maciej-nowak / IS-Lexer-Parser-Gramma

Lexical and syntax gramma analysis app in example of wholesaler of sports clothing. Created at the University as the project within Intelligent Systems classes in 2016. The purpose of this project was to learn lexical and syntax gramma in PLY (Python Lex-Yacc).

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Lexical and syntax gramma analysis app in example of wholesaler of sports clothing. Created at the University as the project within Intelligent Systems classes in 2016. The purpose of this project was to learn lexical and syntax gramma in PLY (Python Lex-Yacc).


The football club orders from the wholesaler sports clothes for the club changing room. Order refers to a T-shirt, match shirts and shorts in different sizes and also in two different colors: blue and red. The program is designed to collect a full order as a compilation of various variants. This application is an example of show the scheme of building the program in PLY. App uses polish language. For see full details go to documents.


Screenshots examples of orders and clothes states.


PLY is a Python language library that allows to build parsers and compilers. PLY is based on the well-known Lex and Yacc libraries for language C - however, it is implemented from scratch in Python. PLY Library divided into two components LEX and YACC.


LEX serves for lexical analysis. With the help of LEX, a set of tokens of language and expressions regular is build. Selected tokens are extended by functions.


YACC serves for syntactic analysis. With the help of YACC, sets of rules for language is build, the order can be determine and also rules can be extended with additional logic.


In the processing of natural language the programmer has the task of deriving computer rules so that I can analyze, translate or generate a natural language understandable to a human being. The essence of this issue is usually issuing ordinary commands to computer in natural language.


Grammar is a method that describes acceptable sequences of words to the lexicon.


{trzy, troje, siedem, jedna, chlopcow, druzyny, pilek, pilka malych, duze, wielka, niebieska, owalna}

Examples of acceptable sequences

  • trzy duze druzyny
  • troje malych chlopcow
  • siedem malych pilek
  • jedna wielka niebieska owalna piłka

Examples of unacceptable sequences

  • trzy
  • troje chlopcow malych
  • siedem malych duzych pilek
  • jedna wielka pilek

Formal gramma

Grammar is a set of rules for text strings in formal language. Rules describe how to create text strings from the language alphabet in such a way that they are consistent with the language syntax. Grammar does not describe meaning string of text, but only its form.


G = <N, V, P, S> N - collection of non-terminal symbols (auxiliary symbols) V - set of terminal symbols (lexicon words) P - collection of language production (grammar rules) S - start symbol (one of the non-terminal symbols)

Gramma example

Grammar G = <N, V, P, S>

  • Collection of non-terminal symbols N = {cmd, art, color, size, number, shape, kind}
  • Collection of terminal symbols V = {trzy, troje, siedem, chlopcow, druzyny, pilek, pilka, malych, duze,wielka, niebieska, owalna}
  • Starting symbol S = cmd
  • The collection of language production P =
    cmd: (number, art),
    art: (size, color, shape, kind),
    number: ("trzy", "troje", "jedna", "siedem"),
    size: ("malych", "duze", "wielka"),
    color: ("niebieska"),
    shape: ("owalna"),
    kind: ("chlopcow", "druzyny", "pilek", "pilka")

Lexical analysis

Lexical analysis consists in dividing the text into tokens, and then assigning each of them from the lexicon. The program that performs this analysis it is called lexer (e.g.: LEX).

Lexical analysis examples

IN: troje malych chlopcow
OUT: troje: NUMBER, malych: SIZE, chlopcow: KIND

IN: jedna wielka niebieska owalna pilka
OUT: jedna: NUMBER, wielka: SIZE, niebieska: COLOR, owalna: SHAPE, pilka: KIND

Syntax analysis

The syntax analysis checks whether the input meets the grammar rules. In case of correctness, may return the series of actions taken. The program that this analysis is called a parser (eg: YACC).

Syntax analysis examples

IN: jedna:SIZE owalna:SHAPE niebieska:COLOR wielka:SIZE pilka:KIND
OUT: Failure

IN: jedna:NUMBER wielka:SIZE niebieska:COLOR owalna:SHAPE pilka:KIND OUT: Success. Action: Save into local database. Action: Send data to server.


Lexical and syntax gramma analysis app in example of wholesaler of sports clothing. Created at the University as the project within Intelligent Systems classes in 2016. The purpose of this project was to learn lexical and syntax gramma in PLY (Python Lex-Yacc).


Language:Python 100.0%