lunatech / aws-cfn-puppet

Sample code for using AWS CloudFormation and Puppet together

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quick Start

  1. Install the Amazon CloudFormation CLI kit (

  2. Create a EC2 key pair for remote access to your instances.

  3. Generate the CFN templates from the Makefile:

     cd cloudformation
  4. Create the stack and monitor its progress with the commands:

     cfn-create-stack Demo -d --parameters "KeyName=<YOUR KEY NAME HERE>" --template-file aws-cfn-puppet.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
     cfn-describe-stack-events Demo

    Substitute your key name appropriately. The "-d" parameter will prevent CloudFormation from rolling back your stack something goes wrong. Be sure to shut it down manually with cfn-delete-stack if this happens to avoid getting charged for uptime your resources.

  5. Connect to your stack via SSH as the user "ubuntu" at the address contained in output cc1PublicDNSName; Connect to front-end servers via HTTP at address contained in output elb1PublicDNSName. For example, to connect to the cc1 node issue a command like:


    Or to access the web application:


    Note that these host names are only examples; You must obtain the actual values for these resources in your stack via the cfn-describe-stack-resources command.


This project demonstrates the creating the infrastructure for a moderately complicated web application using AWS CloudFormation and Puppet with the following features:

  • Load balanced web servers
  • Back-end servers driven by message queues
  • Shared storage file storage
  • Centralized management of common services (e.g.logging)
  • Python with Apache and mod_wsgi

I'm taking advantage of Amazon infrastructure services wherever possible:

  • S3 for file storage
  • SQS for messaging between the front-end and back-end servers
  • SDB domain for storing undeliverable messages (DLO)
  • Autoscaling groups to manage server load
  • Restricted access to machines with security groups
  • ELB for load balancing

The general approach is to use CloudFormation to provision all AWS resources, and to use Puppet to handle configuration of the software and services on the EC2 instances. In the EC2-related pieces of the CloudFormation templates, we'll install just enough software onto the base AMI to get Puppet up and running and let it handle all further instance configuration.

The examples are based on Ubuntu 12.04, but the concepts should be transferrable to other operating systems.


The template for this part of the app is based on the guide found at but extends it to create multiple instance "personalities" and the additional AWS resources described above. An overview of the template features is provided below. Refer to the template itself for full details.

The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Reqiured? Description Default
KeyName Yes SSH key for access to EC2 instances None
CCInstanceType No Instance type for CC nodes t1.micro
FEInstanceType No Instance type for FE nodes t1.micro
BEInstanceType No Instance type for BE nodes t1.micro
MinFEInstances No Minimum number of nodes in FEAutoScalingGroup 1
MaxFEInstances No Maximum number of nodes in FEAutoScalingGroup 1
MinBEInstances No Minimum number of nodes in BEAutoScalingGroup 1
MaxBEInstances No Maximum number of nodes in BEAutoScalingGroup 1
AppQueueVisibilityTimeout No Default visibility timeout for messages in AppQueue 30

In the Mappings section, the AMI IDs contained in AWSRegionArch2AMI reference Ubuntu 12.04 images taken from

The template creates two IAM users: CFNInitUser and AppUser. CFNInitUser exists solely to execute the cfn-init command at instance startup time and is only given permission to run the DescribeStackResources command; AppUser is given full access to the S3 AppBucket, SQS AppQueue and SDB AppQueueDeadLetterOffice resources and is created to allow application code to utilize them.

The template creates an EC2 instance cc1 that is intended to function as a command-and-control node for the stack. It will function as a Puppet master node, as well as a locus for various application services that are configured through Puppet (e.g. logging). cc1 is also a Puppet client.

Front-end and back-end instances are created with the launch configurations assocaited with the FEAutoScalingGroup and BEAutoScalingGroup. These instances will function as Puppet clients. The load balancer elb1 will pass HTTP traffic to the instances in the FEAutoScalingGroup.

