lynko / re.hoon

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An implementation of POSIX Extended Regular Expressions in Hoon.


  • lib/regex.hoon: A regular expressions library.
  • tests/lib/regex.hoon: A test suite for the library.


Import with Ford per usual (/+ regex), or try it out in the dojo with =regex -build-file %/lib/regex/hoon. Regex syntax is Posix ERE, with some extensions (see below).

When writing regexes in Hoon, take care to properly escape the characters that need escaping. A regex that matches five characters is written in Hoon as ".\{5}" to avoid string interpolation; a regex that matches a literal { is written as "\\\{". Some sequences, like the backreference \2, can have a deceptive but valid meaning if not escaped: "(.(.))\2" is a syntax error, but "(.(.))\20" encodes a space character. This backrefence should be written as \\2.

Regexes involving nested repetition, such as (\w+\.*)* (or its tape representation, "(\\w+\\.*)*"), can be especially slow to execute because of the combinatorial explosion of valid groupings. For example, abcd could be matched as {abcd}, {abc d}, {ab cd}, {ab c d}, and so forth. This can be usually be remedied by turning * into + within the capture group, preventing overlapping match candidates.


Regex operations usually produce either a $range (some text and its location within the subject) or a $match (a map of ranges by capture number).

+$  range  (pair pint tape)
+$  match  (pair range (map @u range))

Every function that produces a $match, with all subcaptures, has a variant that produces only the total $range of matched text.



Determine if a regular expression is valid.

Accepts: a regular expression

Produces: %.y if the regex is valid; %.n otherwise

> (valid:regex "")
> (valid:regex "(?)")
> (valid:regex "[a-b-c]")


Find the first match of a regular expression.

Accepts: a regular expression and a match target

Produces: (unit match)

Crashes if the regular expression is invalid.

> (run:regex ".+" "")
> (run:regex "[a-z]+" "Abc")
[~ {[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=2] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="bc"]]}]
> (run:regex "([a-z])+" "abc")
[ ~
  { [p=1 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=3] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="c"]]
    [p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=1] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="abc"]]


Find the first match crashing if there is none.

Accepts: a regular expression and a match target

Produces: match

Crashes if the regular expression is invalid or of there is no match.

> (ran:regex ".+" "")
dojo: hoon expression failed
> (ran:regex "[a-z]+" "Abc")
{[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=2] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="bc"]]}
> (ran:regex "([a-z])+" "abc")
{ [p=1 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=3] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="c"]]
  [p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=1] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="abc"]]


Variant of +run that produces (unit range) instead of (unit match).


Variant of +ran that produces range instead of match.


Find all matches of a regular expression.

Accepts: a regular expression and a match target

Produces: (list match)

Crashes if the regular expression is invalid.

> (all:regex "\\w*" "the quick brown fox")
  {[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=1] q=[p=1 q=4]] q="the"]]}
  {[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=5] q=[p=1 q=10]] q="quick"]]}
  {[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=11] q=[p=1 q=16]] q="brown"]]}
  {[p=0 q=[p=[p=[p=1 q=17] q=[p=1 q=20]] q="fox"]]}


Variant of +all that produces (list range) instead of (list match).


Replace the first match of a regular expression.

Accepts: a regular expression, a replacement string, and a match target

Produces: the match target, potentially modified

Crashes if the regular expression is invalid.

> (sub:regex "(?i)hoon" "HOON" "Hoon hoon hoon")
"HOON hoon hoon"


Replace the all matches of a regular expression.

Accepts: a regular expression, a replacement string, and a match target

Produces: the match target, potentially modified

Crashes if the regular expression is invalid.

> (gsub:regex "(?i)hoon" "HOON" "Hoon hoon hoon")


Variant of +sub that accepts a gate from tape to tape instead of a replacement string, slamming that gate on the text of the first match.


Variant of +gsub that accepts a gate from tape to tape instead of a replacement string, slamming that gate on the text of each match.

Regular expression syntax

Same as POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (grep -E), with the following extensions:

Extension Syntax Example
Perl classes \w\d\s\u\l \w+\. (word followed by period)
\W\D\S\U\L \d+(\W+\d+)* (series of numbers)
Perl anchors \b\B\<\> \<\w+\> (any full word)
Lookahead (?=...) (?=\u)\w+ (capitalized word)
(?!...) (?!\d)\w+ (word not beginning with number)
Case sensitivity (?i) (?i)(\w+)(\s*\1)+ (repeated word)
(?-i) (?i)(\w+)(?-i)(\s*\1)+ (word repeated in same case)

These character classes are equivalent:

Perl class Posix class
\w [[:word:]]
\W [[:^word:]]
\d [[:digit:]]
\D [[:^digit:]]
\s [[:space:]]
\S [[:^space:]]
\u [[:upper:]]
\U [[:^upper:]]
\l [[:lower:]]
\L [[:^lower:]]




Language:hoon 100.0%