags, structure fields can have an author, a description and a label.

To inform the default value of a field, use the value keyword and write any expression inside the parenthesis. The expression must evaluate to a value which fits in the data type of the field.

1.3.1. Examples

struct Position
  f32 m_X,     value( 0 );
  f32 m_Y,     value( 0 );
  f32 m_Angle, value( 0 ), description("The direction the player is looking at (degrees)");
struct Mariner, author( "Andre de Leiradella" ), description( "The player character" ), label( "Player" )
  u32        m_Health,     value( 100 ),                              description( "The player's health" );
  Weapon     m_Weapon,     value( kPistol ),                          description( "The player's current weapon" );
  Powerup    m_Powerup,    value( kBerserk ),                         description( "The player's powerups" );
  i32[ 8 ]   m_Ammunition, value( { 0, 0, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 } ), description( "The ammunition of each weapon, -1 means the player doesn't have it" );
  string     m_Name,       value( "Mariner" ),                        description( "The player's name for multiplayer sessions" );
  Position   m_Position,   value( { m_X = 100, m_Y = 120 } ),         description( "The player's position" );
  Position[] m_Deaths,                                                description( "Places the player has died in" );

Array values must be written inside braces with commas separating each expression. Values of structured fields, like m_Position above, must also appear inside braces. It's not mandatory that all fields are present in the value.

2. Expressions

DDL expressions are very similar to C expressions, and care has been taken to implement the same operators with the same precedence order. The operators, in decreasing order of precedence, are:

  • ? (ternary operator)
  • || (logic or)
  • && (logic and)
  • | (arithmetic or)
  • ^ (arithmetic xor)
  • & (arithmetic and)
  • == and != (equality)
  • <, <=, > and >= (comparison)
  • << and >> (shift)
  • + and - (add and subtract)
  • *, / and % (multiply, divide and modulus)
  • +, -, ~ and ! (unary positive, negative, complement and logic not)

Terminals can be binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal integer constants, floating point constants, string literals, the true and false constants, pi, the natural number e, and expressions between parenthesis.

Binary constants are written similarly to hexadecimal constants but using the 0b prefix instead of 0x. String literals are specified inside single or double quotes, and any occurrence of %xx in the string is substituted by the character with hexadecimal value xx.

The constants true and false evaluates to the integers 1 and 0 respectively.


DDL files can have C and C++ style comments:

  • /* this is a comment */
  • // this is a comment that ends at the end of the line


The DDL API are a collection of functions and structures that allows for DDL source code compilation and subsequent querying of the components found in the source file for i.e. code generation.

4.1. Common methods

Many structures present a set of common methods that are explained here.

4.1.1. const char* GetName() const

Returns the name of the component, i.e. a select's name or a structure's field's name.

4.1.2. const char* GetAuthor() const

If the component has been tagged with the author tag, GetAuthor returns the contents of the tag, otherwise it returns NULL. This tag can be used to document the person who authored the component.

4.1.3. const char* GetDescription() const

If the component has been tagged with the description tag, GetDescription returns the contents of the tag, otherwise it returns NULL. This tag can be used to give the component a verbose description.

4.1.4. const char* GetLabel() const

If the component has been tagged with the label tag, GetLabel returns the contents of the tag, otherwise it returns NULL. This tag can be used to give the component a label to be used in the user interface, for example.

4.1.5. const char* GetDisplayLabel() const

Returns the contents of the label tag if it has been defined and is not the empty string. Otherwise it returns the name of the component.

4.1.6. uint32_t GetNameHash() const

Returns the hash of the components's name. The hash is created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

4.1.7. DDLParser::Tag* GetTags() const

Returns the first tag defined for the component, or NULL if the component has no tags defined.

4.1.8. DDLParser::Tag* GetTag( uint32_t type ) const

Finds and returns a tag by its type. Alternatively, type can be the hash of the generic tag to be searched for. Either way, if the tag isn't found NULL is returned.

5. DDLParser::Compile

DDLParser::Definition* DDLParser::Compile( DDLParser::LinearAllocator* definition, DDLParser::LinearAllocator* scratch, const void* source, size_t source_size, char* error, size_t error_size, bool two_us_reserved, int bitfield_limit ) The DDLParser::Compile function compiles a DDL source file into a DDLParser::Definition ready to be used to generate code.

