m1chae1bx / my-tasks-aws

A serverless Node.js based backend application deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Tasks AWS

Project Overview

This project contains source code and supporting files for a To Do List serverless application that you can deploy with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) command line interface (CLI). The application runs on Node.js runtime environment and makes use of AWS services like AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon API Gateway. Source code is written in TypeScript and unit tests are implemented using the Jest library. A GitHub pipeline configuration is also in place.

Application Background

My Tasks AWS is a REST API backend application that supports creation, modification and deletion of To Do list items (called Tasks). Each task belongs to a List, and each List belongs to a User. The API supports registration and authentication of users, and managing of lists and tasks.

Project Structure

├─ .github
│  └─ workflows/
│     └─ pipeline.yaml
├─ src/
│  ├─ libs/
│  ├─ test-utils/
│  └─ functions/
│     ├─ auth/
│     │  ├─ login/
│     │  │  ├─ __tests__/
│     │  │  ├─ test-data/
│     │  │  ├─ index.ts
│     │  │  └─ ...
│     │  └─ lambda-authorizer/
│     └─ ...
├─ template.yml
├─ package.json
├─ tsconfig.json
├─ jest.config.json
├─ .gitignore
├─ .prettierrc.json
├─ .eslintignore
└─ README.md
File/Directory Description
.github/workflows/pipeline.yaml Github CI/CD pipeline configuration
src/libs/ Shared code used by various functions
src/test-utils/ Shared utility code for unit tests
src/functions/.../index.ts Lambda function entry point
src/functions/.../__tests__/ Function related unit tests
src/functions/.../test-data/ Mock data for unit tests
template.yml Template file used to define resources AWS SAM resources
package.json NPM project manifest file
tsconfig.json TypeScript configuration
jest.config.json Jest unit test framework configuration
.gitignore List of files/directories ignored by Git
.prettierrc.json Prettier configuration
.eslintignore List of files/directories ignored by TS/JS linter
README.md Readme file

More details to come soon.


A serverless Node.js based backend application deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Language:TypeScript 100.0%