lukeraymonddowning / mula

A Laravel package that makes working with money in a secure manner a cinch!

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Mula is a Laravel package that makes it super easy to work with money in your applications. It uses Money for PHP under the hood, but takes away all the complexity and provides all the pieces you need to be up and running with money in a matter of minutes.

Mula is also fully immutable, so you won't run in to issues changing values you really wish you hadn't. It also handles rounding and allocation, so you don't have to worry about any finances going missing.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require lukeraymonddowning/mula

You should publish the mula.php config file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lukeraymonddowning\Mula\MulaServiceProvider"

Basic usage and API

We provide a Mula facade that allows you to easily create, parse and alter monetary values.


To manually create a new instance, use the create method.

Mula::create('12000', 'USD'); // $120.00

Note that when creating, we exclude any decimal point. Currency should be passed as an ISO 4217 code.

You may also exclude the currency, in which case Mula will use the default currency defined in the mula.php config file, or your .env file using the MULA_CURRENCY key.

Whilst we will use strings to pass values to the create method in the documentation, you are free to pass integer values instead.


More often than not, you'll want to parse existing monetary values rather than create new ones from scratch. You should use the parse method when handling user input or reading monetary values from a 3rd party API.

If you are using the phpmoney driver (which is the default), you have a few different drivers you can use for parsing money. You can set your desired driver in the mula.php config file, by altering the value of mula.options.phpmoney.parser.default.

We recommend using the default aggregate parser, but for the sake of clarity, we'll explain the difference between each one.

Whilst we will use strings to pass values to the parse method in the documentation, you are free to pass integers or decimal values instead.


The aggregate parser (which is the default) is the most flexible driver available, and will attempt to parse monetary strings formatted in international or decimal. Here are a few examples:

Mula::parse('$120.99'); // $120.99

Mula::parse('120.99', 'USD'); // $120.99

Mula::parse('£120.99', 'USD'); // $120.99

Mula::parse('120', 'USD'); // $120.00

Note that in the third example, the money object is in USD, even though we parsed a value in GBP. That is because we passed a second parameter of USD. Passing in a currency will always override the given currency.


The international parser will parse full monetary string with currency, but will not parse decimal strings.

Mula::parse('$120.99'); // $120.99

Mula::parse('120.99'); // Exception


The decimal parser will parse decimal values with the given currency (or the default currency), but will not parse monetary strings.

Mula::parse('120.99', 'USD'); // $120.99

Mula::parse('$120.99'); // Exception


To display money in the UI, you can use the display method. It accepts a single parameter, includeCurrency, which will either include or omit the currency symbol from the result.

Mula::create('12099', 'USD')->display(); // $120.99

Mula::create('12099', 'USD')->display(false); // 120.99

Mula also implements the Stringable interface, so you can output money directly in a blade view.

@php($money = Mula::create('12099', 'USD'))
<span>{{ $money }}</span>

{-- This will show as '$120.99' --}

Display without currency

As a syntactical nicety, you may use the displayWithoutCurrency method, which is just an alias for display(false).


The currency method will return the ISO 4217 code of the money object.

Mula::create('12099', 'USD')->currency(); // USD

Mula::create('12099', 'GBP')->currency(); // GBP


The value method will return the nonformatted value of the money object. You will rarely need to use this method, but Mula makes use of it for casting values to the database.

Mula::create('12099', 'USD')->value(); // 12099


The add method adds the provided money objects to the current money object and returns a new money object. You may pass any number of money objects as varadic parameters.

Mula::create('1500', 'USD')->add(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'))->display(); // $30.00

Mula::create('1500', 'USD')->add(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'), Mula::create('3000', 'USD'))->display(); // $60.00


The subtract method subtracts the provided money objects from the current money object and returns a new money object. You may pass any number of money objects as varadic parameters.

Mula::create('3000', 'USD')->subtract(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'))->display(); // $15.00

Mula::create('6000', 'USD')->subtract(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'), Mula::create('3000', 'USD'))->display(); // $15.00

Multiply by

The multiplyBy method multiplies the money object by the given multiplier and returns a new money object.

Mula::create('5000', 'USD')->multiplyBy(2)->display(); // $100.00

Divide by

The divideBy method divides the money object by the given divisor and returns a new money object.

