m-mahgoub / snpdep

Program to calculate haplotype-specific depth from BAM/CRAM files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


snpdep is a high-speed bioinformatics tool to calculate haplotype-specific read depth from BAM/CRAM files using positions provided in a VCF file. Developed using the Rust programming language, snpdep is a standalone binary tool with no external dependencies and with multithreading support. This significantly accelerates runtime, allowing it to scale in tandem with the availability of computing resources.


Pre-compiled binaries are provided for Linux and MacOS from the release page

Building from source

To build snpdep from source cargo should be used.

git clone https://github.com/m-mahgoub/snpdep.git
cd snpdep
cargo install --path .
# or
cargo install --git https://github.com/m-mahgoub/snpdep.git


To run, snpdep requires (1) a genotype VCF file and (2) a BAM/CRAM reads file. It then calculates the number of reads supporting each allele for each VCF record. Typically, the genotype VCF file is produced by calling germline variants from Whole Genome Sequencing reads on the sample to be examined with the BAM/CRAM read count. The BAM/CRAM can be of any "functional" data type, such as RNAseq, ChIP-seq, CUT&TAG, ATACseq, etc., for which haplotype-specific reads are required. This proves useful when investigating haplotype bias in these datasets. BAM/CRAM files must be accompanied by their corresponding indexes, which are denoted by the extensions .bam.bai or .cram.crai, respectively. These index files should be located in the same directory as the .bam or .cram files.

While not mandatory, the usage of a haplotype-resolved VCF file as input is highly recommended. This is because it provides additional insight for studying haplotype bias across multiple functional datasets, such as DNA methylation vs. gene expression or chromatin accessibility.

snpdep operates with a single-sample VCF file (either compressed or uncompressed) and one BAM/CRAM file, both of which should have the same reference genome. It runs through all records in the VCF file and counts the reads supporting the reference and alternative allele. If there are multiple alternative alleles, only the first is considered. Only single nucleotide substitution variants are taken into account.

The output VCF file will include a new format field tag for each record (user-defined tag), along with haplotype counts in the sample's field. Also, the VCF file's header will contain a new line to define and describe the new format field. The default behavior is to annotate records with at least one supporting read (irrespective of whether it's from a reference or alternative allele). However, users can modify this by choosing to annotate all records or restrict annotation to variants with a specific count number using the --min-count <MIN_COUNT> option.

If the reads input file is in the CRAM format, the user must provide a path for the reference fasta --reference <FASTA> and specify the CRAM format option --reads-format CRAM. At present, CRAM format support is only available for the Linux OS.

Usage: snpdep [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT_VCF> <INPUT_VCF> <READS>

  <INPUT_VCF>  Path to VCF file containing sample genotype. Both uncompressed `.vcf` and compressed `.vcf.gz` files are supported
  <READS>      Path to BAM/CRAM reads file

  -o, --output <OUTPUT_VCF>
          Path to the output annotated VCF file. Compression will be inferred from the file extension: `.vcf` for uncompressed and `.vcf.gz` for compressed output
  -f, --reads-format <READS_FORMAT>
          Specifies the reads file format [default: bam] [possible values: bam, cram]
  -r, --reference <FASTA>
          Path to the reference FASTA file (required if `--reads-format cram`)
      --min-mapq <MIN_MAPQ>
          Minimum read mapping quality (MAPQ) filtration threshold [default: 1]
      --min-count <MIN_COUNT>
          Minimum read coverage required at a position to be annotated. if set to 0, all positions will be annotated [default: 1]
  -c, --chunksize <CHUNK_SIZE>
          Number of SNPs processed by a thread in each iteration [default: 1000]
      --format-field-id <FORMAT_ID>
          Unique ID for the new VCF format field (e.g RNA, K4me3), max 5 characters [default: RC]
      --format-field-name <FORMAT_NAME>
          Short description for new VCF format field (e.g RNAseq, H3K4me3) [default: BAM/CRAM]
  -t, --threads <NUM_THREADS>
          Number of threads to use [default: 1]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

Example: Haplotype-Specific RNA-Seq Read Counting

This is a mini-test example for counting haplotype-specific RNA-seq reads at each biallelic position within a sample. Follow the steps below to download the required software and test data, then execute the analysis using different options.

Step 1: Download and Install snpdep

First, download the snpdep executable and add it to your system $PATH.

mkdir test
cd test
wget https://github.com/m-mahgoub/snpdep/releases/download/v0.1.0-alpha/snpdep_v0.1.0-alpha_linux.tar.gz
tar -xvf snpdep_v0.1.0-alpha_linux.tar.gz
chmod +x linux/snpdep
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/linux

Step 2: Download Test Data

You will need the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed to download the test data from AWS S3

aws s3 cp s3://davidspencerlab/test_data/snpdep/ . --recursive

Step 3: Execute Analysis

You can run snpdep with different options as demonstrated below.

3.1 Run with Default Parameters

snpdep --output output.vcf test.vcf test.bam

3.2 Run with CRAM Reads as Input

snpdep --reads-format cram --reference hg38.fa --output output.vcf test.vcf test.cram

3.3 Run with Multiple Options

snpdep  \
--threads 4                             `# Use 4 threads` \
--chunksize 10                          `# Chunk size of 10 (thread will process 10 VCF records per iteration)` \
--format-field-id RNA                   `# Format-ID that will be added in the record's format field` \
--format-field-name "Diagnosis RNAseq"  `# Format Description that will be added in the header` \
--reads-format cram                     `# Input reads format` \
--reference hg38.fa                     `# Reference FASTA file` \
--output output.vcf.gz                  `# Output file (using ".gz" will automatically compress it)` \
test.vcf                                `# input vcf (positional)` \
test.cram                               `# input reads (positional)`


Program to calculate haplotype-specific depth from BAM/CRAM files


Language:Rust 100.0%