m0skit0 / dp3t-sdk-android

The DP3T-SDK for Android

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DP3T-SDK for Android

License: MPL 2.0 Android Build Android Tests


The Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) project is an open protocol for COVID-19 proximity tracing using Bluetooth Low Energy functionality on mobile devices that ensures personal data and computation stays entirely on an individual's phone. It was produced by a core team of over 25 scientists and academic researchers from across Europe. It has also been scrutinized and improved by the wider community.

DP-3T is a free-standing effort started at EPFL and ETHZ that produced this protocol and that is implementing it in an open-sourced app and server.


This is the implementation of the DP-3T protocol using the Exposure Notification Framework of Apple/Google. Only approved government public health authorities can access the APIs. Therefore, using this SDK will result in an API error unless either your account is whitelisted as test account or your app is approved by Google and signed with the production certificate.

As of version 2.0 of this SDK we use features added in v1.5 of the Google framework and for iOS features that were added in v2.0 of the Apple framework. Make sure to also use at least version 2.0 of the dp3t-sdk-backend to be compatible with the DP3T Android SDK 2.0. See EXPOSURE_NOTIFICATION_API_USAGE.md for a detailed description of how we use the Google EN Api.

Our prestandard solution that is not using the Apple/Google framework can be found under the tag prestandard.


Further Documentation

The full set of documents for DP3T is at https://github.com/DP-3T/documents. Please refer to the technical documents and whitepapers for a description of the implementation.

Calibration App

Included in this repository is a Calibration App that can run, debug and test the SDK directly without implementing it in a new app first. It collects additional data and stores it locally into a database to allow for tests with phones from different vendors. Various parameters of the SDK are exposed and can be changed at runtime. Additionally it provides an overview of how to use the SDK.

See CALIBRATION_APP_USAGE.md for more information on how to use the calibration app.

Function overview


Name Description Function Name
init Initializes the SDK and configures it public static void init(Context context, ApplicationInfo applicationInfo, PublicKey signaturePublicKey)


Name Description Function Name
start Asks the user to enable ExposureNotifications and starts tracing if accepted public static void start(Activity activity, Runnable successCallback, Consumer<Exception> errorCallback, Runnable cancelledCallback)
stop Stops tracing public static void stop(Context context)
sync Pro-actively triggers sync with backend to refresh exposed list public static void sync(Context context)
status Returns a TracingStatus-Object describing the current state. This contains:
- tracingEnabled : boolean
- lastSyncDate:long
- infectionStatus:InfectionStatus
- exposureDays:List<ExposureDay>
- errors (permission, bluetooth disabled, no network, ...) : List<ErrorState>
public static TracingStatus getStatus(Context context)
I infected This method must be called upon positive test. public static void sendIAmInfected(Activity activity, Date onset, ExposeeAuthMethod exposeeAuthMethod, ResponseCallback<Void> callback)
clearData Removes all SDK related data (key and database) and de-initializes SDK public static void clearData(Context context, Runnable onDeleteListener)


Name Description Function Name
status update Status was updated; new status can be fetched with the status method Register for Broadcast with the IntentFilter returned by public static IntentFilter getUpdateIntentFilter()

Building a AAR

To build an aar file that you can include in your project use in the folder dp3t-sdk:

$ ./gradlew assemble

The library is generated under sdk/build/outputs/aar

Integrating into a Project

The SDK is available on JCenter and can be included directly as Gradle dependency:

dependencies {
implementation 'org.dpppt:dp3t-sdk-android:1.0.0'

Using the SDK


In your Application.onCreate() you have to initialize the SDK with:

DP3T.init(getContext(), applicationInfo, signaturePublicKey);

The ApplicationInfo defines the id of your app as well as the urls for reporting and loading TEKs.

Start / Stop tracing

To start and stop tracing use

DP3T.start(activity, successCallback, errorCallback, cancelledCallback);

To make sure the background jobs run with low delays, make sure the user disables BatteryOptimization. BatteryOptimization can be checked with

PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
boolean batteryOptDeact = powerManager.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(getContext().getPackageName());

and for asking the user to disable the optimization use:

					Uri.parse("package:" + getContext().getPackageName())));

Tracing is automatically restarted if the phone is rebooted by the SDK, it is enough to call start() once from your app.

Customize error notifications

The SDK generates notifications for several error cases. These notifications can be customized by defining the following string resources in your project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_channel">DP3T SDK</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_title">DP3T SDK</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_errors">App can\'t function properly:</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_location_service">location service disabled</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_bluetooth_disabled">bluetooth is disabled</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_bluetooth_not_supported">bluetooth low-energy is not supported on this device</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_server">failed to load new infection data (server error)</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_network">failed to load new infection data (network error)</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_no_space">failed to load new infection data (no space on device)</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_ssltls">failed to load new infection data (ssl/tls error)</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_timing">device time does not match server time</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_signature">failed to load new infection data (invalid signature)</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_sync_api">failed to load new infection data</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_gaen_not_available">google exposure notifications are not available on this device</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_gaen_unexpectedly_disabled">google exposure notifications disabled, but was expected to be active</string>
	<string name="dp3t_sdk_service_notification_error_battery_optimization">battery optimization enabled</string>

To change the notification icon add your custom ic_handshakes drawable to the project.

Checking the current tracing status

TracingStatus status = DP3T.getStatus(getContext());

The TracingStatus object contains all information of the current tracing status.

To get notified when the status changes, you can register a broadcast receiver with

getContext().registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, DP3T.getUpdateIntentFilter());

Report user infected

DP3T.sendIAmInfected(activity, onsetDate, exposeeAuthMethod, new ResponseCallback<Void> callback){
				public void onSuccess(Void response) {

				public void onError(Throwable throwable) {

Sync with backend for infected users

The SDK automatically registers a periodic Job to sync with the backend for new exposed users. If you want to trigger a sync manually (e.g., upon a push from your backend) you can use:


Make sure you do not call this method on the UI thread, because it will perform the sync synchronously. Due to rate limits on the provideDiagnosisKeys() the sync can be execute only in a very restricted manner.

Apps using the DP3T-SDK for Android

Name Country Source code Store Release-Date
SwissCovid Switzerland Github PlayStore 25. Mai 2020
ASI Ecuador minka.gob.ec PlayStore 2. August 2020
Hoia Estonia koodivaramu.eesti.ee PlayStore 18. August 2020
STAYAWAY COVID Portugal Github PlayStore 28. August 2020
Radar COVID Spain Github PlayStore

If your project/country is not yet listed but uses the DP3T-SDK feel free to send a pull-request to add it to the README.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MPL 2 license. See the LICENSE file.


The DP3T-SDK for Android

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%