5.1. Parameters

  • definition: A DDLParser::LinearAllocator where the definition is assembled. When DDLParser::Compile returns, this allocator will have the complete definition.
  • scratch: A DDLParser::LinearAllocator used for temporary work. Can be discarded after DDLParser::Compile returns.
  • source: A pointer to the DDL source code. This buffer doesn't have to be null-terminated and cannot be NULL.
  • source_size: The size of the source buffer.
  • error: A pointer to a buffer where the error message, if there's one, will be written to. Cannot be NULL.
  • error_size: The size of the error buffer.
  • two_us_reserved: If true, identifiers starting with two underlines are reserved and disallowed in the source code.
  • bitfield_limit: The maximum number of flags allowed in a bitfield. If this value is zero, there is no limit on the number of flags per bitfield.

5.2. Return value

If the parse succeeds it returns the definition assembled in definition casted to a DDLParser::Definition pointer. If there was an error, DDLParser::Compile returns NULL and error is filled with the error message.

6. DDLParser::StringCrc32

uint32_t DDLParser::StringCrc32( const char* data )

Returns the CRC32 of the string.

7. DDLParser::Definition

After a successful parsing, DDLParser::Compile returns a DDLParser::Definition, which is used as the starting point to query all selects, bitfields, and structures, defined in the source code.

DDLParser::Definition has the following methods:

7.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Definition::GetNumAggregates() const

Returns the number of aggregates (selects, bitfields and structures) in the definition.

7.2. uint32_t DDLParser::Definition::GetTotalSize() const

Returns the total size in bytes of the definition. This can be used if you want to write it into a file for example.

7.3. static DDLParser::Definition* DDLParser::Definition::FromBinRep( void* bin_rep )

Just returns the bin_rep pointer casted to a DDLParser::Definition.

7.4. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::GetAggregate( unsigned int index )

Returns an aggregate given its index. Aggregates are saved into the definition in the order they appear in the source code. No bounds check is done with index.

7.5. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::FindAggregate( const char* name )

Finds and returns an aggregate by name. If the aggregate does not exist, NULL is returned.

7.6. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::Definition::FindAggregate( uint32_t hash )

Finds and returns an aggregate by the hash of its name. If the aggregate does not exist, NULL is returned. The hash must be created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

8. DDLParser::Aggregate

An aggregate holds information common to selects, bitfields, and structures. It has the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, and GetNameHash.

8.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Aggregate::GetType() const

Returns the type of the aggregate, DDLParser::kSelect, DDLParser::kBitfield, or DDLParser::kStruct.

8.2. DDLParser::Select* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToSelect() const

Returns the aggregate casted to DDLParser::Select without checking for the actual aggregate type.

8.3. DDLParser::Bitfield* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToBitfield() const

Returns the aggregate casted to DDLParser::Bitfield without checking for the actual aggregate type.

8.4. DDLParser::Struct* DDLParser::Aggregate::ToStruct() const

Returns the aggregate casted to DDLParser::Struct without checking for the actual aggregate type.

9. DDLParser::Select

A select is like a C enum, but you can't define the value of the items. Their value is always the hash code of their identifiers. A select holds information about its items.

In addition to the methods listed here, selects have the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

9.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Select::GetNumItems() const

Returns the number of items contained in the select.

9.2. int32_t DDLParser::Select::GetDefaultItem() const

Returns the index of the item defined as the default item for the select. If no item was defined as the default, the default item is the first defined. This can be used to initialize variables to a default value if none is given for example.

9.3. DDLParser::SelectItem* DDLParser::Select::FindItem( const char* name )

Finds and returns an item by name. If the item does not exist, NULL is returned.

9.4. DDLParser::SelectItem* DDLParser::Select::FindItem( uint32_t hash )

Finds and returns an item by the hash of its name. If the item does not exist, NULL is returned. The hash must be created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

10. DDLParser::SelectItem

A select item represents an item declared in a select and has the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

Select items doesn't have any particular method besides the common ones listed above.

11. DDLParser::Bitfield

A bitfield is a set, and bitfield flags are the set's items. Unlike select items, a bitfield flag has a value associated to it. This value can be an explicit zero, an unique, automatically assigned value or a set which is the union of other flags. If the value is automatically assigned, it starts with one and is incremented for each assignment.

In addition to the methods listed here, bitfields have the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

11.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Bitfield::GetNumFlags() const

Returns the number of flags contained in the bitfield.

11.2. int32_t DDLParser::Bitfield::GetDefaultFlag() const

Returns the index of the flag defined as the default flag for the bitfield. If no flag was defined as the default, the default item is the empty flag. If an empty flag wasn't declared, The first flag is elected the default. This can be used to initialize variables to a default value if none is given for example.

