This project aims to create a game environment using tile graphs. It was built in Java using the processing Library.
The folder structure is as follows:
The first package is called Behavior and it contains 4 classes. Align and Smotion are to do with the character movement. ShortestPath contains the algorithms needed for implementing both Dijkstra and A* to get the shortest path from start to goal vertex. Path Following is the main class that runs everything. It sets up the environment and draws everything.
The second package called DataStructures contains classes for different structures used in the behavior package. Agent and GameObject are the character and targets. Vertex and Edge are used to generate the graph in the Graph class. ClassRoom is basically the game environment I chose to implement, which is the class room where I'm taking this class. Obstacle describes anything that the character is not allowed to go through (walls, tables, ..etc).
The third package Other contains a Helper class to utility functions used everywhere in the project.
There are some defaults in the working of the assignments that could be changed by changing the values of some parameters. For example: the project by default uses A* with manhattan distance to get the shortest path.