lukoshkin / ml2020

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Skoltech ML course, 2020

Some implemented features that may become useful later:


  • HW2, part1:

    • plotting with customizable layout (HW2, part1), plt.GridSpec from matplotlib.pyplot
    • highlighting cells of pd.DataFrame object, .style.apply(color_fn)
    • example of two aligned horizontal barplots with adjusted tick labels
  • HW2, part2:

    • theory problems
  • HW3, part1:

    • nothing
  • HW3, part2:

    • a bit of theory, just a smattering

There were 4 homeworks; HW1 and HW4 contained nothing useful, so I didn't upload them


See the project description in the project folder

  • Exponentially dilated causal convolutions
  • Recurrent and convolutional encoder for time series
  • Recurrent and convolutional decoder for time series
  • Convolutional classifier for time series
  • Convolutional Regressor for time series reconstruction from persistence landscapes
  • Oversampling technique (implemented in PyTorch)
  • Some other tools