11.3. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* DDLParser::Bitfield::FindFlag( const char* name )

Finds and returns a flag by name. If the flag does not exist, NULL is returned.

11.4. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* DDLParser::Bitfield::FindFlag( uint32_t hash )

Finds and returns a flag by the hash of its name. If the flag does not exist, NULL is returned. The hash must be created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

12. DDLParser::BitfieldFlag

A flag is a unique element in a set, or a set of other flags. A flag has the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

Flags also have the following unique methods:

12.1. DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue* DDLParser::BitfieldFlag::GetValue() const

Returns the value of the flag in case it's the empty flag or a set. If neither is true, this function returns NULL.

12.2. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlag::GetBit() const

If the flag is the empty flag, or if it's a set, this functions returns zero. Otherwise, it returns an automatically assigned value for the flag which is unique in the bitfield. This values starts at one and is incremented for each flag that uses it. It can be used to generate code for flags as bits in an integer, i.e. 1 << ( flag->GetBit() - 1 ).

13. DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue

Defines the value of a flag when it's either the empty flag or a set.

13.1. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue::GetCount() const

If the flag is the empty flag, this function returns zero. Otherwise, it returns the number of flags contained in the flag.

13.2. uint32_t DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue::GetFlagIndex( uint32_t index ) const

Returns the index of the flag which is part of this set.

13.3. Bitfield example

As an example, this code generates C++ code that outputs a bitfield's flags as bits in an unsigned integer:

static void GenerateBitfield( DDLParser::Bitfield* bitfield )
  printf( "namespace %s\n", bitfield->GetName() );
  printf( "{\n" );
  for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < bitfield->GetNumFlags(); i++ )
    DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* flag = bitfield->GetFlag( i );
    DDLParser::BitfieldFlagValue* value = flag->GetValue();
    printf( "  static const uint32_t %-20s = ", flag->GetName() );
    if ( value == NULL )
      // The flag has an automatically assigned value.
      printf( "0x%08x;\n", 1 << ( flag->GetBit() - 1 ) );
      if ( value->GetCount() == 0 )
        // The flag is the empty flag.
        printf( "0x%08x;\n", 0 );
        // The flag is a set containing other flags.
        DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* other = bitfield->GetFlag( 0 );
        printf( "%s", other->GetName() );
        for ( uint32_t j = 1; j < value->GetCount(); j++ )
          other = bitfield->GetFlag( value->GetFlagIndex( j ) );
          printf( " | %s", other->GetName() );
        printf( ";\n" );
  printf( "}\n" );

14. DDLParser::Struct

Structures are collections of fields. Each field has its own type, which can be a native type, a select, a bitfield, another structure, a fixed or dynamic array of the previous types, or a hashmap mapping an integer, a string, a file, or a tuid to any other type.

In addition to the methods listed here, structures have the following common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

14.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Struct::GetNumFields() const

Returns the number of fields contained in the structure.

14.2. DDLParser::Struct* DDLParser::Struct::GetParent() const

Returns the parent structure of this structure. If the structure doesn't inherit from another structure, it returns NULL.

14.3. DDLParser::Definition* DDLParser::Struct::GetDefinition() const

Returns the definition where the structure was defined.

14.4. DDLParser::StructField* DDLParser::Struct::FindField( const char* name )

Finds and returns a field by name. If the field does not exist, NULL is returned.

14.5. DDLParser::StructField* DDLParser::Struct::FindField( uint32_t hash )

Finds and returns a field by the hash of its name. If the field does not exist, NULL is returned. The hash must be created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

14.6. bool DDLParser::Struct::IsInherited( DDLParser::StructField* field )

Returns true if the field is from a parent structure.

14.7. uint32_t DDLParser::Struct::GetSchemaCrc() const

The schema crc reflects the type, count, name, and order of each field. If any of those change, then the crc changes. It does not reflect default values or any tags.

15. DDLParser::StructField

A field is an instance of a given type. A field has these common methods: GetName, GetAuthor, GetDescription, GetLabel, GetDisplayLabel, GetNameHash, GetTags, and GetTag.

Fields also have the following unique method.

15.1. DDLParser::StructValueInfo* DDLParser::StructField::GetValueInfo()

Returns the value information of the field. A field always have a DDLParser::StructField::GetValueInfo so this method never returns NULL.

16. DDLParser::StructValueInfo

A DDLParser::StructValueInfo holds information for both a field declared in a structure and its default values if the field has a structure for its type. It has the the GetTags and GetTag common methods.

