lzk9508 / DaFIR

The official code for "DaFIR: Distortion-Aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification", TCSVT, 2023.

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DaFIR: Distortion-Aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification
TCSVT 2023

Any questions or discussions are welcomed!


  1. Dear researchers and engineers, good afternoon. Due to my busy work and study schedule, the DaFIR project has only been fully open-sourced today. Thank you for your patience. Below is a detailed description of this project.


  1. python 3.8
  2. cudnn 8.2.1
  3. pytorch 1.9.0
  4. cuda 11.2
  5. numpy 1.22.3
  6. skimage 0.20.0
  7. opencv 4.7.0
  8. Pillow 9.4.0
  9. timm 0.6.13

Source Data

  1. In this project, we synthesize a fisheye image from a group of distortion parameters and a source image without distortion.
  2. The source images in the size of 256*256 can be download from Baidu Cloud (Extraction code: gjq3 ). Download the file "picture.zip", extract to the fold "picture" and put it into the path /code_dafir/data_prepare/.
  3. The path list of the above source images can be download from Baidu Cloud (Extraction code: 9p97 ). Download the file "img_path.txt" and put it into the path /code_dafir/data_prepare_ddm/ and /code_dafir/data_prepare_flow/.

Synthesize Fisheye Images and Labels

  1. Synthesize Fisheye Images and DDM (D labels) for pretraining dataset

    cd /code_dafir/data_prepare_ddm/
    python get_dataset_ddm.py --index 0

    The index parameter can be adjust to change different source images for synthesization

  2. Synthesize Fisheye Images and Pixel-wise Flow Maps for fine-tuning dataset

    cd /code_dafir/data_prepare_flow/
    python get_dataset.py --index 0

    The index parameter can be adjust to change different source images for synthesization


  1. Input Fisheye Images and Predict D Labels.
    cd /code_dafir/pre_training/
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port 1285 main.py
    The parameter --master_port can be selected randomly. Use 2 GPUs for distributed trainning.
  2. After Pretraining, the model is saved in /code_dafir/pre_training/save/net/


  1. Put a Pre-traning release model into the path /code_dafir/fine-tuning/pretrain/
  2. Input Fisheye Images and Predict Pixel-wise Flow Map.
    cd /code_dafir/fine-tuning/
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port 1285 main.py
    The parameter --master_port can be selected randomly. Use 2 GPUs for distributed trainning.
  3. After fine-tuning, the model is saved in /code_dafir/fine-tuning/save/net/


  1. We provide a test dataset, which is the same with the one in our paper (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10251977). This dataset can be download from [Baidu Cloud] (https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xXuCdmgrjGlwQeDIeCMFgQ?pwd=yzv7)(Extraction Code: yzv7). Unrap the fold dataset3 and put it into the path /code_dafir/.
  2. Testing the model in synthesize fisheye images
    cd /code_dafir/fine-tuning/
    python test.py
  3. Testing the model in real fisheye images
    cd /code_dafir/fine-tuning/
    python test2.py


If you find this code useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title={DaFIR: Distortion-aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification},
  author={Liao, Zhaokang and Zhou, Wengang and Li, Houqiang},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},


  1. Evaluate the model with metric PSNR and SSIM
    cd /code_dafir/core/
    python compare.py

Contact us

Any questions please contact me in lzk9508@mail.ustc.edu.cn


The codes are largely based on PCN and MAE. Thanks for their wonderful works.


The official code for "DaFIR: Distortion-Aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification", TCSVT, 2023.


Language:Python 100.0%