mac-zhou / midea-msmart

This is a library to allow communicating to a Midea AC via the Local area network.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a library to allow communicating to a Midea AC via the Local area network.


Build Status PyPI

This a mirror from the repo at NeoAcheron/midea-ac-py.

But this library just allow communicating to a Midea AC via the Local area network, not via the Midea Cloud yet.

Thanks for yitsushi's project, NeoAcheron's project, andersonshatch's project.

How to Use

  • you can use command midea-discover to discover midea devices on the host in the same Local area network. Note: This component only supports devices with model 0xac (air conditioner) and words supported in the output.
    pip3 install msmart
  • then you can use a custom component for Home Assistant here

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This is a library to allow communicating to a Midea AC via the Local area network.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%