mabiesen / rails_universal_api

attempting a dry-er, more developer-controlled approach to cross-project api usage.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rails Universal Api

GitHub release (latest SemVer)





Features of Project

Intended primarily to be run in a docker local to the project at hand.

  • be DRY in your code efforts across projects. No longer are the days of including 30 gems, no longer should you be concerned that the gem will not update as rapidly as the api, or require dependencies you do not have
  • use intuitively named urls to acommplish your goals. No more concerns regarding interpolation: once the endpoint is discovered and submitted to the code base, you can strictly use traditional parameters
  • there is no longer a need to worry about nested hashes either. Data submitted as a 'flat' hash can be converted to a nested object, provided that a body_template(json template) has been supplied to the endpoint
  • benefit from community contribution! As endpoints are discovered the clients and endpoints will be added to the codebase. Filters-creation options for retrieved endpoint data coming soon.
  • utilize a fork of this project for your company, you can add all internal clients and identify endpoints. Could assist in testing, troubleshooting, basic_understanding of a given API client, etc.
  • use the database of endpoints to generate quick scripts of endpoint calls via curl, httpie, faraday, etc. (todo, this may be tricky due to varied permissioning)
  • use the UI to hit endpoints and receive real time feedback on validity (at least as regards class type expections)

Ruby version



Credentials Setup

Pending a better methodology (coming very, very soon):

Check out /config/initializers/endpoint_clients. This directory contains initializers for our endpoint clients (github, your-internal-server, etc). Take a look at what environment variables are referenced and set them up and/or send them to the docker image at runtime.


Set up in traditional rails fashion

bundle install
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Depends on a running postgres instance, tested successfully with 10 and higher.


To run the service in docker

docker-compose up --build

From there you should be able to hit localhost:3003/

Available Routes

The following JSON endpoints exist for this project:

/list_endpoints - returns a list of endpoints /call/:client_tag/:request_name - call a given endpoint /validate_params/:client_tag/:request_name - validate parameters for a given endpoint /validate_param/:client_tag/:request_name - validate a single param for a given endpoint, intended for use in live form validation.

Example - /list_endpoints

Basic example:


^^ fetches all endpoints

Example filtering for endpoints with a client_tag 'like':

http://localhost:3000/list_endpoints client_tag:git

^^ would return all endpoints with a client_tag containing the word 'git'

Example filtering for endpoints with a name 'like':

http://localhost:3000/list_endpoints request_name:pull

Example - /call/:client_tag/:request_name

This route is the bread and butter of the application, it is how we reach out to external endpoints (github, facebook, etc).

Basic example:


^^ get all pull requests of any status from github

Example filtering for status:

http://localhost:3000/call/github/get_pull_requests state:closed

Example - /validate_params/:client_tag/:request_name

This route exists primarily as a development convenience, it provides a way to validate your parameters will work as expected. It will also provide whollistic reivew of UI entries prior to form submission.

Basic example:

http://localhost:3000/validate_params/github/get_pull_requests owner:mabiesen
# would return error because repo is not supplied, but repo is not optional

http://localhost:3000/validate_params/github/get_pull_requests owner:mabiesen repo:<this_repo> stant:closed
# would return error message indicating stant is not a parameter

http://localhost:3000/validate_params/some_api_provider/some_reqeust  owner:mabiesen repo:<this_repo> date:marcus
# would return error message indicating marcus is not a date

Example(singular!) - /validate_param/:client_tag/:request_nam

Same validations as /validate_params, but only one param is supplied at a time.

Primarily intended for UI live form validation.


from circleci cli while in home directory

cirlceci local execute


Steps for adding clients

  1. add a /config/<client_name>.yml to store url information
  2. add a /config/initializers/<client_name>.rb to initialize your client.
  3. add the client to the client map in /app/models/endpoint.rb
  4. environment variables consumed by the initializer should be placed in /.env.local

Steps for adding endpoints

  1. rails g migration adding_some_endpoint_name
  2. fill out the migration
  3. run rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Versioning a new release should be done as follows:

  • Patch Update - Fix application related concerns
  • Minor Update - Change to an existing endpoint or client (Example: 0.7.122 -> 0.8.0)
  • Major Update - New/Delete endpoint or client, route addtions (0.7.122 -> 1.0.0)

NOTE: endpoints may not be added until a client has been added


DRY Data filtering


Often when API responses are received they are filtered for specific logic required for business operations. No one needs alllllllll of the information an API like the github pull request api provides, so often we filter for what we need at the business layer. But because this is occuring at the business layer within an application, these common filters are not usually granted cross-project applicability.



Should have proper authentication. API credentials should be stored better, presently just a .env.local file.

Skinny Project Templating


Some projects do not require the robustness that this service offers, and many developers prefer not to add an extra networking layer to their concerns. A templating mechanism will be created to allow one to generate http request scripts for use in other projects.

UI Endpoint Execution


This UI would template out parameters in table format and offer AJAX data validation prior to data send.


attempting a dry-er, more developer-controlled approach to cross-project api usage.


Language:Ruby 75.9%Language:HTML 16.3%Language:JavaScript 6.1%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:SCSS 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%