luver / ontop

Ontop Framework


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ontop is a framework for ontology based data access (OBDA). It supports SPARQL over virtual RDF graphs defined through mappings to RDBMS.

Licensing terms

Lincense information can be found int he file LICENSE.txt

Compiling, packing, testing, etc.

The project is a Maven project. Compiling, running the unit tests, building the release binaries all can be done using maven. To make it more practical we created several .sh scripts that you can run on any unix environment that has maven installed. The scripts are located in the folder 'scripts', look at that folder for more information.

Currently we use Maven 3 and Java 6 to build the project.

Code organization

The code is organized in several submodules as follows:

// TODO - extend this section of the readme


Ontop Framework
