lutskboy / cash

An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers

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Cash is an absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers (IE10+) that provides jQuery-style syntax for manipulating the DOM. Utilizing modern browser features to minimize the codebase, developers can use the familiar chainable methods at a fraction of the file size. 100% feature parity with jQuery isn't a goal, but Cash comes helpfully close, covering most day to day use cases.


Size Cash Zepto 1.2.0 jQuery 3.3.1
Uncompressed 32 KB 58.7 KB 271 KB
Minified 14.5 KB 26 KB 87 KB
Minified & Gzipped 5 KB 9.8 KB 30.3 KB

An 85% gain in size reduction compared to jQuery. If you need a smaller bundle, we support partial builds too.

Features Cash Zepto 1.2.0 jQuery 3.3.1
Supports Modern Browsers ️✔
Actively Maintained
Namespaced Events ️❌
Modern Codebase ✔ (TypeScript) ️❌
TypeScript Types ✔ (generated from code) ⚠️ (via DefinitelyTyped) ⚠️ (via DefinitelyTyped)
Partial Builds ✔ (can exclude single files) ⚠️ (can exclude whole modules)

If you're migrating from jQuery be sure to read our migration guide.


Get Cash from CloudFlare or jsDelivr and use it like this:

<script src=""></script>
  $(function () {
    $('html').addClass ( 'dom-loaded' );
    $('<footer>Appended with Cash</footer>').appendTo ( document.body );

Cash is also available through npm as the cash-dom package:

npm install cash-dom --save-dev


Cash gives you a query selector, collection methods and some library methods. If you need more details about our API just check out jQuery's, while we don't implement everything that jQuery provides, everything what we do implement should be compatible with jQuery.


This is the main selector method for Cash. It returns an actionable collection of nodes.

If a function is provided, the function will be run once the DOM is ready.

$( selector [, element] ) // => collection, using `element` as the context
$( selector [, collection] ) // => collection, using `collection` as the context
$(node) // => collection
$(nodeList) // => collection
$(htmlString) // => collection
$(collection) // => self
$(function () {}) // => document ready callback

Collection Methods

These methods from the collection prototype ($.fn) are available once you create a collection with $() and are called like so:

$(element).addClass ( className ) // => collection

Some extra methods are available but disabled by default.

Attributes Collection CSS Data Dimensions Effects
fn.addClass () fn.add () fn.css () () fn.height () fn.hide ()
fn.attr () fn.each () fn.innerHeight () ()
fn.hasClass () fn.eq () fn.innerWidth () fn.toggle ()
fn.prop () fn.filter () fn.outerHeight ()
fn.removeAttr () fn.first () fn.outerWidth ()
fn.removeClass () fn.get () fn.width ()
fn.removeProp () fn.index ()
fn.toggleClass () fn.last () ()
fn.slice ()
Events Forms Manipulation Offset Traversal () fn.serialize () fn.after () fn.offset () fn.children ()
fn.on () fn.val () fn.append () fn.offsetParent () fn.closest () () fn.appendTo () fn.position () fn.contents ()
fn.ready () fn.before () fn.find ()
fn.trigger () fn.clone () fn.has ()
fn.detach () ()
fn.empty () ()
fn.html () fn.nextAll ()
fn.insertAfter () fn.not ()
fn.insertBefore () fn.parent ()
fn.prepend () fn.parents ()
fn.prependTo () fn.prev ()
fn.remove () fn.prevAll ()
fn.replaceAll () fn.siblings ()
fn.replaceWith ()
fn.text ()
fn.unwrap ()
fn.wrap ()
fn.wrapAll ()
fn.wrapInner ()


The main prototype for collections, allowing you to extend Cash with plugins by adding methods to all collections.

$.fn // => Cash.prototype
$.fn.myMethod = function () {}; // Custom method added to all collections
$.fn.extend ( object ); // Add multiple methods to the prototype

fn.add ()

Returns a new collection with the element(s) added to the end.

$(element).add ( element ) // => collection
$(element).add ( selector ) // => collection
$(element).add ( collection ) // => collection

fn.addClass ()

Adds the className class to each element in the collection.

Accepts space-separated className for adding multiple classes.

$(element).addClass ( className ) // => collection

fn.after ()

Inserts content or elements after the collection.

