m-plank / StreamsDSL

Convenient abstract API for working with streams

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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The main goal of the project is to provide abstract DSL for working with streams libraries on high level. So a developer can create simple and inpdependent pieces of code and switch quickly between streams implementations. Currently the project supports FS2 and Akka Streams.

Work in progress

Currently the project is in active development in experimental stage.

Quick example

import streams.dsl.internal.StreamIOAPI.from
import streams.dsl.internal.algebra.TextFileInput
import streams.dsl.internal.interpreters.StreamsAPI._
import streams.dsl.internal.{ Interpreter, MapTransform }
import scala.util.Try

trait DslExamples {
  def dsl[F[_]: Interpreter] =
      .through(map(str => Try(str.toInt).toEither))
      .collect { case Right(v) => v }

object Fs2Example extends App with DslExamples {
  import streams.dsl.FS2Implicits._

  def values = dsl.pureRun.unsafeRunSync().toList
  //List(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)


object AkkaStreamsExample extends App with DslExamples {
  import streams.dsl.AkkaImplicits._

  def values = dsl.pureRun.unsafeRunSync().toList
  //List(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)


See also Celsius example


Convenient abstract API for working with streams


Language:Scala 100.0%