lumeng689 / Checkinandout

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Set Up Envorinment

####Install Go version 1.14

  1. Follow the instructions on to download and install Go

  2. You can visit to find and download the version 1.14


  3. Verify your installation is successful by checking the go version on your machine

    • In cmd/terminal on your machine, enter:

      $ go version

    • You should see the following result in cmd/terminal:

      go version go1.14 darwin/amd64

Install MongoDB

  1. Follow the instructions on to download and install MongoDB.

  2. Verify your installation is successful by checking the MongoDB server and MongoDB Shell version on your machine.

    1. Check MongoDB Server Version

      • In cmd/terminal, enter:

        $ mongod -version

      • You should see the following results:


    2. Check MongoDB Shell Version

      • In cmd/terminal, enter:

        $ mongo -version

      • You should see the following results:


Install Node.js

  1. Follow the instructions on to download and install node.js.

  2. Verify your installation is successful by checking the node version on your machine.

    • In cmd/terminal, enter:

      $ node -v

    • You should see something looks like the following result



  1. Please use Go version 1.14 for building. (Tested on 1.14.15). Make sure Go is installed properly on your machine.

  2. In cmd go to folder Checkinandout. (cmd may vary in different system, current one is based on Mac)

    $ cd {your path}/Chechinandout

  3. In cmd run $ go build.

  4. If build successfully, you’ll see an executable file named cc-server.exe (or cc-server) under the project root.


Run The Backend

  1. Create an empty data folder under project root. Make sure all the cmd run is under the project root.


  2. Open file CHECKINANDOUT/configs/cc-server.json, change the mongo_server_uri and server_address to your local address. You can refer to the cc-server-dev.json file.

    • Find the configuration files for backend


    • Change addresses


  3. click startup.bat and let it run (if you are using Mac, please use the alternative methods).

  4. A portal website will be hosted at localhost:8000\super-admin\redirect. Please open the url in browser to use it.

  1. Please startup a mongodb server. For local mongo server, in cmd run mongod --dbpath=/data (you can replace the "/data" with any directory you wish; you need to create the folder before running mongod). If cmd reports "mongod not recognized", please install mongodb or check environment variables.

    • If running successfully, you’ll see something looks like the following results


  2. In cmd, run .\cc-server.exe. (On Mac, run ./cc-server)

    • If you get the following result, then the backend is running well


  3. A portal website will be hosted at localhost:8000\super-admin\redirect. Please open the url in browser to use it.

Run the Frontend

  1. Make sure the backend is running properly on your machine and you are under the project root.

  2. Go to web/cc-portal/config/index.js, use the localhost address as the API address.


  3. In terminal, go to the folder web/cc-portal

    $ cd web/cc-portal

  4. In terminal, run $ npm install.

    • Run npm -v to check npm is installed properly.
    • You’ll get npm version information as the result.
  5. Use $ npm run serve to run the frontend app. The app will be hosted at http://localhost:8080/.

    • If success, you’ll get results like the following:


    • ​ Open http://localhost:8080/mobile/activate, for example, to see the frontend app.

  6. Use $ npm run build to build the frontend app, the buit files will be in web/cc-portal/dist.

Update Twilio SMS Token:

  1. Login to mongo shell, and switch db by use go_mongo
  2. Update the Token using the following shell command: > db.configs.update({name: "default"}, {$set: {sms_auth_token: "65a64755b83eb1e8e6ece4a7e7b6bce7"}}) If Succeed, the shell returns info: WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })

Testing the Code

  1. Testing is recommended after changing/refractoring the code.
  2. To run tests, run following command in cmd: go clean -testcache; go test ./tests
  3. (Optional) to show debug info when testing, append -v option to go test (go test ./tests -v)



Language:Vue 44.2%Language:Go 39.5%Language:JavaScript 9.4%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%