A system for safe boot management over the Internet.
To build the ePoxy boot server:
go get github.com/m-lab/epoxy/cmd/epoxy_boot_server
The ePoxy server is designed to run from within a docker container. The M-Lab deployment targets a stand-alone GCE VM. The cloudbuild.yaml configuration embeds static zones for specific regional deployments for each GCP project.
Before deploying to a new Project complete the following steps in advance:
Allocate static IP address and register DNS
PROJECT=mlab-sandbox ZONE=us-east1-c setup_epoxy_dns.sh
Allocate server certificte and key
TODO: add steps to allocate server certs.
Create GCS bucket
and copy server certificate & key.gsutil mb -p mlab-sandbox gs://epoxy-mlab-sandbox-private gsutil cp server-certs.pem server-key.pem gs://epoxy-mlab-sandbox-private
The datastore emulator depends on the Google Cloud
SDK. After installing gcloud
install the datastore emulator component:
gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator
Next, start the datastore emulator:
gcloud beta emulators datastore start
reported on stdout. This environment
variable should be set for all subsequent commands.
Add a sample Host record to the Datastore emulator:
TODO(soltesz): create command to add a minimal host record directly to DS.
Start the epoxy server:
export PUBLIC_ADDRESS=localhost:8080
export GCLOUD_PROJECT="my-project"
The ePoxy server is now connected to the local datastore emulator, and can serve client requests.
After starting the datastore emuulator and a local epoxy boot server, you can
simulate a client request using curl
curl --dump-header - --location -XPOST --data-binary "{}" \
If the host record is found in Datastore, then a stage1 boot script should be returned. If the host record is not found, then:
TODO(soltesz): handle 404 cases with a valid ipxe script.
If developing with the mlab-sandbox GCP, then verify that the deployment was successful through travis and the AppEngine Cloud Console. Then set the SERVER address for the boot-api service. For example, for mlab-sandbox, use: