lwmonster / jsonmomo

Jsonmomo is a header-only JSON library for C++11

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jsonmomo is a header-only JSON library for C++11、C++14. The header file, "jsonmomo.h", has no more than 400 lines. Json Objects act as Values, which can represent any JSON Value: null, int, double, bool, string, array, object. Value can be parsed from a string and serialized back to the string. Array was implemented by std::vector, and Object was implemented by std::map. It's easy to contruct a Json Value with C++11 syntax{}. For more detail, see jsonmomo.h.


string a = "{\"hello\":[\"json\", \"momo\", 123]}";
auto a_json = jsonmomo::Value().parse(a);
cout << a_json << endl;
cout << a_json["hello"][1].asString() << endl;

auto b_json = jsonmomo::Value(jsonmomo::Object{
        {"hello", "json"},
        {"arr", jsonmomo::Array{1,2,3}}
cout << b_json["arr"] << endl;

The results:


Abnormal Data

Jsonmomo was designed to throw Exception than to coredump when encounters abnormal data.


I parsed a text file which has 300000 json-formatted strings to in-memory Jsonmomo::Values, and then I serialized the Values back to strings and restored them to another text file.

With jsonmomo, the process cost time:

4.51s user 0.47s system 99% cpu 4.975 total

With jsoncpp, the process cost time:

11.12s user 0.55s system 99% cpu 11.667 total


Jsonmomo is a header-only JSON library for C++11


Language:C++ 100.0%