luv003 / Ovarian_Subtype_Mags

An extensive analysis of ovarian cancer classification magnifications

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Reducing Histopathology Slide Magnification Improves the Accuracy and Speed of Ovarian Cancer Subtyping

An extensive analysis of ovarian cancer WSI magnifications in attention-based multiple instance learning (ABMIL)


This repo was created as part of a submission to ISBI 2024.


Final Hyperparamters Determined by Hyperparameter Tuning:

Magnif. Learning Rate Weight Decay First Moment Decay Second Moment Decay Stability Parameter Attention Layer Size Dropout Max Patches
40x 1e-3 1e-4 0.95 0.99 1e-10 512 0.6 50000
20x 5e-4 1e-4 0.99 0.99 1e-8 256 0.7 10000
10x 5e-4 1e-4 0.8 0.99 1e-4 256 0.6 1000
5x 5e-4 1e-6 0.95 0.999 1e-14 128 0.6 400
2.5x 1e-3 1e-5 0.9 0.9999 1e-4 256 0.7 40
1.25x 5e-4 1e-5 0.9 0.999 1e-14 256 0.5 7


Hyperparameters were tuned in 13 stages in which 1-3 individual hyperparameters were altered and the rest were frozen. All specific configurations can be accessed in the folder tuning_configs. The maximum number of epochs was set to 30 for the first 3 stages, 100 for stages 4-9, 150 for stages 10-13.

Hyperparameter Tuning Stages
  • Stage 1: Learning Rate, Max Patches
  • Stage 2: First Moment Decay, Second Moment Decay
  • Stage 3: Weight Decay, Dropout
  • Stage 4: Learning Rate, Dropout, Max Patches
  • Stage 5: Attention Layer Size
  • Stage 6: Learning Rate, Dropout, Max Patches
  • Stage 7: Stability Parameter
  • Stage 8: Learning Rate
  • Stage 9: Dropout
  • Stage 10: Learning Rate, Dropout, Max Patches
  • Stage 11: Weight Decay
  • Stage 12: Max Patches
  • Stage 13: First Moment Decay, Second Moment Decay


Barplots showing the results from cross-validation and hold-out experiments, with error bars indicating one standard deviation:

Cross-validation Summary (mean ± s.d. from 10,000 iterations of bootstrapping):

Magnif. Balanced Accuracy Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) F1 Score
40x 51.3% ± 1.5% 0.825 ± 0.016 0.516 ± 0.015
20x 50.6% ± 1.4% 0.846 ± 0.014 0.506 ± 0.015
10x 52.3% ± 1.3% 0.800 ± 0.013 0.515 ± 0.015
5x 54.0% ± 1.3% 0.817 ± 0.017 0.538 ± 0.014
2.5x 55.6% ± 1.5% 0.877 ± 0.011 0.557 ± 0.014
1.25x 55.6% ± 1.7% 0.888 ± 0.009 0.558 ± 0.017
Cross-validation Results By Class

F1 Score by Class (not bootstrapped):

40x 0.844 0.000 0.667 0.668 0.407
20x 0.823 0.000 0.645 0.668 0.400
10x 0.846 0.000 0.712 0.669 0.351
5x 0.853 0.000 0.764 0.651 0.423
2.5x 0.852 0.000 0.738 0.682 0.518
1.25x 0.829 0.053 0.722 0.674 0.519
Detailed Cross-validation Results By Magnification (Not Yet Uploaded)
40x Cross-validation Results

40x full results breakdown here

20x Cross-validation Results

20x full results breakdown here

10x Cross-validation Results

10x full results breakdown here

5x Cross-validation Results

5x full results breakdown here

2.5x Cross-validation Results

2.5x full results breakdown here

1.25x Cross-validation Results

1.25x full results breakdown here

Hold-out Validation Summary (mean ± s.d. from 10,000 iterations of bootstrapping):

Magnif. Balanced Accuracy Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) F1 Score
40x 54.0% ± 4.0% 0.860 ± 0.021 0.477 ± 0.041
20x 55.0% ± 3.9% 0.829 ± 0.020 0.485 ± 0.041
10x 62.0% ± 3.6% 0.850 ± 0.019 0.549 ± 0.037
5x 61.0% ± 3.6% 0.858 ± 0.023 0.545 ± 0.037
2.5x 58.1% ± 3.7% 0.857 ± 0.021 0.516 ± 0.039
1.25x 58.0% ± 3.8% 0.855 ± 0.021 0.529 ± 0.042
Detailed Hold-out Validation Results By Magnification (Not Yet Uploaded)
40x Hold-out Validation Results

