luycaslima / projek-tex

A texture projection method using raylib and python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Projective texturing tool for 3D Models made with python and raylib. The objective of the tool is data augmentation in computer vision models


  • Save Camera img in orthographic view
    • to do this paint a texture with everything that is being renderend and then convert to a image with np and pillow
  • make the shader work for orthographic views
  • Get the uv calculations from the shader so we can make the new texture for the model.
  • Try to do this above, if not possible with shaders, and paralize with CUDA for scalability (more than one camera)
  • Make the texture not render when the camera don't see it
    • Dot product method
    • Depth mask method ( Like the Nvidia paper of shadow mapping?)
  • Create a Debug Camera object and Camera Frustum
  • Basic Ui functions
    • Select camera
    • Move Camera
    • Undo/Redo
    • Orbital movement around the model
    • Save scene
    • Add/Remove model
    • Add/Remove Camera
    • Add/Remove Texture from the camera
    • Export Img of the scene
  • Migrate project to C/C++ for better support and documentation of Raylib.


A texture projection method using raylib and python


Language:Python 77.3%Language:GLSL 22.7%