m4x1m1l14n / cache-js

Lightweight in-memory isomorphic cache implementation with TTL for browser & Node JS written in TypeScript

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Lightweight in-memory isomorphic cache implementation with TTL for browser & Node JS

This simple cache is written in TypeScript and works both for browser and Node. It is build on top of built-in Map thus theoretical limit for stored entries is in case of Node 2 ^ 24, which is approximately 16.6 million. Each entry in cache can has its own TTL (timeout) and assigned expiration callback fired once entry expire.

Table of Contents


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Cache implementation uses templates so when you use this library in TypeScript project, you can restrict what type of key and value cache has to consume.

import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

Cache behavior can be altered with options object passed to its constructor. Following table shows options that can be changed.

Option Default value Description
resolution 1000 Interval in milliseconds after which entries are checked for expiry
defaultTTL Infinity Default TTL for all added entries
maxItems 1000 Maximum number of entries stored in cache


import { Cache, CacheOptions } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const options: CacheOptions =
	resolution: 1000,
	maxItems: 1000

const cache = new Cache<number, string>( options );


Store value in cache under specified key.


public set( key : K, value : T, ttl? : number, callback?: ExpirationCallback<T> ) : Cache<K, T>;


  • key: Key under which value will be stored
  • value: Value to store
  • ttl (optional): Timeout after which cache entry will expire and will be deleted
  • callback (optional): Callback invoked once entry expire

Return value:

set method returns itself, so it is possible to chain multiple sets

import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

	.set( 1, 'Hello' )
	.set( 2, 'World' )
	.set( 3, '!');


import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

// Key 1 will persist in cache until standardTTL is reached
cache.set( 1, 'Hello' );
// Key 2 will expire after 5 seconds
cache.set( 2, 'World', 5000 );
// Key 3 will expire after 3 seconds, and callback is called
cache.set( 3, 'Some other value', 3000, (value) =>
	console.log( `'${value}' has expired` );
	// Expected output
	// > 'Some other value' has expired
} );


Retrieve value of cached entry by its key.


public get( key : K, refresh = false ) : T | undefined


  • key: Key to retrieve
  • refresh (default: false): Whether to refresh entry TTL or not. In case true is passed, item TTL is refreshed and its expiration is postponed, like item is freshly inserted in cache.

Return value:

get returns value assigned to specified key. If key is not found in cache, undefined is returned.


import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

cache.set( 1, 'Hello' );
console.log( cache.get( 1 ) );
// Expected output
// > Hello


Retrieve value of cached entry by its key and remove it from cache.


public take( key: K ): T | undefined


  • key: Key to retrieve

Return value:

take returns value assigned to specified key. If key is not found in cache, undefined is returned.


import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

cache.set( 1, 'Hello' );
console.log( cache.take( 1 ) );
console.log( cache.take( 1 ) );
// Expected output
// > Hello
// > undefined


Returns wether cache contains specified key or not.


public has( key : K ) : boolean


  • key: Key to check for

Return value:

true in case key exists in cache, false otherwise


import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

cache.set( 1, 'Hello' );
console.log( cache.has( 1 ) );
console.log( cache.has( 2 ) );
// Expected output
// > true
// > false


Removes cache entry by specified key.


public delete( key : K ) : boolean


  • key: Key of entry to remove

Return value:

true in case key was removed, false otherwise


import { Cache } from '@m4x1m1l14n/cache';

const cache = new Cache<number, string>();

cache.set( 1, 'Hello' );
console.log( cache.get( 1 ) );
console.log( cache.delete( 1 ) );
console.log( cache.get( 1 ) );
console.log( cache.delete( 1 ) );
// Expected output
// > Hello
// > true
// > undefined
// > false


Lightweight in-memory isomorphic cache implementation with TTL for browser & Node JS written in TypeScript

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.3%Language:JavaScript 3.7%