lzabik / ZC.MQBus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A library for the event-based, command-based and RCP-based communication using RabbitMQ.

ZC.MQBus.Base NuGet Badge
ZC.MQBus.Rabbit NuGet Badge



Events - the event is send to all subscribers events

Commands - the command is send to exactly one subscriber/worker command

RPC - the rpc request is send to exactly one subscriber/server, the subscriber should return the result rpc


Install NuGet packages.

PM> Install-Package ZC.MQBus.Base

Add configuration to appsettings.json.

  "RabbitMq": {
    "BrokerName": "test_broker",        
    "RetryCount": "5",
    "VirtualHost": "your_virtual_host",
    "Username": "your_username",
    "Password": "your_password",
    "Host": "your_host"    

If you want to use event, in publisher and subscriber apps, create a new class called PingEvent (send to any subscriber).

    public class PingEvent : IEvent
        public string Ping { get; set; }

If you want to use command, in publisher and subscriber apps, create a new class called PingCommand (send to exactly one subscriber).

    public class PingCommand: ICommand
        public String Ping { get; set; }

If you want to use RPC, in publisher and subscriber apps, create a new class called RPCPingRequest (RPC is executed by exactly one subscriber and returns result).

    public class RPCPingRequest : IRPCRequest<RPCPingResponse>
        public String Ping { get; set; }

In the subscriber app, create a new class called PingEventHandler in order to handle event.

    public class PingEventHandler : IEventHandler<PingEvent>
        public PingEventHandler()

        public async Task Handle(PingEvent @event)
            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(PingEventHandler)} - {nameof(Handle)} - {@event.Ping}");

            await Task.Yield();

In the subscriber app, create a new class called PingCommandHandler in order to handle command.

    public class PingCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<PingCommand>
        public Task Handle(PingCommand request)

            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(PingCommandHandler)} - {nameof(Handle)} - {request.Ping}");

            return Task.CompletedTask;

In the subscriber app, create a new class called RPCPingRequestHandler in order to handle RPC.

    public class RPCPingRequestHandler : IRPCHandler<RPCPingRequest, RPCPingResponse>
        public async Task<RPCPingResponse> Handle(RPCPingRequest request)
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(RPCPingRequestHandler)} - {nameof(Handle)} - {request.Ping}");

            return new RPCPingResponse() { Ping = "RPC Pong" };

In the subscriber app, modify ConfigureServices and Configure methods in Startup.cs.

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        var rabbitMqOptions = Configuration.GetSection("RabbitMq");


        // test handlers


    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        var messageBus = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMessageBus>();

        messageBus.Subscribe<PingEvent, PingEventHandler>();
        messageBus.SubscribeRPC<RPCPingRequest, RPCPingRequestHandler, RPCPingResponse>();
        messageBus.SubscribeCommand<PingCommand, PingCommandHandler>();


Publish the PingEvent event, PingCommand command or RPCPingRequest call in the publisher app by using the following code, for example in a controller.

public class MessageBusController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IMessageBus _messageBus;

        public MessageBusController(IMessageBus eventBus)
            _messageBus = eventBus;

        public IActionResult Publish()
            var message = new PingEvent() { Ping = "Ping" };


            return Ok("A message has been published.");

        public async Task<IActionResult> CallRPC()
            var result = await _messageBus.CallRPC<RPCPingRequest, RPCPingResponse>(new RPCPingRequest()
                Ping = "Ping"

            return Ok(result.Ping);

        public IActionResult PushCommand()
            _messageBus.PushCommand(new PingCommand() { Ping = "Ping" });

            return Ok();



License:MIT License