16.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetNameHash() const

Returns the hash of the field's name.

16.2. Type DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetType() const

Returns the type of the field which is a value from the DDLParser::Type enumeration.

16.3. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetTypeNameHash() const

Returns the hash of the field's type name. Only usefull if the field has a select, bitfield or structure type so it's possible to query the definition for the actual aggregate.

16.4. const char* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetTypeName() const


16.5. ArrayType DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetArrayType() const

Returns the array type of the field. Possible values are DDLParser::kScalar (the field is not an array), DDLParser::kFixed (the field is an array with a fixed dimension), DDLParser::kDynamic (the field is an array without an specified dimention) and DDLParser::kHashmap (the field is a hashmap), from the DDLParser::ArrayType enumeration.

16.6. DDLParser::StructFieldValue* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetValue() const

Returns the array of default values for the field. If the field hasn't a default value, it returns NULL. Only scalar and fixed array types of fields can have a default value. In the former, only the first position of the array of values is valid. In the later, the array of values is valid from 0 to DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetCount.

16.7. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetCount() const

Returns the size of the array if the array is fixed. Always returns one for scalars and zero for dynamic arrays and hashmaps.

16.8. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetKeyType() const

Returns the DDL type of a hashmap key. If the field is not a hashmap, this method doesn't return anything meaningful.

16.9. int DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetKeyBitSize() const

Convenience method that returns the bit size of the hashmap key. Returns 64 for DDLParser::kInt64, DDLParser::kUint64, DDLParser::kFloat64, and DDLParser::kTuid, and 32 for all other types.

16.10. bool DDLParser::StructValueInfo::AllowSubStruct() const

Convenience method that returns true if the field was tagged with the tag( AllowSubstruct )' generic tag.

16.11. uint32_t DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetSchemaCrc() const

The schema crc reflects the type, count, and name of the field. If any of those change, then the crc changes. It does not reflect default values or any tags.

16.12. DDLParser::Aggregate* DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetAggregate( Definition* ddl ) const'

Returns the aggregate which is the type of the field. If the field has not a select, bitfield or structure as its type, this method returns NULL.

17. DDLParser::StructFieldValue

DDLParser::StructFieldValue is an union which holds the values defined for fields.

union DDLParser::StructFieldValue
  uint8_t                m_Uint8[ 0 ];
  uint16_t               m_Uint16[ 0 ];
  uint32_t               m_Uint32[ 0 ];
  uint64_t               m_Uint64[ 0 ];
  int8_t                 m_Int8[ 0 ];
  int16_t                m_Int16[ 0 ];
  int32_t                m_Int32[ 0 ];
  int64_t                m_Int64[ 0 ];
  float                  m_Float32[ 0 ];
  double                 m_Float64[ 0 ];
  String                 m_String[ 0 ];
  uint32_t               m_Select[ 0 ];
  StructBitfieldValuePtr m_Bitfield[ 0 ];
  StructStructValuePtr   m_Struct[ 0 ];
  StructUnknownValuePtr  m_Unknown[ 0 ]; // Deprecated
  uint8_t                m_Boolean[ 0 ];
  String                 m_File[ 0 ];
  uint64_t               m_Tuid[ 0 ];
  String                 m_Json[ 0 ];

When a field's DDLParser::StructValueInfo has a pointer to a DDLParser::StructFieldValue (via DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetValue), it means the field has default values. The member of the union that is to be accessed depends on DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetType, and how many entries are valid depends on the field's array type. For DDLParser::kScalar fields, one position only is valid. For DDLParser::kFixed fields, positions from zero to DDLParser::StructValueInfo::GetCount** - 1** are valid. DDLParser::kDynamic and DDLParser::kHashmap fields don't have default values.

18. DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue

When a field is of a bitfield type and has a default value, this value is held in the m_Bitfield member of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue union. It has the following methods:

18.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue::GetCount() const

Returns the number of flags that make the default value of the field.

18.2. uint32_t DDLParser::StructBitfieldValue::GetHash( uint32_t index ) const

Returns the hash of the flag at the given index. This hash can be used to get the actual flag from the bitfield via DDLParser::Bitfield::FindFlag.

19. DDLParser::StructStructValue

When a field is of a structure type and has a default value, it's default value is held in the m_Struct member of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue union. For each field receiving a default value, DDLParser::StructStructValue has a DDLParser::StructValueInfo with details of which field is being initialized and what value it's receiving.

DDLParser::StructStructValue has the following methods:

19.1. uint32_t DDLParser::StructStructValue::GetCount() const

Returns the number of value infos in this structure value.

