m-wiesner / nnet_pytorch

Kaldi style neural network training in pytorch for use in place of nnet3 in Kaldi.

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This code is intended to replace some of the Kaldi NNET frame work. For this reason We're referring to it as nnet_pytorch. The intention was to replicate Kaldi's nnet framework and training style with the following modifications:

  1. Training examples are all created on the fly: Instead of dumping egs as in Kaldi, we dump memory mapped versions of features. It therefore very unlikely to ever see the same chunk of speech during training. We have not yet implemented on-the-fly numerator lattice creation. For this reason, training at this time uses only the single best alignment for the numerator lattice. This speeds up the gradient computation in LFMMI since we only have to do forward-backward on the denominator lattice.

  2. Pytorch native optimizers (Adam) instead of Natural Gradient: All provided examples use pytorch-native optimizers. We generally train with 1/3-1/2 of the training train used for warmup steps, and then decay the learning rate exponentially until the end of training. Other learning rate schedules could be added, as well as other optimizers.

  3. Model Averaging at the end of training We find that averaging the last 20+ models of training almost always gives about 10% relative improvement. Unlike Kaldi, we do not use performance on a dev set for weighting when averaging models.


Online decoding: Most models can be implemented in pytorch, but we have not yet supported any sort of online decoding, though it should be feasible.

Training with Ivector or other speaker representations: We do not yet support training with i-vectors though this should also be easy to implement.

Online numerator lattice creation There should be a way of easily supporting some sort of notion of alternative paths in training without dumping a numerator lattice. Even just allowing alternative alignments should be easily doable though it is not yet implemented.

On-the-fly Data perturbations We have some rudimentary noising of audio examples implemented though we haven't really tried them out. We should also be able to support on-the-fly feature computation as an alternative to dumping the memory mapped features, even if it increases the training time somewhat.

More compact representation of targets We currently are writing the target sequences as raw text files. These should be gzipped, or maybe we should support loading them as needed on the fly. Also the way we currently deal with unlabeled data is somehwat ugly and should be fixed. Currently, a when creating minibatches we expect targets to exist. For unlabeled data or data we want to decode, we supply dummy targets consisting of -1 for all outputs. This is obviously a little wasteful, but on academic datasets, which are fairly small, this doesn't cause any problems.

Create base class for models, objectives and optimizers with add_state_dict() We need to define how to average state dicts from different models and objectives. For now this is handled in the script combine_models.py

Example Recipes

For now all of the examples are based on librispeech, though any existing kaldi recipe can be easily modified to use nnet_pytorch instead of nnet3. See librispeech100 for a full example. The recipe in librilight probably needs to be updated. We have also trained good performing ASR models for the BABEL data sets with this code, but have not yet committed the recipe.

The procedure for making new recipes:

  1. Use normal kaldi recipe to produce good HMM-GMM models.
  2. Create the chain directory with the appropriate subsampling factor (model specific).
  3. Create features for nnet_pytorch training (80-dim fbank features normally)
  4. run local/split_memmap_data.sh to create memmapped versions of the features. These are readable in numpy.
  5. run either ali-to-pdf to create training targets or ./local/prepare_unlabeled_tgt.sh to create the targets for labeled or unlabeled data.

This repository has 2 main dependencies (also see requirements.txt):

  1. Kaldi (For decoding and HMM-GMM training to get targets)
  2. PyChain (For LFMMI in python)

For Pychain, I added a patch to make it more compatible with existing code, but this may be unstable and could require changing if pychain continues to change.


  1. Go to tools and write

make all

This will install kaldi, pychain, openfst, and set up a virtual environment

To run experiments, users will have to modify a few files.

librilight/cmd.sh -- contains commands for training and decoding. These commands may need to be modified for new computing clusters.

librilight/conf/gpu.conf -- gpu configurations that may also need to be changed.

The CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable is set internally in the code. Users should modify this line in the following files. It is indicated by many commented lines before and after with a note:

  1. train.py
  2. decode.py,
  3. generate_conditional_from_buffer.py

Furthermore, some data will need to be downloaded for these examples. The download takes long enough, and is large enough that it is not included in the script. See the README in librilight for more information about using the unlabeled data.


The core algorithms can be found in nnet_pytorch. The model Archictecture is defined in:


For generative modeling the SGLD sampling is implemented in:

nnet_pytorch/objectives/SGLDSampler.py nnet_pytorch/objectives/LFMMI_EBM.py

The Semi-supervised learning is mostly found in:


We describe how to run the librilight example:

This is the example we used to produce the Libripseech results in our paper.

First go to path.sh and set all paths accordingly. Then go to cmd.sh and possibly change the default training and decode submission commands. Go to conf/gpu.conf and change according to computing environment.

All of the relevant steps for running an example are included in run.sh. Simply executing ./run.sh should prepare the targets, and training data and stop execution just before neural network training.

Data preparation, which takes a few hours (1-3h I think) is accomplished by running:


After running this, additional tasks can be executed.

Train Supervised WideResNet Baseline: ./run-wrn.sh Train Semisupervised WideResNet: ./run-wrn-semisup.sh Decode: ./decode.sh Generate: ./generate.sh

Relevant flags can be set to modify training, decoding, and generation parameters.


Kaldi style neural network training in pytorch for use in place of nnet3 in Kaldi.


Language:Python 52.1%Language:Shell 47.0%Language:Makefile 0.9%