m-adduci / D3-lab-states

This site was created using the D3 library, and seeks to analyze the relationship between U.S. States' median home values, the real estate taxes on any $217.5k home in a given state, and the median real estate tax on a home "priced" at the median value. (*$217,500 is the median home value in the U.S. as of 2019, the year of the most recent available data from the U.S. Census Bureau as of April 2021). Non-spatial home value and real estate data was gathered and related to actual .topojson data through a series of operations to create an efficient, light-weight map. The coordinated visualization is composed of a "donut" style chart which produces information in synchrony with the visual map to display all three variables. These variables are controlled using the drop-down menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the map which updates the choropleth map accordingly. Initially, counties were used, since taxes are associated to them. However, due to the sheer volume of data (3,142 records!), states were instead used to accommodate a coordinated chart. If you would like to also view the county map with tax information, it is hosted here: URL (not for lab, side-project only): https://m-adduci.github.io/D3-lab-counties/. Many thanks for viewing my state-level analysis!

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This site was created using the D3 library, and seeks to analyze the relationship between U.S. States' median home values, the real estate taxes on any $217.5k home in a given state, and the median real estate tax on a home "priced" at the median value. (*$217,500 is the median home value in the U.S. as of 2019, the year of the most recent available data from the U.S. Census Bureau as of April 2021). Non-spatial home value and real estate data was gathered and related to actual .topojson data through a series of operations to create an efficient, light-weight map. The coordinated visualization is composed of a "donut" style chart which produces information in synchrony with the visual map to display all three variables. These variables are controlled using the drop-down menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the map which updates the choropleth map accordingly. Initially, counties were used, since taxes are associated to them. However, due to the sheer volume of data (3,142 records!), states were instead used to accommodate a coordinated chart. If you would like to also view the county map with tax information, it is hosted here: URL (not for lab, side-project only): https://m-adduci.github.io/D3-lab-counties/. Many thanks for viewing my state-level analysis!


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