m1dm4n / File-Sharing-System-using-IPFS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Secure File Sharing System Based on IPFS

System structure

│── Client sample
│── DHT/
│── Database/
│── Clien GUI/
│── Server(RPC)/


The place where the hash of the file is stored and ensures the security features of the system.


It plays the role of both a client and a server. The client sends files for storage, while the server receives requests to download files from other nodes.


The intermediary communication between the blockchain and nodes, as well as between nodes themselves.


The main user interface that provides a sign-up mechanism that automatically generates a private key using a pre-installed algorithm. It also provides a login mechanism that allows users to load their private key from a file.

Config and setup

The location where system parameters are stored and automatically configured.


All connections are encrypted using AES, and the key exchange mechanism used is ECC, also for signature.

In details.

A network layer for IPFS protocol

Illustrating the interaction between a client, RPC (Remote Procedure Call), and other components in the IPFS network:

+--------------+          +--------------+          +------------------+
|    Client    |          |     RPC      |          |   IPFS Network   |
+--------------+          +--------------+          +------------------+
      |                          |                          |
      |       Step 1: Publish File / Content              |
      |     - Connect to RPC endpoint                      |
      |     - Send request to publish file/content          |
      |     - Include file/content data in the request      |
      |     - RPC processes the request                     |
      |     - Perform necessary validations                |
      |     - Store the file/content in IPFS network        |
      |     - Generate unique content ID (CID)              |
      |     - Return the CID as the response                |
      |                                                    |
      |       Step 2: Retrieve File / Content               |
      |     - Connect to RPC endpoint                      |
      |     - Send request to retrieve file/content         |
      |     - Include the content ID (CID) in the request   |
      |     - RPC processes the request                     |
      |     - Retrieve the requested file/content from IPFS |
      |     - Pack the file/content into the response       |
      |     - Return the response to the client             |
      |                                                    |
      |       Step 3: Search for File / Content             |
      |     - Connect to RPC endpoint                      |
      |     - Send search request for file/content          |
      |     - Include search parameters in the request      |
      |     - RPC processes the request                     |
      |     - Search the IPFS network for matching content  |
      |     - Retrieve a list of matching files/content     |
      |     - Pack the search results into the response     |
      |     - Return the response to the client             |
      |                                                    |
      |       Step 4: Network Maintenance and Management    |
      |                                                    |
      |     - RPC handles network management tasks          |
      |     - Peer discovery and connection management      |
      |     - Consensus protocol handling                   |
      |     - Network health monitoring and maintenance     |
      |                                                    |
+--------------+          +--------------+          +------------------+
|    Client    |          |     RPC      |          |   IPFS Network   |
+--------------+          +--------------+          +------------------+

Publish File / Content:

  • The client connects to the IPFS network through an IPFS node or gateway.
  • The client adds the file or content to IPFS using the "ipfs add" command, which creates a new Merkle DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) node that represents the file or content and stores it on the IPFS network.
  • The IPFS network replicates the data across multiple nodes in a decentralized manner to ensure redundancy and availability.
  • The IPFS network generates a unique content ID (CID) for the published file/content and returns it as the response to the client.

Retrieve File / Content:

  • The client connects to the IPFS network through an IPFS node or gateway.
  • The client retrieves a file or content from the IPFS network using the "ipfs get" command, specifying the content ID (CID) of the file/content.
  • The IPFS network looks up the content ID (CID) and returns the corresponding data to the client.
  • The client receives the requested file/content from the IPFS network.

Search for File / Content:

  • The client connects to the IPFS network through an IPFS node or gateway.
  • The client searches for a file or content using the IPFS Distributed Hash Table (DHT) or the IPFS Search API.
  • If using the DHT, the IPFS network looks up the content ID (CID) or keyword in the DHT and returns the corresponding data to the client.
  • If using the Search API, the IPFS network searches the content index for the keyword and returns the corresponding data to the client.
  • The client receives the search results from the IPFS network.


1. Storage Incentives:

  • IPFS incentivizes storage providers to store and replicate content by allowing them to earn tokens for providing storage space to the network.
  • Users can pay storage providers in IPFS tokens to store their data on the IPFS network, and storage providers can earn tokens for storing and replicating the data.

2. Content Discovery Incentives:

  • IPFS incentivizes content creators to publish their content on the IPFS network by making it easy for users to discover and access their content.
  • Content creators can earn tokens for publishing high-quality and popular content that is widely accessed and shared on the IPFS network.

3. Network Performance Incentives:

  • IPFS incentivizes network participants to help improve the performance and reliability of the network.
  • Nodes that provide reliable and fast access to content can earn tokens for their contributions to the network.
  • Nodes that provide valuable services such as content caching or content discovery can also earn tokens for their contributions.

4. Governance Incentives:

  • IPFS incentivizes network participants to participate in the governance of the network by allowing them to earn tokens for voting on important network decisions.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 69.9%Language:C# 30.1%