m3zh / pipex

pipex - 42 project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pipex is a project that re-creates in C the way two commands are piped together via | in the shell

# ./pipex infile cmd1 cmd2 outfile
 |-- fork()
      |-- child // cmd1
      :     |--dup2()
      :     |--close end[0]
      :     |--execve(cmd1)
      |-- parent // cmd2
            |--close end[1]
# pipe() sends the output of the first execve() as input to the second execve()
# fork() runs two processes (i.e. two commands) in one single program
# dup2() swaps our files with stdin and stdout

Setting the pipe

void    pipex(int f1, int f2)
    int end[2];    pipe(end);

# pipe() takes an array of two int, and links them together
# what is done in end[0] is visible to end[1], and vice versa
# pipe() assigns an fd to each end
# Fds are file descriptors
# since files can be read and written to, by getting an fd each, the two ends can communicate
# end[1] will write to the its own fd, and end[0] will read end[1]’s fd and write to its own

Forking the processes

void    pipex(int f1, int f2)
    int   end[2];
    pid_t parent;    pipe(end);
    parent = fork();
    if (parent < 0)
         return (perror("Fork: "));
    if (!parent) // if fork() returns 0, we are in the child process
        child_process(f1, cmd1);
        parent_process(f2, cmd2);

# fork() splits the process in two sub-processes -> parallel, simultaneous, happen at the same time
# it returns 0 for the child process, a non-zero for the parent process, -1 in case of error

end[1] is the child process, end[0] the parent process; the child writes, the parent reads
Since for something to be read, it must be written first, so cmd1 will be executed by the child, and cmd2 by the parent.


pipex is run like this ./pipex infile cmd1 cmd2 outfile
FDs 0, 1 and 2 are by default assigned to stdin, stdout and stderr
infile, outfile, the pipe, the stdin and stdout are all FDs
On linux, you can check your fds currently open with the command ls -la /proc/$$/fd

Our fd table right now looks like this:

                 0         |     stdin     |  
                 1         |     stdout    |    
                 2         |     stderr    |  
                 3         |     infile    |  // open()
                 4         |     outfile   |  // open()
                 5         |     end[0]    | 
                 6         |     end[1]    |  

Swapping fds with dup2()

For the child process, we want infile to be our stdin (as input), and end[1] to be our stdout (we write to end[1] the output of cmd1)
In the parent process, we want end[0] to be our stdin (end[0] reads from end[1] the output of cmd1), and outfile to be our stdout (we write to it the output of cmd2)

// each cmd needs a stdin (input) and returns an output (to stdout)
    infile                                             outfile
as stdin for cmd1                                 as stdout for cmd2            
       |                        PIPE                        ↑
       |           |---------------------------|            |
       ↓             |                       |              |
      cmd1   -->    end[1]       ↔       end[0]   -->     cmd2           
                     |                       |
            cmd1   |---------------------------|  end[0]
           output                             reads end[1]
         is written                          and sends cmd1
          to end[1]                          output to cmd2
       (end[1] becomes                      (end[0] becomes 
        cmd1 stdout)                           cmd2 stdin)

We swap fds to stdin/stdout with dup2()
From the MAN,

int dup2(int fd1, int fd2) : it will close fd2 and duplicate the value of fd2 to fd1
else said, it will redirect fd1 to fd2

In pseudo code:

# child_process(f1, cmd1); // add protection if dup2() < 0
// dup2 close stdin, f1 becomes the new stdin
dup2(f1, STDIN_FILENO); // we want f1 to be execve() input
dup2(end[1], STDOUT_FILENO); // we want end[1] to be execve() stdout
close(end[0]) # --> always close the end of the pipe you don't use,
                    as long as the pipe is open, the other end will 
                    be waiting for some kind of input and will not
                    be able to finish its process
// execve function for each possible path (see below)

Parent process in pseudo code will be similar
It needs a waitpid() at the very beginning to wait for the child to finish her process

# parent_process(f2, cmd2);
int status;
waitpid(-1, &status, 0);
dup2(f2, ...); // f2 is the stdout
dup2(end[0], ...); // end[0] is the stdin
// execve function for each possible path (see below)

Executing with execve()

From the MAN,

int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *envp[]);

# path: the path to our command
# type `which ls` and `which wc` in your terminal
# you'll see the exact path to the commands' binaries

# argv[]: the args the command needs, for ex. `ls -la`
# you can use your ft_split to obtain a char **
# like this { "ls", "-la", NULL }
# it must be null terminated

# envp: environmental variable -> retrieved from main (see below)
# in envp the line PATH contains all possible paths to the commands' binaries
# type env in the terminal to have a look
# split on : to retrieve all possible PATHs 

int main(int ac, char **ag, char **envp)
     int f1;
     int f2;
     f1 = open(ag[1], O_RDONLY);
     f2 = open(ag[4], O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0644);
     if (f1 < 0 || f2 < 0)
          return (-1);
     pipex(f1, f2, ag, envp);
     return (0);

execve() will try every possible path to the cmd until it finds the good one
If the command does not exist, execve() will do nothing and return -1;
else, it will execute the cmd and delete all ongoing processes (so no leaks)

In pseudo code,

// parsing (somewhere in your code) char *PATH_from_envp;
char **mypaths;
char **mycmdargs; // retrieve the line PATH from envp

PATH_from_envp = ft_substr(envp ....);
mypaths = ft_split(PATH_from_envp, ":");
mycmdargs = ft_split(ag[2], " ");// in your child or parent process
int  i;
char *cmd;

i = -1;
while (mypaths[++i])
    cmd = ft_join(mypaths[i], ag[2]); // protect your ft_join
    execve(cmd, mycmdargs, envp); // if execve succeeds, it exits
    // perror("Error"); <- add perror to debug
    free(cmd) // if execve fails, we free and we try a new path
return (EXIT_FAILURE);

Creating a pipe with two child processes

void    pipex(int f1, int f2, char *cmd1, char *cmd 2)
    int   end[2];
    int   status;
    pid_t child1;
    pid_t child2;    pipe(end);
    child1 = fork();
    if (child1 < 0)
         return (perror("Fork: "));
    if (child1 == 0)
        child_one(f1, cmd1);
    child2 = fork();
    if (child2 < 0)
         return (perror("Fork: "));
    if (child2 == 0)
        child_two(f2, cmd2);
    close(end[0]);         // this is the parent
    close(end[1]);         // doing nothing
    waitpid(child1, &status, 0);  // supervising the children
    waitpid(child2, &status, 0);  // while they finish their tasks

Using access()

If the command that does not exist, execve() will execute nothing without error messages
You need to check if the command exists before its execution with access(), else send an error pipex: weirdcmd: weirdcmd not found


[0] When splitting the env, print out the result of split. Add a / at the end for the path to work correctly.

[1] If the program gets stuck without executing anything, most probably the pipe ends are not closed correctly. Until one end is open, the other will be waiting for input and its process will not finish.

[2] Place perror("Error") in your code, especially right after fork() or execve() , to see what is going on in the pipe. Inside the pipe, everything we do will go to one of its ends. printf for ex. won’t print to the terminal, it will print to your outfile (because we swapped the stdout) perror("Error") will work because it prints to stderr.

[3] Handle file rights when open()ing them. Return error if the file cannot be opened, read or written. Check how the shell treats infile and outfile when they do not exist, are not readable, writable etc. (chmod is your best friend).


pipex - 42 project


Language:C 91.7%Language:Makefile 8.3%