A pure Go, although rudimentary, implementation of a language server for the language server protocol (LSP) that only provides snippet support.
Using go
go get github.com/lunjon/snippetls
This language server was only developed in order to inject snippets into an editor with LSP snippet support.
Snippets are loaded per language as a file name <ext>.kdl
put into the ~/.config/snippetls/
So, for instance, to load snippets for the rust programming language you would create such a file named rs.kdl
The snippets are defined in kdl files, since they are typically very simple.
# go.kdl
// You can use raw strings in order to define snippets
// containing " easily:
log r#"log.Printf("$1")"#
iferr "if err != nil {
// The node name is the trigger
map {
// Snippet can be specified using the "snippet" node name
snippet "map[string]$1"
// Defined one or more aliases for the trigger
aliases "m" "mp"
Global are snippets that are included for all file types.
They can be defined in a file called global.kdl
. That is,
create a file called global.kdl
and these snippets will be
available for all file types.
You can create a file called config.kdl
(in the same directory as the snippets).
This is used to configure snippetls
// This section can also be called "extends"
valid-for {
ex "exs" // Include all snippets in ex.kdl for exs files as well
ts "tsx" "js" "jsx" // The ts.kdl snippets are valid for JS and react files
md "txt" // The markdown snippets are also valid for .txt files