Mula::create('5000', 'USD')->divideBy(2)->display(); // $25.00


The mod method returns the remainder of money after being divided into another sum of money.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->mod(Mula::create('300', 'USD'))->display(); // $1.00

Has same currency as

To check if a money object has the same currency as other money objects, use the hasSameCurrencyAs method. It accepts a variable number of money objects as arguments. If any of the arguments have a different currency, the method will return false, otherwise it will return true.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->hasSameCurrencyAs(Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->hasSameCurrencyAs(Mula::create('500', 'GBP')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->hasSameCurrencyAs(Mula::create('500', 'USD'), Mula::create('3000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->hasSameCurrencyAs(Mula::create('500', 'USD'), Mula::create('3000', 'GBP')); // FALSE


To check if a money object is equal to other money objects, use the equals method. It accepts a variable number of money objects as arguments. If any of the arguments have a different amount, the method will return false, otherwise it will return true.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->equals(Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->equals(Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->equals(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->equals(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Is greater than

The isGreaterThan method checks if a money object is greater than all other money objects. It returns true if it is, or false if any of the money object provided are greater than or equal to it.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThan(Mula::create('999', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThan(Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThan(Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThan(Mula::create('999', 'USD'), Mula::create('800', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThan(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Is greater than or equal to

The isGreaterThanOrEqualTo method checks if a money object is greater than or equal to all other money objects. It returns true if it is, or false if any of the money object provided are greater than it.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('999', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('999', 'USD'), Mula::create('800', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Is less than

The isLessThan method checks if a money object is less than all other money objects. It returns true if it is, or false if any of the money object provided are less than or equal to it.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThan(Mula::create('999', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThan(Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThan(Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThan(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'), Mula::create('800', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThan(Mula::create('1200', 'USD'), Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // TRUE

Is less than or equal to

The isLessThanOrEqualTo method checks if a money object is less than or equal to all other money objects. It returns true if it is, or false if any of the money object provided are less than it.

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('999', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // TRUE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('999', 'USD'), Mula::create('800', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('500', 'USD')); // FALSE

Mula::create('1000', 'USD')->isLessThanOrEqualTo(Mula::create('1000', 'USD'), Mula::create('1500', 'USD')); // TRUE


Split is rather special. It allocates money based on the provided allocation. It can accept an integer, array or Collection and returns a Collection of Money.

If you want to split a money object as evenly as possible between a given number, pass an integer.

Mula::create('10000', 'USD')->split(3); // A Collection. The first item will have a value of $33.34 the second and third items will have a value of $33.33. 

If you want to allocate money based on percentages, you may pass an array or Collection of numeric values. The values must add up to 100.

Mula::create('10000', 'USD')->split([30, 70]); // A Collection. The first item will have a value of $30.00 and the second item will have a value of $70.00.

Mula::create('10000', 'USD')->split(collect([30, 70])); // A Collection. The first item will have a value of $30.00 and the second item will have a value of $70.00.

Storing money in a database

Mula makes it easy to store and retrieve money values from a database by providing a custom cast you can attach to your Eloquent models.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Lukeraymonddowning\Mula\Casts\Mula;

class Product extends Model {

    protected $casts = [
        'price' => Mula::class


The column storing your monetary values in your database should be a string type. This prevents floating point errors and also allows Mula to store the currency along with the value.

If you'd prefer to store your amount and currency in two separate columns, which allows you more freedom when performing database queries, you can! Just let Mula know the amount column and currency column respectively in your $casts array.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Lukeraymonddowning\Mula\Casts\Mula;

class Product extends Model {

    protected $casts = [
        'price' => Mula::class.':amount,currency'


Collection methods

Mula adds macros to Laravel Collections to make it easy to perform common monetary operations to a Collection of money objects.

Financial sum

If you need to add together a Collection of money objects, you may use the financialSum method. It will return a new money object.

collect(Mula::create('1500', 'USD'), Mula::create('3000', 'USD'))->financialSum(); // A new money object with a value of $45.00.


Mula uses PhpUnit for unit tests. You can run the test suite from the terminal:

composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.


A Laravel package that makes working with money in a secure manner a cinch!

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%