This module will allow you to host your Hapijs (17+) application on Amazon Lambda with node 8.10+. If you are using API Gateway, you should set the Gateway to "proxy" mode.
CAUTION: There are significant breaking changes between this version and the pre-1.0 versions of this module.
// api.js
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
module.exports = {
init: async () => {
const server = new Hapi.server({
port: process.env.port || 3000,
routes: { cors: true }
const plugins = []; // your plugins here
await server.register(plugins);
// return the server for Lambda support
return server;
Your index.js file that you expose to Lambda should look like the following:
// index.js
const api = require('./api');
const { transformRequest, transformResponse } = require('hapi-lambda');
// cache the server for better peformance
let server;
exports.handler = async event => {
if (!server) {
server = await api.init();
const request = transformRequest(event);
// handle cors here if needed
request.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*';
request.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = true;
const response = await server.inject(request);
return transformResponse(response);
Deployment is a much larger topic and not covered by this module, however I highly recommend deploying your Lambda application with Serverless
Here is an example serverless configuration.
service: hapi-lambda-demo
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
handler: index.handler
- http:
path: "{proxy+}"
method: any
cors: true
- serverless-offline
A working repository and example is provided at