40x full results breakdown here

20x Hold-out Validation Results

20x full results breakdown here

10x Hold-out Validation Results

10x full results breakdown here

5x Hold-out Validation Results

5x full results breakdown here

2.5x Hold-out Validation Results

2.5x full results breakdown here

1.25x Hold-out Validation Results

1.25x full results breakdown here

Code Examples

The following code includes examples from every stage of pre-processing, hyperparameter tuning, and model validation at multiple magnifications.

Tissue patch extraction We segmented tissue using saturation thresholding and extracted non-overlapping tissue regions which corresponded to 256x256 pixel patches at 40x (e.g. 512x512 for 20x, 1024x1024 for 10x). At this stage all images are still at 40x magnification, and only the patch size is changing:
## 40x 256x256 patches for use in 40x experiments
python --source "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/edrive" --save_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch256_DGX_fp" --patch_size 256 --step_size 256 --seg --patch --stitch 	
## 40x 8192x8192 patches for use in 1.25x experiments
python --source "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/edrive" --save_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch8192_DGX_fp" --patch_size 8192 --step_size 8192 --seg --patch --stitch 	
Feature extraction We then downsampled the patches to the experimental magnification and extracted [1,1024] features from each 256x256 patch using a ResNet50 encoder pretrained on ImageNet:
## 40x (no downsampling needed)
python --hardware DGX --model_type 'resnet50' --data_h5_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch256_DGX_fp" --data_slide_dir "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/edrive" --csv_path "dataset_csv/set_edrivepatches_ESGO_train_staging.csv" --feat_dir "/mnt/results/features/ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX" --batch_size 32 --slide_ext .svs 
## 1.25x (32x downsampling)
python --hardware DGX --custom_downsample 32 --model_type 'resnet50' --data_h5_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch8192_DGX_fp" --data_slide_dir "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/edrive" --csv_path "dataset_csv/set_edrivepatches_ESGO_train_staging.csv" --feat_dir "/mnt/results/features/ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX" --batch_size 32 --slide_ext .svs 
Hyperparameter tuning

Models were tuned using configurations in the folder "tuning_configs", with a separate call used for each of the five cross-validation folds to allow for parallelisation:

## 40x tuning first stage first fold
python --tuning --hardware DGX --tuning_output_file /mnt/results/tuning_results/staging_only_resnet50_40x_firsttuning_bce_fold0.csv --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 30 --early_stopping --num_tuning_experiments 1 --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 1 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_firsttuning_30epochs_bce_fold0 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX" --tuning_config_file tuning_configs/esgo_staging_resnet50_40x_config1.txt
## 1.25x tuning first stage first fold
python --tuning --hardware DGX --tuning_output_file /mnt/results/tuning_results/staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_firsttuning_bce_fold0.csv --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 30 --early_stopping --num_tuning_experiments 1 --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 1 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_firsttuning_30epochs_bce_fold0 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX" --tuning_config_file tuning_configs/esgo_staging_resnet50_1point25x_config1.txt

After running all folds for a given magnification and tuning stage, the validation set balanced cross-entropy loss values were summarised into a csv for analysis:

## 40x
python --file_base_name "/mnt/results/tuning_results/staging_only_resnet50_40x_firsttuning_bce"
## 1.25x
python --file_base_name "/mnt/results/tuning_results/staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_firsttuning_bce"
Model training The best model for each magnification from hyperparameter tuning was trained:
## 40x
python --hardware DGX --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 150 --early_stopping --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 5 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience --reg 0.0001 --drop_out 0.6 --lr 0.001 --max_patches_per_slide 50000 --model_size small --beta1 0.99 --beta2 0.99 --eps 1e-10 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX"
## 1.25x
python --hardware DGX --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 150 --early_stopping --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 5 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience --reg 0.00001 --drop_out 0.5 --lr 0.0005 --max_patches_per_slide 7 --model_size tiny --beta1 0.9 --beta2 0.999 --eps 1e-14 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX"
Model evaluation The models were evaluated on the test sets of the five-fold cross validation with 10,000 iterations of bootstrapping:
## 40x
python --drop_out 0.6 --model_size small --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_bootstrapping --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' 
python  --num_classes 5 --model_names staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_bootstrapping --bootstraps 10000 --run_repeats 1 --folds 5
## 1.25x
python --drop_out 0.5 --model_size tiny --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_bootstrapping --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' 
python  --num_classes 5 --model_names staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_bootstrapping --bootstraps 10000 --run_repeats 1 --folds 5

