lyschoening / module-theoretical-yield

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Decaf Component

A component for the Decaf Platform.


Download the component or clone it git clone

NOTE: Cloning this project will also keep all the commit history, so if you wish to start with a fresh commit history, I advise downloading it.

Install dev and runtime dependencies:

  • npm install
  • $(npm bin)/typings install


If you successfully setup the project using the steps above, you can run the app with $(npm bin)/gulp serve.

NOTE: JSPM is used as package manager and for installing the components itself as well.

You should only be working in the src/ folder of the component and you should never remove index.ts unless you know what your're doing. But make sure to rename the example.component.ts|css|html with your own component name (e.g. hero.component.ts|css|html). After you renamed it, make sure to update the component path/name in the index.ts file:

export * from './<component name>.component';
import main from './<component name>.component';

Furthermore, make sure you export the angular module as default from your component (name does not matter):

// src/my-component.component.ts
import {dirname} from 'decaf-common';

export const COMPONENT_NAME = 'example';
const myComponent = angular.module(COMPONENT_NAME, []);

myComponent.config(function (platformProvider) {
		.state(COMPONENT_NAME, {
			url: `/${COMPONENT_NAME}`,
			views: {
				'content@': {
					templateUrl: `${dirname(}/my-component.component.html`,
					controller: MyComponentController,
					controllerAs: 'myComponent'

class MyComponentController {
	constructor() {}

// Note the default export
export default myComponent;

In the above example, there are a few things that are important:

  • platformProvider.register(COMPONENT_NAME) - This is a mandatory action. You use that to register a component.
  • dirname( - This is just a helper to get the path for where the component resides, you should always use it.
  • platformProvider.state() - This sets the states/routes for the component. It is just a proxy to Angular UI Router's $stateProvider.state(), thus everything you'd configure with it, you also do it with the platformProvider.state().

Note that the {view} property of the state contains the key content@. That will be the entry point of the component markup when navigating to the component route or any subroutes of the component. Besides content@, you also have the option to overide the toolbar by providing a view with the key toolbar@.


I advise linting the source files before you commit, use $(npm bin)/gulp lint.

For other tasks run $(npm bin)/gulp --tasks.

New dependencies

New packages can be used by first making sure you have jspm installed

npm install jspm -g


jspm install <package>

this will automatically adjust package.json. Next install the typics

typings install dt~<package> --global --save

Make sure your component.ts file has

/// <reference path="../typings/index.d.ts"/>

to indicate where to look for imports. Then you import your package with

import '<package>'

Make sure you inject the new package (string) when you create the module (call to angular.module) and inject the new class to your class by defining this in the constructor e.g.

myNewDep: NameOfClass;

constructor(..., NewDep: NameOfClass) {
   this.myNewDep = NewDep;

Knowing the NameOfClass is not necessarily obvious but studying installed typings you may find a clue as to what you should import.


When frontend module is changed (updated on github), a few manual actions are needed to deploy it.

  1. trigger a build on decaf-frontend docker hub. Pay attention to which image is deployed at the moment.
  2. Wait until new image is built (see the build status pagge
  3. Redeploy decaf-frontend stack on docker cloud. Make sure to not "Reuse existing container volumes?" as old frontend files are otherwise reused. Frontend container status being "stopped" is normal.



Language:JavaScript 84.3%Language:TypeScript 12.7%Language:HTML 3.1%