19.2. DDLParser::StructValueInfo* DDLParser::StructStructValue::GetValueInfo( uint32_t index ) const

Returns the value info at the given index.

19.3. Example

struct A
  uint32_t a, value( 1 );
  uint32_t b;
struct B
  uint32_t[ 2 ] c, value( { 1, 2 } );
  uint32_t[] d;
  string{ uint32_t } f;
  A g, value( { a = 2 } );

The DDLParser::StructValueInfo for the fields declared in the DDL code above are:


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0x0136c985 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of a, the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x0d5d2ca7 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of uint32_t, but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: DDLParser::kScalar.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x009d0074 Meaning: The address of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue, since this field has a default value defined for it. This DDLParser::StructFieldValue has the value 1 at m_Uint32[ 0 ].
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 1 Meaning: This field holds one uint32_t value.


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0x983f983f Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of a, the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x0d5d2ca7 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of uint32_t, but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: DDLParser::kScalar.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field hasn't a default value defined for it.
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 1 Meaning: This field holds one uint32_t value.


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0xef38a8a9 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of c, the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x0d5d2ca7 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of uint32_t, but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 1 Meaning: DDLParser::kFixed.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x00780128 Meaning: The address of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue, since this field has a default value defined for it. This DDLParser::StructFieldValue has the values 1 and 2 at m_Uint32[ 0 ] and m_Uint32[ 1 ].
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 2 Meaning: This field holds two uint32_t values.


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0x715c3d0a Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of d, the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x0d5d2ca7 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of uint32_t, but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kDynamic.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field hasn't (and can't have) a default value defined for it.
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 0 Meaning: This field is a dynamic array, which initialy has no elements.


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0x9f525c26 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "f", the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 10 Meaning: DDLParser::kString.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0xa76af9f8 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "string", but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 3 Meaning: DDLParser::kHashmap.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field hasn't (and can't have) a default value defined for it.
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: The size of the key of this hashmap, in bits.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type (strings are scalars in DDL).
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 0 Meaning: This field is a hashmap, which initialy has no elements.


  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0xe8556cb0 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "g", the field name.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 13 Meaning: DDLParser::kStruct.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x3a58e94d Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "A", the name of the aggregate which is the type of this field.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: DDLParser::kScalar.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x007801e4 Meaning: The address of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue, since this field has a default value defined for it. This DDLParser::StructFieldValue has a DDLParser::StructStructValue pointer at m_Struct[ 0 ].
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field doesn't have any tag.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00780014 Meaning: The address of DDLParser::Struct A which is the type of this field.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 1 Meaning: This field holds one structure A value.

The details of the DDLParser::StructStructValue for B.g are:

Details of the DDLParser::StructStructValue for B.g

  • Method: GetNameHash() Return Value: 0x0136c985 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "a", the name of the field being initialized.
  • Method: GetType() Return Value: 2 Meaning: DDLParser::kUint32.
  • Method: GetTypeNameHash() Return Value: 0x0d5d2ca7 Meaning: DDLParser::StringCrc32 of "uint32_t", but meaningless.
  • Method: GetArrayType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: DDLParser::kScalar.
  • Method: GetValue() Return Value: 0x00780214 Meaning: The address of the DDLParser::StructFieldValue, since this field has a default value defined for it. This DDLParser::StructFieldValue has the value 2 at m_Uint32[ 0 ], which overrides the default value 1 of A.a.
  • Method: GetTags() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL as value infos of fields being initialized can't have tags.
  • Method: GetKeyType() Return Value: 0 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetKeyBitSize() Return Value: 32 Meaning: Meaningless.
  • Method: GetAggregate() Return Value: 0x00000000 Meaning: NULL since this field has a scalar type.
  • Method: GetCount() Return Value: 1 Meaning: This field holds one uint32_t value.

20. DDLParser::Tag

Tags are decorations that can be added to structures, fields, selects, items, bitfields, and flags. Their purpose is to pass down information to code generators to change the way code is generated for them.

DDLParser::Tag is the parent of all other tags, and has the following methods:

20.1. uint32_t DDLParser::Tag::GetType() const

Returns the type of the tag, which is a value from the DDLParser::TagType enum.

20.2. DDLParser::Tag* DDLParser::Tag::GetNext() const

The tags of a DDL component form a linked list. GetTags returns the first tag for the component, and DDLParser::Tag::GetNext is used to return the next tag in the linked list. Returns NULL at the end of the list.

