macropay-solutions / laravel-crud-wizard-free

Free version of laravel-crud-wizard

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a stripped down version from the paid version Laravel crud wizard (Tested on laravel/lumen 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and it should work also on laravel 11).

I. Install

II. Start using it

III. Crud routes

III.1. Create resource

III.2. Get resource

III.3. List filtered resource

III.4. Update resource (or create)

III.5. Delete resource

I. Install

composer install macropay-solutions/laravel-crud-wizard-free

II. Start using it

Register \MacropaySolutions\LaravelCrudWizard\Providers\CrudProvider \MacropaySolutions\LaravelCrudWizard\Http\Middleware\UnescapedJsonMiddleware::class in lumen or laravel.

Create a constant in your code

class DbCrudMap
    public const MODEL_FQN_TO_CONTROLLER_MAP = [
        BaseModelChild::class => ResourceControllerTraitIncludedChild::class,

Extend BaseModel (it needs datetime NOT timestamp for created_at and updated_at columns) and BaseResourceService and use ResourceControllerTrait in a BaseController (that you extend) and add this new resource to the above map.

The BaseController should call $this->init() from its construct.

Register the crud routes in your application using (for example in Laravel)

try {
    foreach (
        ResourceHelper::getResourceNameToControllerFQNMap(DbCrudMap::MODEL_FQN_TO_CONTROLLER_MAP) as $resource => $controller
    ) {
        Route::get('/' . $resource, [$controller, 'list'])->name('apiinfo.list_' . $resource);
        Route::post('/' . $resource, [$controller, 'create'])->name('apiinfo.create_' . $resource);
        Route::put('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [$controller, 'update'])->name('apiinfo.update_' . $resource);
        Route::get('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [$controller, 'get'])->name('apiinfo.get_' . $resource);
        Route::delete('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [$controller, 'delete'])->name('apiinfo.delete_' . $resource);
        // Route::get('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}/{relation}', [$controller, 'listRelation']); // paid version only
} catch (Throwable $e) {

for example for lumen:

try {
    foreach (
        ) as $resource => $controllerFqn
    ) {
        $controllerFqnExploded = \explode('\\', $controllerFqn);
        $controller = \end($controllerFqnExploded);
        //$router->get('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}/{relation}', [
        //    'as' => $resource . '.listRelation',
        //    'uses' => $controller . '@listRelation',
        //]); // paid version only
        $router->get('/' . $resource, [
            'as' => $resource . '.list',
            'uses' => $controller . '@list',
        $router->post('/' . $resource, [
            'as' => $resource . '.create',
            'uses' => $controller . '@create',
        $router->put('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [
            'as' => $resource . '.update',
            'uses' => $controller . '@update',
        $router->get('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [
            'as' => $resource . '.get',
            'uses' => $controller . '@get',
        $router->delete('/' . $resource . '/{identifier}', [
            'as' => $resource . '.delete',
            'uses' => $controller . '@delete',
} catch (Throwable $e) {

Set LIVE_MODE=false in your .env file for non prod environments.

See also Laravel crud wizard demo

III. Crud routes

The identifier can be a primary key or a combination of primary keys with _ between them if the resource has a combined primary key!!!

see \MacropaySolutions\LaravelCrudWizard\Models\BaseModel::COMPOSITE_PK_SEPARATOR

III.1 Create resource

POST /{resource}


  Authorization: Bearer ... // if needed. not coded in this lib
  Accept: application/json
  ContentType: application/json



Json Response:




    "message": "The given data was invalid.", // or other message
    "errors": {
        "column_name1": [
            "The column name 1 field is required."
        "column_name_2": [
           "The column name 2 field is required."

The above "errors" are optional and appear only for validation errors while "message" will always be present.

III.2 Get resource

GET /{resource}/{identifier}?withRelations[]=has_many_relation&withRelations[]=has_one_relation


  Authorization: Bearer ... // if needed. not coded in this lib
  Accept: application/json

Json Response:


    "index_required_on_filtering": [
            "id": ...,
            "name": "...",
            "pivot": {
               "key1": 25,
               "key2": 5


    "message": ...

The identifier can be composed by multiple identifiers for pivot resources that have composite primary key. Example:/table1-table2-pivot/3_10

The relations will be retrieved as well when required. The relation keys CAN'T be used for filtering!!!

index_required_on_filtering key CAN'T be used for filtering.

pivot is optional and appears only on relations that are tied via a pivot.

III.3 List filtered resource

GET /{resource}?page=1&limit=10&column=2&sort[0][by]=updated_at&sort[0][dir]=ASC // advanced filters and aggregations are available only in the paid version

GET /{resource}/{identifier}/{relation}?... // available only in paid version


  Authorization: Bearer ... // if needed. not coded in this lib
  Accept: application/json or application/xls

Json Response:


    "index_required_on_filtering": [
    "current_page": 1, // not present when cursor is present in request 
    "data": [
    "from": 1, // not present when cursor is present in request
    "last_page": 1, // not present when cursor is present in request or when simplePaginate is true in controller or present in request
    "per_page": 10,
    "to": 1, // not present when cursor is present in request
    "total": 1, // not present when cursor is present in request or simplePaginate is true in controller or present in request
    "has_more_pages": bool,
    "cursor": "..." // present only when cursor is present in request

and for application/xls: binary with contents from data

The reserved words / parameters that will be used as query params are:



simplePaginate is false by default and only its presence is checked in request, not its value
cursor is not defined


index_required_on_filtering key CAN'T be used for filtering.
use ?cursor= for cursor pagination and ?simplePaginate=1 for simplePaginate. Use none of them for length aware paginator.
if \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ConvertEmptyStringsToNull::class is used use ?cursor=1 instead of emtpy string

III.4 Update resource (or create)

PUT /{resource}/{identifier}


  Authorization: Bearer ... // if needed. not coded in this lib
  Accept: application/json
  ContentType: application/json



Json Response:

200 | 201:

    // all resource's fields


    "message": "The given data was invalid.", // or other message
    "errors": {
        "column_name": [
           "The column name field is invalid."

The above "errors" are optional and appear only for validation errors while "message" will always be present.

The identifier can be composed by multiple identifiers for pivot resources that have composite primary key (and empty string primary key in their model). Example:/resources/3_10

Update is not available on some resources.

UpdateOrCreate is available on resources that have their model defined with incrementing = false ONLY if the request contains all the keys from the primary key (found also in function getPrimaryKeyFilter).

III.5 Delete resource

DELETE /{resource}/{identifier}


  Authorization: Bearer ... // if needed. not coded in this lib

Json Response:




    "message": ...

Delete is not available by default.