$(element).after ( element ) // => collection
$(element).after ( htmlString ) // => collection
$(element).after ( content [, content] ) // => collection

fn.append ()

Appends content or elements to each element in the collection.

$(element).append ( element ) // => collection
$(element).append ( htmlString ) // => collection
$(element).append ( content [, content] ) // => collection

fn.appendTo ()

Adds the elements in the collection to the target element(s).

$(element).appendTo ( element ) // => collection

fn.attr ()

Without attrValue, returns the attribute value of the first element in the collection.

With attrValue, sets the attribute value of each element of the collection.

$(element).attr ( attrName ) // value
$(element).attr ( attrName, attrValue ) // => collection
$(element).attr ( object ) // => collection

fn.before ()

Inserts content or elements before the collection.

$(element).before ( element ) // => collection
$(element).before ( htmlString ) // => collection
$(element).before ( content [, content] ) // => collection

fn.children ()

Without a selector specified, returns a collection of child elements.

With a selector, returns child elements that match the selector.

$(element).children () // => collection
$(element).children ( selector ) // => collection

fn.closest ()

Returns the closest matching selector up the DOM tree.

$(element).closest ( selector ) // => collection

fn.contents ()

Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including text and comment nodes.

Useful for selecting elements in friendly iframes.

$('iframe').contents ().find ( '*' ) // => collection

fn.clone ()

Returns a collection with cloned elements.

$(element).clone () // => collection

fn.detach ()

Removes collection elements from the DOM.

$(element).detach () // => collection

fn.css ()

Returns a CSS property value when just property is supplied.

Sets a CSS property when property and value are supplied.

Sets multiple properties when an object is supplied.

Properties will be autoprefixed if needed for the user's browser.

$(element).css ( property ) // => value
$(element).css ( property, value ) // => collection
$(element).css ( object ) // => collection ()

Without arguments, returns an object mapping all the data-* attributes to their values.

With a key, return the value of the corresponding data-* attribute.

With both a key and value, sets the value of the corresponding data-* attribute to value.

Multiple data can be set when an object is supplied.

$(element).data () // => object
$(element).data ( key ) // => value
$(element).data ( key, value ) // => collection
$(element).data ( object ) // => collection

fn.each ()

Iterates over a collection with callback ( index, element ).

$(element).each ( callback ) // => collection

fn.empty ()

Empties the elements interior markup.

$(element).empty () // => collection

fn.eq ()

Returns a collection with the element at index.

$(element).eq ( index ) // => collection

fn.extend ()

Adds properties to the Cash collection prototype.

$.fn.extend ( object ) // => object

fn.filter ()

Returns the collection that results from applying the filter selector/method.

$(element).filter ( selector ) // => collection
$(element).filter ( function ( index, element ) {} ) // => collection

fn.find ()

Returns selector match descendants from the first element in the collection.

$(element).find ( selector ) // => collection

fn.first ()

Returns a collection containing only the first element.

$(element).first () // => collection

fn.get ()

Returns the element at the index, or returns all elements.

$(element).get ( index ) // => domNode
$(element).get () // => domNode[]

fn.has ()

Reduce the set of matched elements to those that have a descendant that matches the selector or DOM element.

$(element).has ( selector ) // => collection
$(element).has ( element ) // => collection

fn.hasClass ()

Returns the boolean result of checking if any element in the collection has the className attribute.

$(element).hasClass ( className ) // => boolean

fn.height ()

Returns or sets the height of the element.

$(element).height () // => Integer
$(element).height ( number ) // => collection

fn.hide ()

Hide the elements.

$(element).hide () // => collection

fn.html ()

Returns the HTML text of the first element in the collection, sets the HTML if provided.

$(element).html () // => HTML Text
$(element).html ( htmlString ) // => HTML Text

fn.index ()

Returns the index of the element in its parent if an element or selector isn't provided. Returns index within element or selector if it is.

$(element).index () // => Integer
$(element).index ( element ) // => Integer

fn.innerHeight ()

Returns the height of the element + padding.

$(element).innerHeight () // => Integer

fn.innerWidth ()

Returns the width of the element + padding.

$(element).innerWidth () // => Integer

fn.insertAfter ()

Inserts collection after specified element.

$(element).insertAfter ( element ) // => collection

fn.insertBefore ()

Inserts collection before specified element.