21. DDLParser::GenericTag

All tag types are deprecated, new code should only use generic tags that can be defined without changing the DDL parser. Generic tags have the DDLParser::kGeneric type and the following methods in addition to the methods from DDLParser::Tag:

21.1. const char* DDLParser::GenericTag::GetName() const

Returns the identifier used in the tag definition.

21.2. uint32_t DDLParser::GenericTag::GetNameHash() const

Returns the hash of the identifier used in the tag definition, created with DDLParser::StringCrc32.

21.3. uint32_t DDLParser::GenericTag::GetNumValues() const

Returns the number of values defined in the tag after its name.

21.4. DDLParser::GenericTagValue* DDLParser::GenericTag::operator[]( unsigned int index ) const

Returns the value defined for the tag at the given index.

22. DDLParser::GenericTagValue

Represents a value defined in a generic tag after its name:

struct DDLParser::GenericTagValue
  uint32_t m_Type;
    int64_t m_Int64;
    double  m_Float64;
    String  m_String;

The m_Type member can be DDLParser::kInt64, DDLParser::kFloat64, or DDLParser::kString. Use this member to know the type of the value and which of the other members to access in a value.

22.1. Validating Generic Tags

Every time the parser parses a generic tag it calls one of the following callback functions to validate the tag:

  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckStructTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Struct* structure, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );
  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckFieldTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Struct* structure, DDLParser::StructField* field, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );
  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckSelectTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Select* select, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );
  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckItemTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Select* select, DDLParser::SelectItem* item, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );
  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckBitfieldTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Bitfield* bitfield, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );
  • typedef bool DDLParser::CheckFlagTag( DDLParser::Definition* def, DDLParser::Bitfield* bitfield, DDLParser::BitfieldFlag* flag, DDLParser::GenericTag* tag, DDLParser::Str* tag_name, DDLParser::TagSet* tag_set, char* error, size_t error_size );

These callbacks must return true to inform the parser that the tag was accepted, or false to inform that it was rejected. In the later case, the callback must also fill the error buffer with an error message up to error_size characters.

If a callback isn't defined, the tag is automatically accepted.

Note: DDLParser::Compile doesn't give the programmer the chance to install callbacks in the parser. For that, duplicate the source code of DDLParser::Compile and add the callbacks as needed.

23. DDLParser::Str

DDLParser::Str represent internal strings during the parsing. They point directly into the DDL source code being parsed so they cannot be changed. The methods that can be used to validate a generic tag are:

  • bool DDLParser::Str::operator==( const DDLParser::Str::Str& other ) const
  • bool DDLParser::Str::operator==( const char* other ) const
  • const char* DDLParser::Str::GetChars() const
  • unsigned int DDLParser::Str::GetLength() const
  • uint32_t DDLParser::Str::GetHash() const

24. DDLParser::TagSet

When one of the callbacks is called to validate a generic tag, a DDLParser::TagSet is provided to allow for keeping a record of which tags have already been defined and i.e. disallow duplicates. The methods that can be used during validation are:

  • bool DDLParser::TagSet::Insert( uint32_t element )
  • bool DDLParser::TagSet::Exists( uint32_t element )

Note that the tag's name hash (as returned by DDLParser::GenericTag::GetNameHash) should be used with tag sets.

25. DDL Grammar

The language permits the declaration of any number of structures, bitfields and selects. At least one such declaration must exist in a valid DDL file.

grammar ddl;
  : ( typedef | struct | bitfield | select )+

A typedef is an alias to a data type, array type and a set of tags. After defining a typedef it can be used to declare fields, which will have everything that was defined in the typedef.

  : 'typedef' data_type ( '[' ( expression )? ']' | '{' data_type '}' )? ( ',' typedef_info )*
  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'uirender' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'callback' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'key' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'units' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'extensions' '(' LITERAL ( ',' LITERAL )* ')'
  | 'vaulthints' '(' LITERAL ( ',' LITERAL )* ')'
  | 'uirange' '(' expression ',' expression ( ',' expression ',' expression ( ',' expression )? )? ')'
  | generic_tag

A structure begins with the struct keyword and with the structure name, an identifier. After the name the author, description, and label of the structure can be specified but they're not mandatory. The fields can then be specified enclosed by curly braces.

  : 'struct' ID ( ',' struct_info )* '{' field* '}'

struct_info allows for additional information about aggregates, namely its author, description and label. Labels are used to name UI controls, and descriptions can be used as tips for these controls. Although the grammar allows for repetitions, the parser checks for duplicates and errors accordingly.

The structure can also inherit fields from a parent structure, specified by the base tag.

