m-vinc / Mimic

A meteor package to mimic other users

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A meteor package to mimic other users


Add package:

meteor add mvinc:mimic


Server side

You need to create a new Meteor methods, this method will be call each time someone is trying to mimic a user, so you can check who can mimic or not.

Here is a security method example

'Mimic.security' (originalId, currentId, targetId) {
  if (Authority.userCan(originalId, ['mimic'])) {
    return true
  } return false

originalId is the id of the user who initiates the first mimic.

currentId is the current id of the user, if you mimic a user this argument will be equal to the id of this user.

targetId is the id of the user you want to mimic

Here, I use chap:authority to check if the user have the permission to 'mimic'

Client side

You need to set the security method name.

import Mimic from 'mvinc:mimic'

Mimic.securityMethod = 'Mimic.security'

Now you can use all the methods of the client API.

Client API

The callback expose always the same arguments.

err which is a standard Meteor.Error and res which is the id of the user setted.


Restore the current mimic state, useful in the Accounts.onLogin callback if you want to persist the mimic after a refresh.

Mimic.setMasks((err, res) => console.log(res))

Mimic.mask(userId, callback)

Mimic the user with the _id userId

Mimic.mask('SXwdJERzhs5gfuegH', (err, res) => console.log(res))


Restore the previous user mimiced

Mimic.unmask((err, res) => console.log(res))


Be yourself !

Mimic.resetMasks((err, res) => console.log(res))


A meteor package to mimic other users


Language:JavaScript 100.0%