Pedro Henrique Machado (machadop1407)


Geek Repo

Location:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pedro Henrique Machado's repositories



Musical Chat is a platform where users are able to connect and Chat with people who have similar taste in music as them. The user needs to login with their Spotify account, which allows the platform to have access to the songs and genres they listen to. I created an algorithm which takes into account the favorite genres from users and match people based on it. Since there are several different genres, the algorithm takes into account how similar the genres are based on string similarity. When matched, they are able to chat in real time with each other using Web Sockets.



Musical Chat is a platform where users are able to connect and Chat with people who have similar taste in music as them. The user needs to login with their Spotify account, which allows the platform to have access to the songs and genres they listen to. I created an algorithm which takes into account the favorite genres from users and match people based on it. Since there are several different genres, the algorithm takes into account how similar the genres are based on string similarity. When matched, they are able to chat in real time with each other using Web Sockets.