  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'base' '(' ID ')'
  | 'uirender' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'version' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'callback' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'key' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | generic_tag
  : 'tag' '(' ID ( ',' expression )* ')'

A field declaration begins with the field type of a typedef identifier. After that the field name (an identifier), is parsed and additional information about the field can be specified.

  : ( field_type | ID ) ID ( ',' field_info )* ';'

The field type is a data type. If the data type is followed by a opening square brace, it denotes that the field is an array. If an integer expression is provided within the braces the array has a fixed size, otherwise the array is dynamic and elements can added to/removed from it at runtime (depending on the code that is generated). If the data type is followed by opening curly brace, it denotes a hashmap mapping values of the data type inside the curly braces to values of the data type of the field.

  : data_type ( '[' ( expression )? ']' | '{' data_type '}' )?

The field data type can be one of the native types or a custom type. The native types are signed and unsigned integers with 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits, float, double, string, file, boolean, tuid and json. A custom type is just an identifier denoting a select, bitfield or structure.

  : 'uint8_t'  | 'u8'
  | 'uint16_t' | 'u16'
  | 'uint32_t' | 'u32'
  | 'uint64_t' | 'u64'
  | 'int8_t'   | 'i8'
  | 'int16_t'  | 'i16'
  | 'int32_t'  | 'i32'
  | 'int64_t'  | 'i64'
  | 'float'    | 'f32'
  | 'double'   | 'f64'
  | 'boolean'  | 'bool'
  | 'string'
  | 'file'
  | 'tuid'
  | 'json'
  | ID

field_info allows for additional information about fields, namely its author, description, label and a default value. The default value is the value used to initialize the field.

  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'value' '(' default_value ')'
  | 'extensions' '(' LITERAL ( ',' LITERAL )* ')'
  | 'vaulthints' '(' LITERAL ( ',' LITERAL )* ')'
  | 'uirange' '(' expression ',' expression ( ',' expression ',' expression ( ',' expression )? )? ')'
  | 'uirender' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'parallel' '(' ID ')'
  | 'units' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | generic_tag

The default_value is a complex rule, and which option is taken depends on the context. In other words, it's a parser decision depending on what it was parsing.

  /* 1 */ : native_value
  /* 2 */ | select_value
  /* 3 */ | bitfield_value
  /* 4 */ | struct_value
  /* 5 */ | '{' native_value   ( ',' native_value   )* '}'
  /* 6 */ | '{' select_value   ( ',' select_value   )* '}'
  /* 7 */ | '{' bitfield_value ( ',' bitfield_value )* '}'
  /* 8 */ | '{' struct_value   ( ',' struct_value   )* '}'
  : expression
  : ID
  : ID ( '|' ID )*
  : '{' ID '=' default_value ( ',' ID '=' default_value )* '}'
  • Option #1 is taken when the field is of a native type and is not an array.
  • Option #2 is taken when the field is of a select type and is not an array.
  • Option #3 is taken when the field is of a bitfield type and is not an array.
  • Option #4 is taken when the field is of a structure type and is not an array.
  • Options #5 to #8 correspond to options #1 to #4 but are for arrays of native, select, bitfield and structure values.

A bitfield is declared with the bitfield keyword followed by its name, an identifier, which may be followed by additional information. Its flags are declared inside enclosing braces.

  : 'bitfield' ID ( ',' bitfield_info )* '{' flag+ '}'
  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | generic_tag

Declarations of bitfield flags begin with an identifier which is its name, followed by additional flag information.

  : ID ( ',' flag_info )* ';'

Besides author, description and label, a flag can be specified as the default flag for the bitfield. Flags can also be declared as empty, meaning that their value is zero. If a value is specified, the flag is a set containing all listed flags.

  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'default'
  | 'value' '(' ID ( '|' ID )* ')'
  | 'empty'
  | generic_tag

A select is declared in the same way of a bitfield.

  : 'select' ID ( ',' select_info )* '{' item+ '}'
  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | generic_tag

A select item has an implicit type of uint32_t so it's not possible to define a type for it. Its declaration begin with an identifier which is its name, followed by additional information. The value of a select item is the DDLParser::StringCrc32 of its name so it's not possible to define a value for it.

The item defined as the default item is used to initialize the default value of structure fields having the select type. As with bitfields, this default can be overridden by using the value tag in the field declaration. If no item is declared as the default, the first item declared in the select will be the default.

