lvidarte / generic-api

Quick schemaless and generic API for development tests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generic API

This is a shemaless and generic api for development tests. You can create any endpoint and add json objects as you wish. The data is persisted on disk by shelve.

Run with docker (Alpine Linux based)

docker run -d --name generic-api -v `pwd`/data:/app/data -p 5000:5000 lvidarte/generic-api:latest

POST method

The header Content-Type: application/json is not necessary, the api assumes you are sending jsons.

$ curl localhost:5000/points -d '{"x": 1, "y": 2}'
  "_id": "1", 
  "x": 1, 
  "y": 2
$ curl localhost:5000/points -d '{"x": 5, "y": 10}'
  "_id": "2", 
  "x": 5, 
  "y": 10

GET method

$ curl localhost:5000/points
  "1": {
    "_id": "1", 
    "x": 1, 
    "y": 2
  "2": {
    "_id": "2", 
    "x": 5, 
    "y": 10
$ curl localhost:5000/points/1
  "_id": "1", 
  "x": 1, 
  "y": 2
$ curl localhost:5000/points/1/x

DELETE method

$ curl -XDELETE localhost:5000/points/1
  "_id": "1", 
  "x": 1, 
  "y": 2

Nested example

Create authors and books

$ curl localhost:5000/authors -d '{"name": "Asimov"}'
  "_id": "1", 
  "name": "Asimov"

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books -d '{"title": "Nemesis", "year": 1988}'
  "_id": "1", 
  "title": "Nemesis", 
  "year": 1988

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books -d '{"title": "Foundation and Earth", "year": 1987}'
  "_id": "2", 
  "title": "Foundation and Earth", 
  "year": 1987

Get the full data

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1
  "_id": "1", 
  "books": {
    "1": {
      "_id": "1", 
      "title": "Nemesis", 
      "year": 1988
    "2": {
      "_id": "2", 
      "title": "Foundation and Earth", 
      "year": 1987
  "name": "Asimov"

You can get only some field

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books/2/title
"Foundation and Earth"

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books/2/year

And change any field as you wish

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books/2/year -d '1986'

$ curl localhost:5000/authors/1/books/2
  "_id": "2", 
  "title": "Foundation and Earth", 
  "year": 1986

PUT method

There is not PUT method, use POST instead.


$ docker logs -f generic-api - - [16/Jun/2017 04:50:56] "GET /points HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [16/Jun/2017 04:51:40] "POST /points HTTP/1.1" 201 - - - [16/Jun/2017 04:51:55] "DELETE /points/1 HTTP/1.1" 404 -


Quick schemaless and generic API for development tests

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%