lydiadwyer / sheparddb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is so out of date now


ShepardDB is a project for storing archaeological data, and making it accessable
through a website interface. While it is no where near production ready yet,
it will take advantage of NoSQL databases which will be critical to comprehensively
storing and accessing the data. Most archaeological databases are made with
RDBMS SQL databases (usually older versions), which cannot easily handle the
complexity of data that represents the real world. This project aims to remedy
this problem.

Code Climate


  1. Install Virtualbox and Vagrant
  2. git clone this repo
  3. open a Terminal, and run "vagrant up"
  4. Wait about 10 min
  5. open a browser:

Debug, run Flask directly

sudo su -
cd /var/www/sheparddb/
sudo  ./
open in a browser

Debug, run uWSGI directly

sudo su -
cd /var/www/sheparddb/
sudo uwsgi --plugin http,python --http :8000 \
    --ini /vagrant/config/uwsgi/sheparddb.ini \

Code Quality Checks

vagrant ssh
sudo su -
cd /var/www/sheparddb
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)

pylint --reports=n
pylint ./modules/Countries/ --reports=n

reset the database, flask unit testing now does this automatically sudo su - postgres -c "psql -f /vagrant/psql/db_reset.sql" > /dev/null

delete all existing .pyc files... find . -name \*.pyc -delete

runs all tests in folder and subfolders (no coverage report)

nosetests --verbosity=2

run all tests, show coverage

nosetests --with-xcoverage --cover-package=sheparddb \
    -x -d -s --verbosity=2 --no-byte-compile

run all tests, show coverage, only for the Countries module

nosetests --with-xcoverage --cover-package=sheparddb.modules.Countries \
    -x -d -s --verbosity=2 --no-byte-compile

check for code duplicates

clonedigger --cpd-output -o clonedigger.xml ./ > /dev/null
sloccount --duplicates --wide --details . | fgrep -v .svn > || :

Reset SQL Database

su - postgres -c "psql -f /vagrant/psql/db_reset.sql"


Ensure that you have the Postgres 9.5 client. To install it, on Ubuntu Wily 15.10:

sudo su -
echo "deb wily-pgdg main" > \
wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install -y postgresql-client-9.5

Connect to the database, from host machine:

psql -U shepard -d sheparddb -h -W
# the password is "shepard"

Reset the database, within the guest VM:

sudo su - postgres -c "psql -f /vagrant/psql/db_reset.sql"
# become the postgres user, and run the command psql, with the file db_reset.sql

Add a new database table column:

  • add new col to db schema
  • add example db data
  • run database reset script
  • add new attribute to the model
  • add new attribute to the model init function
  • update view one template
  • update view all template???
  • update the add and edit HTML templates
  • update the add and edit functions in controller
  • test add
  • test edit
  • test delete
  • test ALL other features (yes really, you may have broken them)


autoruns on vagrant up, but to start or stop:

sudo service mongod start
sudo service mongod stop
sudo service mongod restart

MongoDB test dataset in data folder, primer-dataset.json

to enter mongo on console


System Logs

# python log
sudo nano /var/log/sheparddb/info.log
watch tail -32 /var/log/sheparddb/info.log

# uwsgi log
sudo nano /var/log/uwsgi/app/sheparddb.log
sudo nano /var/log/uwsgi/app/uwsgi.log

# nginx logs
sudo nano /var/log/nginx/access.log
sudo nano /var/log/nginx/error.log


Install on Ubuntu

# install Java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre unzip python-dev

# install Selenium Server
# Always use a month(s) old build because the newest never works right
cd ~/Downloads
wget -q

# install Selenium Chrome driver
unzip ./
sudo mv ./chromedriver /usr/local/sbin

# install Python lettuce_webdriver
sudo -H pip install lettuce lettuce_webdriver nose python-Levenshtein --upgrade

# install Python postgres driver
sudo apt-get install -y python-psycopg2

Run Tests

# in host machine
cd ~/Sites/sheparddb/data/selenium

# test that Selenium can be run
python ./

# run all features

# run one feature
lettuce ./features/country.feature

# run a single step, in a feature
lettuce ./features/country.feature -s 1 --failfast

# run individual steps, in a feature
lettuce ./features/country.feature -s 1,2

Coding Guidlines

Don't use Python virtual environments. They don't really offer robust dependency isolation, and are an anti-patter in production systems. Instead, just use a Vagrant VM.

# change the working directory to the website
cd /var/www/sheparddb

# search for a string in files, case insensitive
grep -inr "<string>"

# run linting
pylint ./*.py


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 44.7%Language:HTML 16.9%Language:TSQL 13.4%Language:JavaScript 10.1%Language:Gherkin 6.1%Language:CSS 5.0%Language:Shell 2.1%Language:PLpgSQL 1.8%