  : ID ( ',' item_info )* ';'
  : 'author' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'description' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'label' '(' LITERAL ')'
  | 'default'
  | generic_tag

The expression rule parses any valid C-like expression. It's defined as the ternary operator.

  : ternary

The ternary operator is a logic_or expression optionally followed by a ? and two expressions. If the logic_or expression is true (different from zero), the value of the ternary operator is the result of the first expression. If it's false, the value of the ternary operator is the result of the second expression. If ? is not present in the expression, the value of the ternary operator is the value of the logic_or expression.

  : logic_or ( '?' expression ':' expression )?

The logic_or expression is the value of a logic_and expression, optionally or'ed with other logic_and expressions.

  : logic_and ( '||' logic_and )*

The logic_and expression is the value of an arithmetic_or expression, optionally and'ed with other arithmetic_or expressions.

  : arithmetic_or ( '&&' arithmetic_or )*

The arithmetic_or expression is the value of an arithmetic_xor expression, optionally bitwise-or'ed with other arithmetic_xor expressions.

  : arithmetic_xor ( '|' arithmetic_xor )*

The arithmetic_xor expression is the value of an arithmetic_and expression, optionally bitwise-xor'ed with other arithmetic_and expressions.

  : arithmetic_and ( '^' arithmetic_and )*

The arithmetic_and expression is the value of an equal expression, optionally bitwise-and'ed with other equal expressions.

  : equal ( '&' equal )*

The equal expression is the value of a conditional expression, optionally compared for equality or inequality with other conditional expressions. It's thus possible to write a > b == c > d meaning a > b and c > d are both either false or true, and a > b != c > d meaning **a

b** is true and c > d is false or vice-versa.

  : conditional ( ( '==' | '!=' ) conditional )*

The conditional expression is the value of a shift expression, optionally compared with other shift expressions with one of the operators <, >, <= or >=.

  : shift ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift )*

The shift expression is the value of a term expression, optionally shifted left or right by other term expressions.

  : term ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) term )*

The term expression is the value of a factor expression, optionally added to or subtracted from other factor expressions.

  : factor ( ( '+' | '-' ) factor )*

The factor expression is the value of an unary expression, optionally multiplied by, divided by, mod'ed by other unary expressions.

  : unary ( ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) unary )*

The unary expression is either the value of a terminal or the value of another unary changed by the unary plus, minus, negate or not operators.

  : ( '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' ) unary
  | terminal

The terminal expression is an octal, hexadecimal, decimal or real (in base 10) number, a string, the constants true, false, pi or e, or another expression enclosed in parenthesis.

  | 'true' | 'false'
  | 'pi' | 'e'
  | '(' expression ')'

Octal constants must begin with a 0, and can only have digits from 0 to 7.

  : '0' ( '0' .. '7' )+

Binary constants must begin with 0b, and can only have digits 0 and 1.

  : '0b' ( '0' | '1' )+

Hexadecimal constants must begin with 0x, and can have digits from 0 to 9 and from A to F (case insensitive).

  : '0x' ( HEX_DIGIT )+
  : '0' .. '9'
  | 'a' .. 'f'
  | 'A' .. 'f'

Decimal numbers can only have digits from 0 to 9. In the lexical analyser, if a number starts with 0 it's considered to be an octal constant.

  : ( '0' .. '9' )+

Real numbers are decimal numbers with an optional decimal period followed by another decimal number. They can have an optional exponent (an e or E) followed by the decimal exponent value which can be signed, and optionally ended with an f. If the real number does not have a decimal period and neither an exponent, it must end with an f otherwise it will be analyzed as a decimal number. Note that this is different from what is expected from C.

  : DECIMAL ( '.' DECIMAL )? ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' ) DECIMAL )? 'f'?

Identifiers are case sensitive sequences of upper case letters, lower case letters, decimal digits and underscores. They cannot begin with a decimal digit.

  : ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' | '0' .. '9' )*

Literals are string constants which are sequences of any characters except the percent sign (which is the beginning of an escape sequence), the double quote (which marks the end of the string) and line feed. Strings are enclosed in double quotes.

  : '"' ( '%' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT | ~( '%' | '"' ) )* '"'

Escape sequences always start with a %, and must be followed by two hexadecimal digits. These three characters will be converted to one character in the resulting literal, and this character will have the code specified by the two hexadecimal digits.

Literals are codepage agnostic, so the meaning of characters with codes outside of the [0, 127] range are platform dependent.

26. License

Copyright (c) 2012, Insomniac Games
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.



Insomniac DDL format parser


Language:C++ 70.3%Language:Lua 24.3%Language:C 5.4%