Security groups are created as follows to permit traffic between the from the internet into the stack as follows:

Service To Nodes
SSH cc1
HTTP elb1

Internally, the following communication paths are permitted:

Service From Nodes To Nodes
SSH cc1 FEAutoScalingGroup, BEAutoScalingGroup
HTTP elb1 FEAutoScalingGroup
Syslog FEAutoScalingGroup, BEAutoScalingGroup cc1
Puppet FEAutoScalingGroup, BEAutoScalingGroup cc1

Lastly, the template produces the following outputs:

Output Description
cc1PublicDNSName Public DNS name of cc1 instance
elb1PublicDNSName Public DNS name of the elb1 load balancer
appBucketURL URL endpoint for the S3 AppBucket
appQueueURL URL endpoint for the SQS AppQueue
appQueueDeadLetterOfficeDomainName Name of the SDB domain for storing undeliverable messages sent to AppQueue

Stack Startup

The Ubuntu AMIs in this example are outfitted with the cloud-init package ( that supports the execution of UserData scripts at launch time. Each instance runs a simple script (defined in the Properties section of its launch configuration in the template) that installs the aws-cfn-bootstrap software and cfn-init as the CFNInitUser.

The cfn-init program then installs just enough software and configuration to start the Puppet client (and Puppet master on cc1). To ensure proper synchronization of events, the template creates a wait condition (PuppetMasterWaitCondition) that blocks launch of the front- and back-end nodes until cc1 has succesfully started and the Puppet master service is running.

At this point, all further configration of EC2 nodes is driven by Puppet.

Puppet Configuration

  • Configure auto-signing of certificates in /etc/puppet/autosign.conf

  • Install the cfn-facter-plugin for propagting variables from CloudFormation templates to Puppet manifests.

    All instances are given access to key aspects of the stack via the via the Puppet metadata entry in their launch configurations and may be accessed via the following variables:

    Key Description
    app_bucket_url URL endpoint for the S3 AppBucket
    app_queue_url URL endpoint for the SQS AppQueue
    app_queue_dead_letter_office_domain_name Name of the SDB domain for storing undeliverable messages sent to AppQueue
  • Generate cert names for puppet clients that encode their personality (cc, fe, be) so we can match on them in nodes.pp. The default is to generate a certificate based on hostname, but this is problematic because hostnames are unpredictable, and in the case of auto-scaling groups, the number/identity of nodes isn't known in advance or obvious from the hostname. Also Puppet seems to have issues with uppercase characters in certificate names, which appear in instance hostnames.

    So the approach is to figure out the AWS assigned hostname (via a call to, force it to lowercase, and prepend a string that indicates the role to the front of this. Additionally, Ubuntu doesn't seem to start the puppet client by default, so we have to generate a /etc/defaults/puppet file that makes it work the way we want.

  • Create a drop point at /var/dist so cc1 can distribute content to clients via puppet:///dist/* URLs

  • On cc1, import modules and a site configuration into /etc/puppet from this GitHub repo.

Puppet Modules

Once the servers are started, Puppet takes over the configuration and starts installing software on the front- and back-end hosts. The file site.pp describes the configuration of nodes based on their role (cc, fe or be).

Each machine will be outfitted with common services, including ntpd and syslog. Syslog on all machines will be set to forward logs to cc1 over TCP. On cc1 individual machine logs will be stored in /var/log/hosts and select logs (for facilities local1, local2 and local3) will be aggregaged into files under /var/log/consolidated.

Additionally, each machine will have Python installed and a virtualenv created at /var/virtualenv. The front-end machines will also be outfitted with Apache 2 and mod_wsgi. A sample WSGI application is available at /hello on the front-end machines that prints out a the Python configuration. You should see that its source root is the virtualenv created above.

Lastly, a configuration file will be generated at /etc/hello.conf for use by application components. This will contain the AWS credentials for the AppUser configured for the stack and the endpoint URLs for the S3 AppBucket and SQS AppQueue.


  • Deploy application code into virtualenv
  • RDS (or other) database instance
  • ElastiCache layer


Sample code for using AWS CloudFormation and Puppet together

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Puppet 60.7%Language:HTML 30.9%Language:Python 3.8%Language:Makefile 2.5%Language:Shell 2.0%