machbase / booter

Config oriented server framework

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Config file syntax

define <PREFIX>

define block defines variables to be applied in the other parts of config file.

The syntax is define <PREFIX>, that comes with <PREFIX> which is identified for the block. Any string of alpabet can be used for a prefix.

When any value from other block needs to refer an item of defined block, it will be concatenates with the prefix and _ like PREFIX_{item name}.

As VARS block is defined as below example, actual value of VARS_IP_ADDR is "".

define VARS {
    IP_ADDR     = ""
    DEBUG_MODE  = true
    MAX_BACKUPS = 10
    LOG_DIR     = "./logs"

define LOG {
    LOG_FILE    = "${VARS_LOG_DIR}/app.log"
  • PREFIX: use upper-case alphabet, number and underscore for convention.
  • Value of item: string, digit, boolean(true, false), functions and other variables that defined earlier.
  • Can not refer other variables defined afterward.
  • Multiple define blocks are processed in order.

module <moduleid>

Defines the modules that implement interface booter.Boot to be called within the booter process.

The order in which they are initialized and Start() is called defaults to the order in which they are written to the file. If you specify a different priority, Start() will be called in that order. Stop() is called in the reverse order.

The following values can be set in the module block

  • name This name specifies the target module when performing a dependency injection with inject from another module.

  • priority Specifies the order in which modules should be started, as an integer value. Smaller values will be Start() first.

  • diabled Disables the module from being defined but not created or started.

  • inject <target> <field|method> { } Injects the module into a field in the target module. The time of injection is before all modules are instantiated and Start() is called. Therefore, when implementing Start() in the target module, the current instance of the module must have been created, but the order in which it has been started is a consideration.

    In <field|method>, you can specify a field from the target module or a setter method that takes one parameter.

  • config { } defines the config object of the target module.

Inside the module definition, you can use the variables and predefined functions defined above with define to build your syntax.

module "my_project/module_a" {
    diabled = lower(VARS_IP_ADDR) == "" ? true : false
    config {
        DebugMode      = VARS_DEBUG_MODE
        ListenAddress  = VARS_IP_ADDR 
        LogFilePath    = "${VARS_LOG_DIR}/my.log"
        HomePath       = env("HOME", "/home/my")
        Madatory       = envOrError("APP_VALUE")
    inject "module_b" "ModB" {}

module "my_project/module_b" {
    name = "module_b"


  • env(name, default) Returns the environment variable, or default if none exists. ex) env("HOME", "/usr/home")
  • envOrError(name) Returns the environment variable, or raises an error and exits the booter. ex) envOrError("APP_VALUE")
  • flag(name, default) Returns the command line argument, or default if none. ex) flag("--log-dir", "./tmp")
  • flagOrError(name) Returns command-line argument, if none, an error is raised and the booter exits. ex)flagOrError("--log-dir")
  • pname() Returns the pname specified when booter is run.
  • version() Returns the value set by the application with booter.SetVersionString().
  • arg(i, default) Returns the i-th argument of the command-line arguments, excluding flags (beginning with '-'), or default if none.
  • argOrError(i) Returns the i-th argument of the command line, excluding flags (beginning with '-'), or an error.
  • arglen() Returns the number of command-line arguments.
  • userDir() : Get user's home directory, On Linux and macOS, it returns the $HOME environment variable.
  • userConfDir() : Get user's config directory, On Linux, it returns $XDG_CONFIG_HOME as specified by if non-empty, else $HOME/.config. On macOS, it returns $HOME/Library/Application Support.
  • prefDir(subdir): Get $HOME/.config/$subdir
  • upper(str)
  • lower(str)
  • min(a, b)
  • max(a, b)
  • strlen(str)
  • substr(str, offset, len)

Applications can define additional functions with booter.SetFunction(name, function.Function) before calling booter.Startup().

Typically, applications refer to settings in "Defaults -> Environment Variables -> Configuration Files -> Command Line Arguments", which can be implemented as follows. MyPath = flag("--my-path", env("MY_PATH", "/home/me"))}

Define modules

In order to use your own modules in the booter's config, you need to register them in the booter's registry before the booter starts. This is usually done in the init() function.

  • Register the module by calling booter.Register(id, configFactory, instanceFactory).
  • It takes three parameters
  • id is the identifier for the module, which can be any string, but by convention is the go module path.
  • configFactory is a func() T function that returns pointer T to the module's config object. The config object can be filled with default values before returning, so that defaults are applied even if they are not specified in the config file.
  • The instanceFactory is created from the object returned by the configFactory with the function func(T) (booter.Boot, error). The values in the config block of the configuration file are applied and then entered as arguments to instanceFactory. Based on these values, an instance of the module is created and returned, or an error is returned. As the return type of instnaceFactory indicates, the instance must implement the booter.Boot interface.
  • Booter.Boot is an interface with two functions: Start() error and Stop().

module example)

package myserver

func init() {
        // Config factory: returns default config.
        return &Config {
            Host: "",
            Port: 12345,
    func(c *Config)(booter.Boot, error) {
        // Instance factory: processes config block that is passed from booter,
        // The received config has been updated by booter according to the config file.
        // This function returns new instance of the module with the received config.
        return &server{
            conf: c,
        }, nil
type Config struct {
    Host string
    Port int

type server struct {
    conf *Config

func (this *server) Start() error {
    return nil

func (this *server) Stop() {

Define main()

Here's the main() of a booter application in its simplest form.

func main() {

When an application starts the booter by calling booter.Startup(),

  • booter reads the config files, lists the module definitions, and finds the specified modules based on their IDs.
  • Finds the specified modules based on their IDs.
  • In order, it calls the configFactory of that module to get the default config object,
  • Update the config object with the fields specified in the config block.
  • Pass the modified config object to the instanceFactory to create instances of the module.
  • Perform dependency injection based on the values specified in the inject block.
  • Call each module's Start() in sequence.

If the booter has successfully started the application's modules according to your settings, call the booter.WaitSignal() to wait for a termination signal. The program control flow is blocked at booter.WaitSignal(). To exit the booter from this state, call booter.NotifySignal() in a separate go routine, or if you enter the ^C signal, booter.WaitSignal() is returned and the program is terminated normally via booter.Shutdown().

Cutomize command line arguments

When booter.Startup() is run, it is run with the following default command line arguments. At least one of --config-dir and --config, is required, and the other flags are optional.

  • --config-dir <dir> config directory path
  • -c, --config <file> a single file config
  • --pname <name> process name
  • --pid <path> pid file path
  • --bootlog <path> boot log path
  • --d, -daemon run process in background, daemonize
  • --help print this message

Additional flags required by other applications can be specified in the configuration file with flag() as described in functions above.

If you want to change this flag to a different name, you can do so by calling booter.SetFlag() before booter.Startup().

func SetFlag(flagType BootFlagType, longflag, shortflag, defaultValue string)

The BootFlagType is

const (

For example, to change the default flag --config to --config-file, you would do the following. (If you don't want to use shortflag, just set it to the empty string "" instead of "c").

booter.SetFlag(ConfigFileFlag, "config-file", "c", "./conf/default.hcl")


Config oriented server framework


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