$(element).insertBefore ( element ) // => collection ()

Returns whether the provided selector, element or collection matches any element in the collection.

$(element).is ( selector ) // => boolean

fn.last ()

Returns a collection containing only the last element.

$(element).last () // => collection ()

Returns a new collection, mapping each element with callback ( index, element ).

$(selector).map ( callback ) // => collection ()

Returns the next adjacent elements.

$(element).next () // => collection
$(element).next ( selector ) // => collection

fn.nextAll ()

Returns all the next elements.

$(element).nextAll () // => collection
$(element).nextAll ( selector ) // => collection

fn.not ()

Filters collection by false match on collection/selector.

$(element).not ( selector ) // => collection
$(element).not ( collection ) // => collection ()

Removes event listener from collection elements.

Accepts space-separated eventName for removing multiple events listeners.

Removes all event listeners if called without arguments.

$(element).off ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection
$(element).off ( eventName ) // => collection
$(element).off () // => collection

fn.offset ()

Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to the document.

$(element).offset () // => Object

fn.offsetParent ()

Get the first element's ancestor that's positioned.

$(element).offsetParent () // => collection

fn.on ()

Adds event listener to collection elements.

Accepts space-separated eventName for listening to multiple events.

Event is delegated if delegate is supplied.

$(element).on ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection
$(element).on ( eventName, delegate, eventHandler ) // => collection ()

Adds event listener to collection elements that only triggers once for each element.

Accepts space-separated eventName for listening to multiple events.

Event is delegated if delegate is supplied.

$(element).one ( eventName, eventHandler ) // => collection
$(element).one ( eventName, delegate, eventHandler ) // => collection

fn.outerHeight ()

Returns the outer height of the element. Includes margins if includeMargings is set to true.

$(element).outerHeight () // => Integer
$(element).outerHeight ( includeMargins ) // => Integer

fn.outerWidth ()

Returns the outer width of the element. Includes margins if includeMargings is set to true.

$(element).outerWidth () // => Integer
$(element).outerWidth ( includeMargins ) // => Integer

fn.parent ()

Returns collection of elements who are parent of elements.

$(element).parent () // => collection
$(element).parent ( selector ) // => collection

fn.parents ()

Returns collection of elements who are parents of elements. Optionally filtering by selector.

$(element).parents () // => collection
$(element).parents ( selector ) // => collection

fn.position ()

Get the coordinates of the first element in a collection relative to its offsetParent.

$(element).position () // => object

fn.prepend ()

Prepends content or elements to the each element in collection.

$(element).prepend ( element ) // => collection
$(element).prepend ( htmlString ) // => collection
$(element).prepend ( content [, content] ) // => collection

fn.prependTo ()

Prepends elements in a collection to the target element(s).

$(element).prependTo ( element ) // => collection

fn.prev ()

Returns the previous adjacent elements.

$(element).prev () // => collection
$(element).prev ( selector ) // => collection

fn.prevAll ()

Returns all the previous elements.

$(element).prevAll () // => collection
$(element).prevAll ( selector ) // => collection

fn.prop ()

Returns a property value when just property is supplied.

Sets a property when property and value are supplied, and sets multiple properties when an object is supplied.

$(element).prop ( property ) // => property value
$(element).prop ( property, value ) // => collection
$(element).prop ( object ) // => collection

fn.ready ()

Calls callback method on DOMContentLoaded.

$(document).ready ( callback ) // => collection/span

fn.remove ()

Removes collection elements from the DOM and removes all their event listeners.

$(element).remove () // => collection

fn.replaceAll ()

This is similar to fn.replaceWith (), but with the source and target reversed.

$(element).replaceAll ( content ) // => collection

fn.replaceWith ()

Replace collection elements with the provided new content.

$(element).replaceWith ( content ) // => collection

fn.removeAttr ()

Removes attribute from collection elements.

Accepts space-separated attrName for removing multiple attributes.

$(element).removeAttr ( attrName ) // => collection

fn.removeClass ()

Removes className from collection elements.

Accepts space-separated className for adding multiple classes.

Providing no arguments will remove all classes.

$(element).removeClass () // => collection
$(element).removeClass ( className ) // => collection

fn.removeProp ()

Removes property from collection elements.