The models were also evaluated on the balanced hold-out test set with 10,000 iterations of bootstrapping. Predictions were taken as an average of the predictions from each fold:

## 40x
python --splits_dir splits/esgo_test_splits --drop_out 0.6 --model_size small --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_s1 --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_test_set.csv'
python --ensemble --num_classes 5 --model_names staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_s1 --bootstraps 10000 --run_repeats 1 --folds 5
## 1.25x
python --splits_dir splits/esgo_test_splits --drop_out 0.5 --model_size tiny --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_s1 --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_test_set.csv'
python --ensemble --num_classes 5 --model_names staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_s1 --bootstraps 10000 --run_repeats 1 --folds 5
Efficiency Testing

The speed of model training was evaluated using the "--profile" command in

## 40x
python --profile --hardware DGX --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 150 --early_stopping --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 5 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_timing --reg 0.0001 --drop_out 0.6 --lr 0.001 --max_patches_per_slide 50000 --model_size small --beta1 0.99 --beta2 0.99 --eps 1e-10 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_DGX"
## 1.25x
python --profile --hardware DGX --min_epochs 0 --max_epochs 150 --early_stopping --split_dir "esgo_staging_5fold_100" --k 5 --results_dir /mnt/results --exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_timing --reg 0.00001 --drop_out 0.5 --lr 0.0005 --max_patches_per_slide 7 --model_size tiny --beta1 0.9 --beta2 0.999 --eps 1e-14 --subtyping --weighted_sample --bag_loss balanced_ce --no_inst_cluster --task ovarian_5class  --model_type clam_sb --subtyping --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_train_all.csv' --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_DGX"

The speed of model evaluation was calculated in three parts using a balanced subset of the test set (ESGO_efficiency_test_set.csv). This included patch creation, feature extraction, and evaluation:

## 40x
python --source "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/efficiencytestset" --save_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch256_efficiencytestset_fp" --patch_size 256 --step_size 256 --seg --patch --stitch
python --hardware DGX --custom_downsample 1 --model_type 'resnet50' --data_h5_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch256_efficiencytestset_fp" --data_slide_dir "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/efficiencytestset" --csv_path "dataset_csv/ESGO_efficiency_test_set.csv" --feat_dir "/mnt/results/features/ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_efficiencytestset" --batch_size 32 --slide_ext .svs
python --profile --splits_dir splits/efficiency_splits --drop_out 0.6 --model_size small --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_40x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_efficiency_s1 --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_40x_features_efficiencytestset" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_efficiency_test_set.csv'
## 1.25x
python --source "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/efficiencytestset" --save_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch8192_efficiencytestset_fp" --patch_size 8192 --step_size 8192 --seg --patch --stitch
python --hardware DGX --custom_downsample 32 --model_type 'resnet50' --data_h5_dir "/mnt/results/patches/ovarian_leeds_mag40x_patch8192_efficiencytestset_fp" --data_slide_dir "/mnt/data/Katie_WSI/efficiencytestset" --csv_path "dataset_csv/ESGO_efficiency_test_set.csv" --feat_dir "/mnt/results/features/ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_efficiencytestset" --batch_size 32 --slide_ext .svs 
python --profile --splits_dir splits/efficiency_splits --drop_out 0.5 --model_size tiny --models_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_s1 --save_exp_code staging_only_resnet50_1point25x_bce_bestfromtuning_50patience_holdouttest_efficiency_s1 --task ovarian_5class --model_type clam_sb --results_dir /mnt/results --data_root_dir "/mnt/results/features" --k 5 --features_folder "ovarian_leeds_resnet50_1point25x_features_efficiencytestset" --csv_path 'dataset_csv/ESGO_efficiency_test_set.csv'


This code is an extension of our previous repository, which itself was forked from the CLAM repository with corresponding paper. This repository and the original CLAM repository are both available for non-commercial academic purposes under the GPLv3 License.


An extensive analysis of ovarian cancer classification magnifications

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%