maastiff / pi-unifi-controller

Ansible playbook to deploy UniFi Controller on a raspberrypi under raspbian

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Pi Unifi Controller

This project intend to automatically deploy UniFi Controller v5 to Raspberry Pi.


A Raspberry Pi provisioned with Raspbian. See Raspberry Quick Start Guide or Quick Start Offline Version

How to setup the Raspberry Pi from OSX


  • Install SD Card Formatter
$ brew cask install sdformatter
  • Format SD Card as FAT32 Launch "SD Card Formatter" Choose "Overwrite Format", fill "Volume Label"

SD Card Formatter

$ brew cask install balenaetcher
  • Install Raspbian image using Balena Etcher Choose Image Choose SD Card drive Flash!

Flash! Etcher Configuration Flash! Etcher Running

Command Line

  • Format SD card as FAT32
$ diskutil list
$ sudo diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 <volume name> MBRFormat /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
  • Unmount SD card
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
  • Copy the data to your SD card
$ sudo dd bs=1m if=image.img of=/dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>
  • After the dd command finishes, eject the card
$ sudo diskutil eject /dev/disk<disk# from diskutil>

Configure SSH on Raspbian

  • By default, ssh is deactivated on raspbian, to enable it create an empty ssh file at the root of the boot partition

  • Find the raspberry with (you can install nmap with macports)

$ sudo nmap -sP <192.168.1 (local network ip)>.0/24
  • Ensure to succeed connecting to the default raspberry account using
ssh pi@raspberrypi
password: raspberry 


Initialize raspberry

  • Drop your public ssh key in ssh-keys/files/enabled

  • Run prepare.yml playbook with default pi user

    ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts prepare.yml -e ansible_ssh_user=pi -e ansible_ssh_pass=raspberry

Deploy UniFi Controller

  • Run deploy playbook with previously provisioned ansible user.

    ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts deploy.yml


  • Disable pi user ssh authentication
  • Configure firewall
  • Configure reverse proxy


Ansible playbook to deploy UniFi Controller on a raspberrypi under raspbian