$(element).removeProp ( propName ) // => collection

fn.serialize ()

When called on a form, serializes and returns form data.

$(form).serialize () // => String ()

Show the elements.

$(element).show () // => collection

fn.siblings ()

Returns a collection of sibling elements.

$(element).siblings () // => collection
$(element).siblings ( selector ) // => collection

fn.slice ()

Returns a new collection with elements taken from start to end.

$(selector).slice ( start, end ) // => collection

fn.text ()

Returns the inner text of the first element in the collection, sets the text if textContent is provided.

$(element).text () // => text
$(element).text ( textContent ) // => collection

fn.toggle ()

Hide or show the elements.

$(element).toggle () // => collection

fn.toggleClass ()

Adds or removes className from collection elements based on if the element already has the class.

Accepts space-separated classNames for toggling multiple classes, and an optional force boolean to ensure classes are added (true) or removed (false).

$(element).toggleClass ( className ) // => collection
$(element).toggleClass ( className, force ) // => collection

fn.trigger ()

Triggers supplied event on elements in collection. Data can be passed along as the second parameter.

$(element).trigger ( eventName ) // => collection
$(element).trigger ( eventObj ) // => collection
$(element).trigger ( eventName, data ) // => collection
$(element).trigger ( eventObj, data ) // => collection

fn.unwrap ()

Removes the wrapper from all elements.

$(element).unwrap () // => collection

fn.val ()

Returns an inputs value. If value is supplied, sets all inputs in collection's value to the value argument.

$(input).val () // => value
$(input).val ( value ) // => collection

fn.width ()

Returns or sets the width of the element.

$(element).width () // => number
$(element).width ( number ) // => collection

fn.wrap ()

Wraps a structure around each element.

$(element).wrap ( structure ) // => collection

fn.wrapAll ()

Wraps a structure around all elements.

$(element).wrapAll ( structure ) // => collection

fn.wrapInner ()

Wraps a structure around all children.

$(element).wrapInner ( structure ) // => collection

Cash Methods

These methods are exported from the global $ object, and are called like so:

$.isString ( str ) // => boolean

Some extra methods are available but disabled by default.

Type Checking Utilities
$.isArray () $.guid
$.isFunction () $.camelCase ()
$.isNumeric () $.each ()
$.isString () $.extend ()
$.isWindow () $.matches ()
$.parseHTML ()
$.prefixedProp ()
$.unique ()


A unique number.

$.guid++ // => number

$.camelCase ()

Transforms a string to camelCase.

$.camelCase ( 'border-width' ) // => 'borderWidth'

$.each ()

Iterates through an array and calls the callback ( value, index, array ) method on each.

$.each ( array, callback ) // => undefined

$.extend ()

Extends target object with properties from the source object.

$.extend ( target, source ) // => object

$.isArray ()

Check if the argument is an array.

$.isArray ([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // => true

$.isFunction ()

Check if the argument is a function.

function fn () {};
$.isFunction ( fn ) // => true

$.isNumeric ()

Check if the argument is numeric.

$.isNumeric ( 57 ) // => true

$.isString ()

Check if the argument is a string.

$.isString ( 'hello' ) // => true

$.isWindow ()

Check if the argument is a Window object.

$.isWindow ( window ) // => true

$.matches ()

Checks a selector against an element, returning a boolean value for match.

$.matches ( element, selector ) // => boolean

$.parseHTML ()

Returns a collection from an HTML string.

$.parseHTML ( htmlString ) // => collection

$.prefixedProp ()

Return a prefixed CSS property, if necessary.

$.prefixedProp ( 'transform' ) // => 'mozTransform'

$.unique ()

Returns a new array with duplicates removed.

$.unique ( array ) // => array


If you found a problem, or have a feature request, please open an issue about it.

If you want to make a pull request you should:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Enter the cloned repository: cd cash
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install.
  4. Automatically recompile Cash whenever a change is made: npm run dev.
  5. Automatically rerun the tests whenever a change is made: npm run test:watch.
  6. Remember to update the readme, if necessary.


  • @hisk - The "design focused engineer" behind our awesome logo.
  • Sauce Labs - The cross-browser testing platform we use for testing our builds in all the supported environments.


MIT © Ken Wheeler


An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 54.8%Language:TypeScript 44.3%Language:HTML 0.9%